Thunder's Place

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Ball zinger - new great (but difficult) idea for boosting voltage


I don’t think that the body can tell whether its testosterone is endogenous or exogenous…it just knows that the levels are too high! When the levels get too high it tries to decrease production. Now I don’t know if it decreases LH or it uses some other mechanism. It seems apparent that almost everyone that gets an effect, notices a taper off of peak effects. This indicates to me at least, some compensation going on. Perhaps best results will be found with cycling the time on and time off. That will be up to the experimenters to try. I am indeed intrigued with the concept, but am currently experimenting with the thread on GH stimulation ( 500mg L-carnitine with 25 mg ornatine, I think the thread is called “Fountain of Youth”) and don’t want to have too many variables floating around.



also if the increased testosterone exacerbates the conversion to DHT and increases hair lose for those prone to it.

Originally Posted by Gonzo999
I’m an electrical engineer and can answer a lot of this.

Any time two dissimilar metals are electrically connected through an electrolyte (salt water/sweat), they make a voltage. Copper and zinc are powerfully dissimilar and make a useful voltage. Gold is an inert metal and has no ability to do this. To deliver current and have an effect on something, it must generate power and this slowly consumes some of the metal through surface corrosion.

Gonzo999- Do you think adding saline solution or a direct wire link between the 2 metals will cause more current to flow between the sac?

This body adaption is a bit worrying, could you end up needing the zinger to produce normal levels if you stop using it, I expect the body will go back to normal after a while.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...


I accept what you say about T levels, though what I was trying to say was that if the body itself is increasing T due to optimal resources (zinc etc) but still within normal levels, your body would be creating quite a lot of T. Conversely, if you introduced exogenous T even only enough to reach normal levels, your body would see that there is enough in the bloodstream and pretty much pack up its bags (pun intended) and stop producing (hence nad shrinkage). Reports of larger nads suggests that more is being introduced.


The adaptation may be nothing to be concerned about. The body maintains stasis via several mechanisms. The general order for testosterone is as follows:

Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA) releases GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone), which in turn releases LH (Luteinizing Hormone), which finally signals Testosterone.

So in effect it starts in your brain, then mores on to the pituatary gland. The testes are near the end of the chain. You can hijack this chain of events at any point in order to (at least temporarily) increase testosterone. Of course the body is a self regulating organism and doing this will usually trigger some other compensation mechanism, or at least some side effects.

I’m speculating at this point that the zinger is nothing more that a support system that *allows* the body to produce more testosterone, but doesn’t *force* it to do anything. That said, if the body is used to producing a certain amount of T, then the receptors for that T will be sensetised to the appropriate level. If the body is producing more T than it normally does, then the those receptors may eventually downregulate to accomodate that new level of T. Think of it like diet & metabolism, exercise & capacity. It’s an adaptive process. If this is in fact what is happening (and I can’t prove it either way), then cycling would be the logical way to mix things up to keep it useful.


Intelligent and knowledgeable! We are indeed lucky in this forum to have so many articulate and educated people exchanging ideas and info.

Yes, that is indeed the question! Is this producing a high normal level, or is it producing testosterone beyond normal levels? This really can only be answered by guys who are using it to get blood work and see for sure. Love to see a baseline before and after on this one! Do you think we could interest some university in studying men who like to run small currents through their balls?

Actually, its a damn shame there is no real profit in this, because I believe this has a lot of potential value, but with no profit involved, much less chance of any real study being done.

Back to the original question, I believe that the zinger is producing t ranges above normal, and high enough to cause a compensation mechanism to kick in. I believe that because of statements of guys like “never had a five o’clock shadow before, now I do”. But this is pure speculation.

I believe the mechanism is a combination of nutrients being driving into the area with the electric current and the current itself stimulating production of T, therefore it has the possibility of driving production above “optimum” levels. I recall there was a technique years ago where they could stimulate union of non-healing bones with a small current. I believe that something similar is going on here. If you took a control group and just gave them optimum amounts of zinc and copper orally, and measure the increases of T with the zinger group, you’d have the answer. Any rich guy on this forum interested in funding research?



Originally Posted by Shiver
Think of it like diet & metabolism, exercise & capacity. It’s an adaptive process.

Great post. I was thinking of it like a crash diet, you eat nothing and your body lowers its metabolism to get more energy from a small amount of food. Then you go back normal eating and gain lots of weight since your body is more efficient in converting the food to energy. After a while you go back to normal.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I recall there was a technique years ago where they could stimulate union of non-healing bones with a small current. I believe that something similar is going on here.

Interesting.. I guess the body is an electrical system after all, so just because we don’t understand it yet doesn’t mean it’s not happening :)

Originally Posted by sparkyx
If you took a control group and just gave them optimum amounts of zinc and copper orally, and measure the increases of T with the zinger group, you’d have the answer. Any rich guy on this forum interested in funding research?

But then you’d be adding the variable of bioavailability. Perhaps if the Zinc and Copper were together so that the nads weren’t involved in the loop, or if they were used as a patch on a remote part of a single limb it might be more comparable.

I think if anyone were to throw serious money at it they’d want control of it. It’s already in the public domain so that would be near impossible.

Or place the zinger on another body part like the wrist. Theoretically it should drive in the same about of cu and zn, just no current through the testicles. I could make some joke about your fingers getting stiff, but it would be in poor taste,and I’m trying to appear professional here!


