Current or magnetism
Hi Guys
In England we say this is my ‘tuppence worth’.So here it is.The ball zinger needs an Electrolyte to produce a voltage like any battery.This comes from the moisture on the skin which is slightly salty.So is it the voltage and the small microamp current doing the job or is it the very very samll magnetic flux generated by the curent flow.If it is magnetism ,throw the zinger away, wind a pair of coils attach a battery and get immediate mega magnetic flux,the coils could be wrapped in comfy material for protection.If it is voltage we can stick with thezinc /copper zinger or maybe use contacts on the skin connected again to a battery.I have experimented with small 1.5 V batteries already and surprisingly the current is usually lower than the zinger.I might try a magnetic coil and see what happens.If it works then we dont need to have metal against the skin at all.
You guys have any more ideas on this
Tom Sorry didnt see your part no for the Zinc.Got it now will ask McMasters about shipping, thanks