Thunder's Place

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Ball zinger - new great (but difficult) idea for boosting voltage

OK we'll see if we can lure Moth back: Ball Zinger v2

Why do you need your dick in the loop?

You don’t. Make the loop smaller, and put it around just your scrotum.

Shorten the top tube by about half. Takes a little technique to get your balls through the first time.

Once on, this way allows a more natural penis hang…and feels good.

Easiest way to remove is just roll the tubing off one of the metal pieces.

I did a three mile walk with the doggie to test it out, and will sleep with it tonight to see what it’s like. What it FEELS like (OK?).


I appreciate your concern but I’m not going anywhere yet. There’s too much interesting happening here.


This damn ball zinger

Hey Tom and others, i’m about to throw this fu——- ball zinger in the street and run over it a couple of times!!

First of all, the whole thing is turning black like you said, including the inside where the saline is

Then, when i made the snugger one, at first it was cool, then the damn thing is causing light scabing again on the copper side!!

Any one experience this as well!! It’s like I can never put the time in to allow this thing to work.

Maybe the new zinger version two for just the nuts will work better.

This thing is really pissing me off. I feel like a wasted 10 feet of copper tubing and 8 bucks on zinc, pliers, filer, etc.

If any one has any suggestions feel free to pipe up now.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Moth, close to the same age, and no aging for me either :) Unfortionatly I to have a tad less tolerance for %$#@ than I did in my younger days…lol

BBS, I havent tried it yet but considering incorperating a balls only zinger into my ball stretching thing-a-majig. If you try it please keep us posted.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Re: This damn ball zinger

Originally posted by bigblackstick
Hey Tom and others, i'm about to throw this fu——- ball zinger in the street and run over it a couple of times!!

First of all, the whole thing is turning black like you said, including the inside where the saline is

There, there, there. You don’t have to beat around the bush with us - just come on out and tell us how you feel!

Thanks, BBS, for the biggest laugh I’ve had all day. FWIW, I feel the same way about my zinger, too. I look at it and think about putting it on, but it never happens.

>This thing is really pissing me off. I feel like a wasted 10 feet of copper tubing and 8 bucks on zinc, pliers, filer, etc.

Just wait. There’s no telling what we’ll be building next. Actually I kind of look forward to it.



Thanks Tex

I’m glad I can make you laugh. Laughter is a good thing. But seriously, i want to make it work but the damn thing is always either decaying, slipping, scratching, etc.

I don’t mind building either, but I woud like shit to work once in a while.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Money Back guarantee


You might try taking everything you bought back to Home Depot and dumping it on the returns desk and loudly asking “How the fuck am I supposed to get more sperm out of this shit???”

If you do, I want it on video…

Seriously, I don’t recall the scabbing coming up before; I’d be interested in hearing more.
I haven’t used the saline in a while because I simply couldn’t hold it together for any length of time - somewhere in this thread I believe I said that.
This device in particular requires a bit of patience because you’ve got to make it comfortable.
Well, you don’t have to; I’m just guessing that you’d want to.

Hey TOm

that was a good one…..I’m still laughing….But I still want to burn this damn blakoe ring or zinger or now my new name for it the “Enron Energy Ring” It looks good on paper, but in the end its still not worth shit….LOL just kidding. ALthough, I haven’t given up yet on it.

OK, like I said either the moisture from sweating or maybe the fact that I had a loose fitting one ( my original model) it casued slight friction burn or scabbing om somekind. It didn’t really hurt, but I assume it can’t be good for you. So I stopped. I think its just becasue the legs brush that area when you walk and perhaps casue the metal to continually scrape the skin. And over time will expose it completely. Anyways the scabs are gone and it back 2 normal down there. But, I think the “balls only” one might work better, as it will not rub against my legs as much.

Or maybe I have sensitive skin….since it seems nobody else had this problem. Or maybe I’m allergic to the metal or something. Shit, all I know is I want to wear the thing to get the results but dammet, between the irriatation and the decay of the thing…..its gets a little old.