Stiff little fingers - does the zinger give you arthritis? :)

On the wrist: yeah that’s what I was trying and failing miserably to say with the “on a remote part of a single limb” thing.

No sense in using one word when twenty will do huh? :)

If you are wearing it on the wrist you should also wear a fake ring. Some of the effect maybe just due to it being like a cockring if you wear it over the cock & balls.

hmmm you really need 4 groups

Real ring

Fake ring

Fake ring & wrist


I doubt the ring alone will affect T levels, but it may make you seem bigger.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...

I found solution inside the tube took away the effect for me

My ball zinger experience started with a Blakoe MKIII, which I purchased for a ridiculous price but willing to pay it to try. Found it to be very uncomfortable. Wore it part time for about a week and noticed no difference, wearing it 8 hrs or less per day. Did Not Like it at all.

I then did a search for blakoe on Mamma and found Penis Workshop – Sperm and from there made my first by using a shoe string with copper and aluminum washers, I tied a knot in the middle of the lace, put an aluminum washer on one side and a copper washer on the other side and tied another knot on each side, and repeated until I had the desired length, I think I had 6 or 8 washers on each side then tied it on with a bow knot like tying a shoe. This stayed on better and was not as clumsy but in certain situations it was uncomfortable because it would pinch but I noticed almost immediate results. My problems with dribble after I urinated started to improve, less trouble stopping and not being able to control the last few droplets. Then I noticed a larger quantity of ejaculate, and less shrinkage of the testicles. I felt it was worth further improvement. Multimeter readings when dry was only around 0.38-0.4 but if I read it when I was sweating it would read from 1.2-1.5, I thought this was good.

I wore it month or so until I found the right products to make another one. This time I made it with 3/8” latex tubing, 3/8” food grade copper and aluminum tubing from McMaster Carr. 2 pieces of latex tubing about 2 1/2” long and 1 pc each copper and aluminum about 1 ¾” long rolled the latex tube back and then put it over the end of the metal tubing to form a somewhat square. Wore this for a couple of weeks and although it was more comfortable did not seem to notice any further improvement. Millimeter readings in the same range as before, so I filled it with a vinegar solution by using a very fine diabetic insulin needle and putting in a syringe of solution then taking out a syringe of air, took out the last couple syringes of air without putting in solution, caused voltage to jump to almost 2 but still no results and by now I was having dribble problems when I urinate again.

Decided perhaps I needed the separation of the tubing into smaller pieces, I cut 2 tubes each of copper and aluminum and 4 pieces of latex and made one, I immediately filled it with vinegar and still no results.

I put a pieces of tubing in my lathe and made tubes about 3/8” long, rounded the ends and deburred the I.D. And slipped three on each side of a ¼” vinyl tube with a string thru it with a loop in one end and a bead on the other end held on by a drop of glue. I LOVE IT AND THE RESULTS, wore it for over 2 months 24-7 including shower, took it off only for sex and to clean, cleaned the metal with jewelry cleaner about once a week and then rinsed with clear water and a soft brush to be sure all of the cleaner was gone so I didn’t get a chemical burn in the wrong place. I did occasionally get a very slight pinching effect where the bead and loop came together, something I did not have with the bow knot, the shoe string was starting to determinate.

Just made my last one and am wearing it for the second day right now, I made it from ¼ vinyl tube 6 ¼” long, 3 each copper & aluminum tube 3/8” long, latex tube in between each metal tube just as a filler for comfort, put a piece of 3/16 braided nylon cord thru the center long enough to tie in a bow knot, so far no discomfort at all. If I need, more changes, I have plenty of supplies but the way this is feeling I think I have it almost perfected.

Sorry if it has already been posted I’ve read through this whole thread several times but might have missed it. Has anyone noticed a long term effect of wearing this? And is this only good for sperm production, or can you gain length and girth even after use of this?

I have been wearing my latest for a week now, I still feel it is the best, but haven’t decided should I wear the copper on one side only like the left all of the time, or the right all of the time, or should I wear the copper on the right a while then on the left? My testicles seem much firmer and perhaps a little larger than when I started but I don’t know if they are really a lot larger as I have kind of small ones. I do know that when I would squeeze them they were kind of soft and squishy and now they are very firm. Any one have any suggestions. Perhaps I should ass some magnets also.

An old thread…So this is for real… wearing that shit around my balls may actually increase T levels, hmm…

Just a follow up

I had been checking the voltage on my copper and aluminum when I had just cleaned it and then worked out and gotten sweaty. After reading that aluminum oxidized rapidly and lost voltage, I tried checking the voltage right before I cleaned it and made sure I was sweety, voltage was disappointingly low, 0.2 to 0.3 depending where I took the readings, so I ordered the zinc and made zinc rings to replace the aluminum and have noticed after wearing the copper/zinc that my balls are even fuller that they were, and the voltage even right before I clean it is in the 0.6 to 0.8 range depending on where I take the readings, I do notice a little more discomfort from a itchy/burning sensation, very slight nothing to worry about, and if I am where I can just move things with my hand a little, it seems to go away immediately, I wander if it if from not a very good connection some times causing some kind of heat from the voltage. I have been wearing this one 24/7 for over 2 weeks now. So for with my stretching exercises I have gained close to 1/2” in length I don’t thing the zinger is helping the girth or length any but the stretches I feel do. I have been working on enlargement for about 3 months and am seeing so results.

Jackbigg, how old are you? Has your testosterone level increased due to wearing that shit around your balls?


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