Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ball zinger - new great (but difficult) idea for boosting voltage

Yes it does. Thanks.

Sounds like its good quality. Does it have specs on the other .05%

Id like to find a zinc & copper alloy. Not lead & cadmium.


Originally posted by GiantScale
Yes it does. Thanks.

Sounds like its good quality. Does it have specs on the other .05%

Id like to find a zinc & copper alloy. Not lead & cadmium.


I didn’t see any info on the remaining part. I suppose a call
to them would lead to the answer on that. 800-799-1102

I made one yesterday. What is the importance of using refrigerator grade copper (stated from the original directions)? I am assuming it generates more electricity or something. I am going to get a voltmeter at Radioshack soon.

I bought all of my stuff except the zinc from Lowes. They had standard copper tubing in 1ft. pieces which is what I bought for about $1.50. The refrigerator tubing came in like 20ft. rolls for around $25. If I could have gotten the refrig. in a smaller length I would have gotten that instead.

So why should I have avoided the standard copper?

Originally Posted by Moth

I’m using Califlora Calendula Gel by Boericke & Tafel in a tube. Calendula is also sold as an ointment in a jar don’t use this as it reduces voltage like the balms in my previous post. I’m hitting just over one volt with the gel.

Moth, I was wondering how you applied the Calendula gel to the zinger. Did you apply it to the skin or is it inside the ball zinger like the saline originally was? I know it sounds stupid but I’m a little confused and it seems like the thread kind of skipped over this gel which might have a really good use afterall.

I haven been wearing the zinger for two weeks now, and I do notice some changes. I have experienced most of the effects already discussed in Tom’s original postings…

I do not believe that the voltage has to be any larger than 1 Volt. In fact I have done much research and it seems that between 0.5V to 0.8V is the average you should experience. Higher voltage may not be as effective as lower voltage for a long period of time. Higher voltage may even be physiologically harmful. Why do you think that more is better?

My zinger is quite comfortable and I wear it all day, most of the time I don’t even feel it is there. Having any creams, liquids or cables around my dick may be messy and unnecessary. I achieve naturally 0.8V. from the zinger.
You will notice that the attachment to the latex tubing on the copper side gets darker at the ends. This may be caused by the constant temperature created by the galvanic reaction of the copper with the zinc ions over a period of five to seven days. A higher voltage will cause more dramatic changes to the latex, which may extrapolate more damage to the cells.

My question is:

I think when using some electricity running through your penis (thats what appaers here - NOT a magnetic field…)- no one can say what the long-term effects are.
A magnetic field is also there but what brings the voltage is that ions are running THROUGH your penis.
That what i know-

There occurs electrolysis when using this device.
For example zinc and copper have different so-called “potentials” thats why there occurs a voltage between them. The one metal is oxydized the other one reduced. That means that electrons are added and withdrawn from the metals. The metals are CHANGED and partially set FREE. Maybe they react now with the skin.

That means the metals are changed in their constitution and no one knows if the substances which are arising arent dangerous for your body.

Could’t there be a really possible potential to lose even fertility??

Who knows how the arising materials react with the skin or how a PERMANENT electricity will affect your fertility and your potence?

This what some of you are doing seems a bit reckless for me…

Risks are maybe seen here:


I just took mine off a few minutes ago because seemingly out of nowhere it gave me this intense burning/chafing sensation on the bottom - maybe a pinch, but I wanted that thing off immediately! Fortunately I was alone. A few minutes later and there’s no residual pain.

That’s never happened before.

Anyway, I usually put the copper on the right and the zinc on the left, but it never stays exactly that way.

Worst is when it’s too loose and one nut “escapes” above the loop.”

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

Last edited by RisingUpTo7 : 02-21-2004 at .

Rising, your theory is correct. Our body deals with electric and electro magnetic fields all the time, think about static electricity and radio frequencies, etc. I believe that very small currents through the body is fine, and the zinger produces a very low current, coupled to a very weak voltage,

Our system requires some trace amounts of copper and zinc and the amount of residual metals you get from the zinger is insignificant. You may get more zinc and copper from a single multivitamin and mineral pill.

Are you wearing a zinger?. How long?. I do get occasionally a pinched feeling as well, and I think it is because contact is not properly made with the skin and causes a mini arc or shock, even at very small currents. Once full contact is made by the metal with the skin, the “shock” disappears.

Tell me your experiences with the ring. I would like to follow up with other users.

Did anyone come to any conclusion on adding magnets to this device?

NO magnet tested

I personally have not used magnets with the zinger as of date.

I would suppose that since metal ion may be released by electrolytic interaction between the zinc and the copper, these ions may be attracted by the force created by the magnet. Negative charged ions may migrate to the positive N pole of the magnet and positive ions may migrate to the negative S pole.

