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Ball zinger - new great (but difficult) idea for boosting voltage

I would like to purchase a ball zinger can some on email me @ with and address I could send paymnet to thank you

Hey ballenvy,

I removed your email address. That’s a real good way of getting your address spammed to the point of uselessness.

If any one wants to contact you, they can send you a Private Message or post here publicly.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

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Greeting fellow aliens.

I have a question: I have read information on this subject (Ring of Power/Blakoe) here and elsewhere and the consensus seems to be that this works by creating a small electric current via simple battery physics.

Medical research I have checked out so far gives some pretty good indications that electricity can and does have significant influence over the functions of Mr. Penisaurus as it does for basically all life and body components. I read some studies about influence over smooth muscle / tunica issues & Ni/Ox production etc.

If it’s all about hooking up a battery to your unit why not simply fabricate a similar contraption (or the new still purely imaginative improved deluxe “Su_PE_r Penitron Accelerator” – ya heard it here first!) that runs off as much battery juice as you can handle. Make it fully adjustable even? 1V, 3V, 6V, 9V or whatever floats your boat - plus adjustable for amps of course.

As always, if a little bit of something is “good”, and no one can define any limits on “good” or “bad” yet, then of course a lot more is better, right? (snark).

How about an electric fence charger anyone? I have accidently came in contact with an 8,000V livestock unit working around it once. Not that bad, once you get done hopping up and down swearing like a bitch. And no, I wasn’t’t pissing on it! J/k about the fence charger applied to your unit BTW. But if anyone does it, please video tape for us. I bet you could get one of the Jackass boys to do it.

But seriously, there are already battery and plug-in Wanger zappers and butt plugs of all configurations put out by a few companies that give you some good solid zapping challenges, if you are man (or freaky) enough to handle it. I used to have one, paid a good bit for it. Had different settings. Now that I understand a little more about PE, it just hit me that with the butt plug configuration going, it was producing maximum awesomely massive kegels that would cycle continuously to whatever rate, intensity or speed you wanted to set it at! Highly variable with just two dials, one for speed of pulses from very slow to an almost vibratory speed and one dial for electrical intensity, from mild to “challenging”… worked quite well. I definitely need to do more research down that road, but hope I gave someone a good idea if there isn’t a lot of info out there on it already. Was interesting and did produce some pretty cool experiences. But didn’t know about PE then so didn’t experiment down that road with my kit.

BTW: Jelqing, stretching, pumping is producing gains for me. Big increase in flaccid length now to 5.5+” hanging from a start of 3.5” flaccid. Girth increasing with about 1” increase at base. Ball sack hanging lower and fuller. Just by casually using info gather about here and there. Best info is from this site of course. Using combo of careful 440’s a good bit plus some other stuff I’m experimenting with. Never used rollers, weights or similar tools (yet). Also experimenting with vit E and other skin enhancers and always looking for a new type of herb rub, pharmaceutical, etc. Have a Bullmaster cylinder and close to filing it half way now on 3hr+ slow, careful pump sessions. Never had any problems from pumping or Jelqing, but then again I try to be careful. Slow steady work. Effects last for days and ball plumping and enlargement appears permanent. The package it creates is awesome, draws eyes in public. Drink plenty of water doing it. Also doing research on Ni/Ox and other vasodilator substances. There is a lot of arcane medical research going on that you can read up on the net in regards to smooth muscle (heart for example) as I’m sure some of the more diligent researchers here know about. I am also testing a couple of stretch methods that I have not seen mentioned here.


Buys Ball Zinger

Does anyone sells a Ball Zinger ? I pay all charges and an extra fee. PM me Thx.

I’m not an expert in these matters. So just put forward a theory. When an electric current is produced electrons are produced. That suggests it would also move the metal ‘electrons’ and deposit the metal on the skin - as in electroplating. The higher the voltage the more electrons and deposit produced.

Just a thought to while away the small hours.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I just found a great ready made one on ebay, just type in penis zinger and it comes up, $20 or £12.BARGAIN! I bought 3 going a bit over the top. There pure metals 99.9%. I’m so glad I found them, I was just struggling to find the Refrigerator grade Copper that would ship to the UK.

There’s one with Silver in which I bought aswell, 1.5V! Wohoo.

Hi guys, I have made my self a Ballzinger with copper and aluminium ( I couldn’t find any zinc) and I’m getting a constant voltage of 0.65, but I don’t feel any kind of charge around my balls is it normal?

Does this thing increase your erection also? Or is it just for flaccid gains? This thread caught my eye. I seen one on ebay but it was from china and the description was all to fuck!

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

shiby916: It’s for neither. You can read about it here: - bad link Get harder, shoot more? The Ball Zinger.

koskesh8585: is anything about this normal? ;-) I haven’t had a zinger for a while, but it sure seems like you would feel something…

Hmm I see. I was having a look on ebay and said it should be worn during or after a PE routine. I thought it acted like an ADS.

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Thanks shiby

In that case I think I have to find some zinc so I can get the same effect , I appreciate any other comments on this matter

Koskesh8585 I think you are referring to drabbuhmot.

I’m still a bit confused with this thing. I read the link drabbuhmot provided but it seems that it is only for producing testosterone levels and increasing sperm count. Is that right?

When I read a few pages early yesterday people were talking about gains? But I could never find what type of gains they were describing. I am sure someone mentioned flaccid gains.

On ebay it says : “When the Zinc and Copper make contact with the moisture on your skin they act as a natural battery and create a very small electric current. The electric current increases blood flow, circulation, and stimulates the leydig cells in your testicles. The leydig cells produce testosterone.

How does it make my penis bigger?
Wear it with or right after using any Penis Enlarging System will speed up the enlarging process by increasing cell growth”

They seem quite cheap and was considering using it as an ADS as I’m really skint just now. There was also a metal ball that comes with it, some sort of noose type. Not so sure of that one.

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Originally Posted by shiby916
How does it make my penis bigger?
Wear it with or right after using any Penis Enlarging System will speed up the enlarging process by increasing cell growth”

They seem quite cheap and was considering using it as an ADS as I’m really skint just now. There was also a metal ball that comes with it, some sort of noose type. Not so sure of that one.

REPEAT: it is NOT for making your penis bigger.

Yeah I had guessed that after your first response to me. I don’t know why the ebay sellers would say that. Oh well. I’ve lost interest now.

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Originally Posted by shiby916

There was also a metal ball that comes with it, some sort of noose type. Not so sure of that one.

I have one of those (I’m wearing it right now as a matter of fact), but I don’t know what does it have to do with ball zinger. Metal ball serves as good home ADS (I wouldn’t go out in public with it, I like to be able to monitor things down there).


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