Aluminium zinger
Hi Tom and all you crazy guys
This post sure has grown since I last saw it.Just way out.
6 wks ago I went away for some work but made a unit to wear while away.Couldnt get pure zinc so used copper/aluminium.It gave .5v and I held it on with rubber elastic around my balls and cock.But after 2 weeks of 24hrs a day wear I felt no benefit at all and maybe even less erection strength.So I stopped wearing it and things soon got back to normal.You guys seem to be getting benefit so is the secret in the zinc or what.It gives a bit more voltage I know or is there also some effect from the metal itself.Iwant to give it another go.Anyone from England found a supplier here,if so let me know.The ball unit sounds good,but what about folding some metal to hook over the crotch area of briefs so that it contacts the sides of the scrotum.Might give good contact wuthout putting a noose around the balls.What do you think ,guys