I believe that by applying a magnetic field to the body, it seems to align the red blood cells in a more organized array, since the iron on the red blood cell may be affected by the magnet) and may improve the assimilation of oxygen, thus improving the circulatory system and better nourishment and oxygenation of the muscles and organs.

I am wearing a 24K gold plated copper magnetic bracelet on my left wrist as well as the zinger on my dick. It feels great!

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

I was the Guinea Pig for magents about 2 years ago..I reported my findings over on the old….I used both large 1” dia ceramic magnets and tried small dot magnets about 1/4” dia…I taped them on with surgical tape…I noticed a full feeling almost all day, and seemed to help speed up the recovery process…did nothing for me as far as ejaculate production, but I only worn them on the shaft…I tried one or two small magnets, and tried about 10 placed all over…tried one large on top…tried about every combination you could imagine…I did wake up almost every morning with wood… dwore them almost continually for about a year…for me, I had no noticable, long lasting results for PE…but I did feel full when I had them on…I swear at times I felt a shock or sharp tingling…

Ask me any questions about my trial if you want…I’ll try to answer them…

I’ve got a few questions

1. What’s the difference between refrigerator grade copper tubing and regular copper tubing?
2. Would a copper rod be more effective than copper tubing?
3. Would replacing the zinc and copper (or just making a new ballzinger) every so often help to avoid the tapering off of the effects?
4. Is there anyone who’s worn the ballzinger long enough and kept the effects after ceasing to wear it?
5. Does the ballzinger cause actual testicle growth or just increased function?

Hopefully these are answerable questions

Originally Posted by lonelybb
I am wearing a 24K gold plated copper magnetic bracelet on my left wrist as well as the zinger on my dick. It feels great!

We’re crisscrossed with currents, or at least potentials for current flow. I did some measurements between the zinc rod from my zinger (the whole thing came apart and I taped the zinc rod to the underside of my penis) to some fortuitous electrodes:

Watchband, stainless steel with some gold - .8v
College ring, bronze/gold - .8v
PA ring, stainless steel - .6v

The PA really surprised me, but I looked up the galvanic response of stainless steel, and it can be pretty good, depending on the grade.


"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

I’ve got a few questions
1. What’s the difference between refrigerator grade copper tubing and regular copper tubing?
2. Would a copper rod be more effective than copper tubing?
3. Would replacing the zinc and copper (or just making a new ballzinger) every so often help to avoid the tapering off of the effects?
4. Is there anyone who’s worn the ballzinger long enough and kept the effects after ceasing to wear it?
5. Does the ballzinger cause actual testicle growth or just increased function?

I’m surprised no-one answered these but I can try at some:

2. Copper tubing should be as effective as a copper rod. All the reaction happens at the surface. these things last for a long time.
3. Not much need in my experience- I measured the voltage across mine yesterday, after about a year in storage. Voltage results:
0.6 V on the balls
Today I jelqed and had some vaseline on the balls, reducing the measurement to 0.35 V.
Voltage on the kitchen counter: 0 V - your body acts as a battery by suppying ionic current to the electrodes.
4. I think this is at least partially answered in the posts above- you revert to normal after a week or so.
sorry I don’t have good answers for the other questions.


"If you build it, she will cum." --Growth of Dreams

Sorry that I have not been around for a while, but with the election fever now taking place in Canada, I am quite busy getting into the action. I will be on/off depending on any free time available.

In response to the question about the type of copper used in the ballzinger, and the difference between copper tubing and copper rod, I must say that copper is copper is copper. Copper used as cathode when in contact with moist skin in the presence of a zinc anode, will cause a current to be generated. The average voltage generated by this voltaic battery is between 0.5 -0.8V DC. The maximum current that may be generated by this battery under ideal conditions is 1.10V DC. No more. See my previous posting if you want more information at Ballzinger - Information for new members

The most important factor to consider when using different types of copper products such as copper tubing, copper rod, electrical wiring copper or even copper plated straps, is the purity of copper content. In some cases where copper is not intended for human consumption, there may residues of arsenic, boron, lead, magnesium, etc, etc that may be toxic to humans.
Therefore, the assumption is that the purest the copper and zinc metal exposed to human skin (your scrotum) the less likely the chances of absorption of these other toxic elements.

I have built ballzingers for myself and quite a few friends, and I only use the purest copper and zinc rods I can find in the market. Right now the best I have found is 99.99% pure copper rod and 99.995% pure zinc rod. Anything else in between will produce similar results electrically and chemically, but why gamble with your health and your balls???

More later, I got to go now…. LBB

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!


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