Staus: My ring is now completely black. I will cut off the saline filled latex, see if I can salvage at least the zinc rod, since I have 9.99 feet of copper left I think I’m ok in that dept. hell, i have enough copper tubing to make 40 rings.

I will try the balls only one this weekend and let you know how it goes. in the mean time, tell me how the balls only one is working out for you…..maybe I can hear some positive feed back….so I don’t have to run up in Home Depot like a mad man and strangle someone with this copper tubing.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Skanky latex

BBS, sure the latex gets skanky. That’s why you buy a couple feet at a time, and just change it when you need to.

My problem with having this too loose is one little tesky escaping back up through it when the scrotum retracts, which can suddenly be very uncomfortable when you sit down.

I also found that carefully trimming pubes eliminates the other irritation, hair getting underneath and pulling.

Other than that, it’s all R&D.

I actually haven’t had mine on since last week, when I had the full unit on and someone was videoing me talking to some elementary school students and I was rather conspicuous in baggy jeans, at least to myself…decided to be a little more discreet for a while….

Just went and found the balls-only unit and am now wearing it to commiserate :)

Observations a few days later

Wearing the balls-only unit: “maximum flaccid size” has taken on new meaning - last night probably close to a half-inch longer than I’ve seen it hang before….the entire head (plus some) past the end of a toilet paper tube (compare with illustration on my site) - right around 6” and no engorgement whatsover.

Nocturnal erections so powerful they pulled me out of a good night’s sleep several times (and I didn’t have to pee).

I think the balls-only unit is also stretching the scrotum - nice the way everything tend to be more vertical now (at least when it’s warm!)….

I’ll try to get some photos up early next week.


Sounds good…sounds like it is a better versioni since it directly apllies the “energy” only where needed.

Do you use the metal bars on the sides of the sac or do you put them on the fromnt and back off sac…if you understand what I’m saying? In other words, if standind straight, do you run the bars parallel to your feet or perpendicular to them?

Also, i assume the amount of tubing needed is really small, how much do you use?

I will probably make one tonite……..

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

burning (pinch?)


I just took mine off a few minutes ago because seemingly out of nowhere it gave me this intense burning/chafing sensation on the bottom - maybe a pinch, but I wanted that thing off immediately! Fortunately I was alone. A few minutes later and there’s no residual pain.

That’s never happened before.

Anyway, I usually put the copper on the right and the zinc on the left, but it never stays exactly that way.

Worst is when it’s too loose and one nut “escapes” above the loop.

Balls Only

I’ve had similar effects with hang and nightly arousal.

I also had one nut retracting. It was always the left one so I reoriented the zinger w/zinc on top and copper on the bottom and shortened the tubing on the left side. Keeps everything in place comfortably.

I used magnets in this version as well so I superglued everything shut. It was difficult to put on until I realized you could slide the scrotal skin through first then, essentially, pop the ball through after. Works with both, easy and painless. Taking it off I just reverse the process.



I haven’t got mine glued together, so removal is one handed - just peel back the end of the tube. I had to do it recently in a fairly public place when one nut retracted. Kind of stepped behind an open door, and bingo, it was off and in my pocket in a flash.

Hery Tom,

Yea that chaffing, burning thing is no joke, huh?? lol

Yea I still dont know what causes it. I usually put the copper on the right too, but mine is a cock and ballls one for now…..

So i assume you’re telling me you put the copper on the right on the balls only one as well?
Wouldn’t it make since, beacsue the scrotal skin is thinner on the sides, in terms of thickness or diameter (my balls form like a tear drop-like package) to put the metal bars maybe on the front and back of sac skin?

It just seems like the ring would have more surface to rest on this way….

By the way, i cut open my old ring today, and the saline smells like there was a corpse inside, so I think I am officially done with saline. So we can add 1.50 bottle of saline to my “wasted PE products” pile……. ANy other good uses for saline, for those who don’t wear contacts?

back to the lab……

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


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