Thunder's Place

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Ball zinger - new great (but difficult) idea for boosting voltage

Aluminium zinger

Hi Tom and all you crazy guys

This post sure has grown since I last saw it.Just way out.
6 wks ago I went away for some work but made a unit to wear while away.Couldnt get pure zinc so used copper/aluminium.It gave .5v and I held it on with rubber elastic around my balls and cock.But after 2 weeks of 24hrs a day wear I felt no benefit at all and maybe even less erection strength.So I stopped wearing it and things soon got back to normal.You guys seem to be getting benefit so is the secret in the zinc or what.It gives a bit more voltage I know or is there also some effect from the metal itself.Iwant to give it another go.Anyone from England found a supplier here,if so let me know.The ball unit sounds good,but what about folding some metal to hook over the crotch area of briefs so that it contacts the sides of the scrotum.Might give good contact wuthout putting a noose around the balls.What do you think ,guys


Hey MArksman

Im sure others will telll you as well

You should be careful with putting aluminum on your body especially your sac.

And yes, from what I understand, its the zinc that works the best.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


Do you more info on why you should not put aluminum on your body, especially your sac? I’m curious about this because I have an aluminum cock ring. It appears to be made out of the same stuff that carabiners for mountain climbing ropes are made of.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

Aluminum Toxicity

Aluminum is toxic in sufficient quantities. The essential variable here would be how much your body is absorbing through skin contact.

Some of aluminum’s toxic effects include:

Blocking nerve cell discharge, reducing nervous system activity.

Inhibition of brain enzymes (Na-K-ATPase and Hexokinase).

Dementia, resulting from kidney dialysis related to too much aluminum, causes memory loss, coordination loss, confusion and disorientation.

Reduction of intestinal activity.

Some possible problems (no clear proof but definitive links):

Alzheimer’s, liver disfunction, colitis, Parkinson’s and anemia.


See Marksman......

Aluminum is not fun stuff. That is why if you look on the ball zinger article on Tom’s site everybody is making sure they get PURE zinc rod.

I also know aluminum can cause Alzheimer’s disease to an extent. That is why they removed it from toothpaste a few years back. And alot of anti-perspirants contain aluminum . But, if you figure out a way to stop wearing ant-perspirant and not smell like you don’t shower let me know. So, i’ll be using anti-perspirants for ever…..and the natural crytal ones don’t work as well.

Aluminum also lowers testosterone. Go to and do a search for aluminum articles. It’s a bodybuilding/weightlifting site. It’s very good. Alot of the guys over here read it as well.

Basically, aluminum should be avoided at all costs.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


Hi guys
Thanks for the concern.I am aware of the probs with aluminiun,but I undstood it to be more a problem when taken by mouth.This occurs when food is contaminated by the oxide from cooking pans.As I was also aware that deodorants use such compounds I assumed that on the skin is ok.I used incidentally metal from a foil pie container .Surely the prob cannot be that severe if the food industry uses millions a day.However I would certainly use zinc if I can find pure stuff.Lead impurities will certainly go thru the skin and the effects are dire.So if anyone can tell me a supplier in the UK I would be very plsd.
Thanks again guys



everyone here has ordered the pure zinc rod from McMaster-Carr ala the info on Hubbard’s page.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


Hi Bigblackstick

I have looked at McMasters site but cant find pure zinc.I have emailed them to see if it can be specially ordered.What have you got from them ,do you have a product code I can quote.Metal suppliers here say that guaranteed pure zinc would be a special order and v.expensive.Ib will wait for McMasters to reply .Thanks again for the info


Enhanced effect of the ball zinger

The thread has mentioned the benefits of passing a low current through the testicles to improve the load size. My questions to the people who seems to know about this are:

Should it be more beneficial if you could create some kind of electronic circuit that switches the positive and negative charges from a battery in a timely, adjustable manner (including the voltage level itself)?

Shouldn’t it be better if you could create some kind of small purse (to stick the testicles into) which would be coated inside with metal conductors? In such a case, more of the scrotum would benefit from the current, right?

Just my 2¢ worth.

Re: McMasters

Originally posted by Marksman

I have looked at McMasters site but cant find pure zinc.I have emailed them to see if it can be specially ordered.What have you got from them ,do you have a product code I can quote.Metal suppliers here say that guaranteed pure zinc would be a special order and v.expensive.Ib will wait for McMasters to reply .Thanks again for the info

This discussion refers to a device that is described and illustrated on my site, which you can reach from the link below on this page.

You will find the item number clearly stated in the instructions.


Shouldn’t it be better if you could create some kind of small purse (to stick the testicles into) which would be coated inside with metal conductors? In such a case, more of the scrotum would benefit from the current, right?

The concept behind the ball zinger (I can’t help but snicker every time I see that term…) is the application of a magnetic field around the cock and/or balls, so electrical conduction doesn’t come into the fray. In this case, a toroid (ring- or doughnut-shaped) magnetic implement is the way to go.

Now, electro-magnetism might be an interesting angle on all this. How much magnetic flux would be safe to use on ol “John Thomas”? And would more necessarily be better?

Re: Priapos

Originally posted by Jabari

The concept behind the ball zinger <> is the application of a magnetic field around the cock and/or balls, so electrical conduction doesn't come into the fray


I’m curious how you jump to that conclusion when the BZ is generating a measurable voltage but no measurable magnetic field that I’m aware of?


Tom & Jabari

I agree with Tom about the importance of the current (as well as the magnetic field), otherwise, why should it be necessary with direct skin contact? If if all depended on the magnetic field, there could be a distance to the scrotum, e.g. putting a cloth or something in between to limit the possible irritation.

Comments anyone?

Ah.. perhaps I’m ahead of myself here. My bad.

Tissue growth is largely believed to be promoted by the presence of a magnetic field. The effect is slight, and its health benefits are poorly-documented, but many people swear by it.

My thinking (an assumption, admittedly) is that the benefit of the Bal Zinger (*snicker*) is due to the voltage differential between the parallel copper and zinc elements, producing a mild electromagnetic field in The Unit.

Now it could well be that the application of electrical current is the real gremlin. It’s likely a combination of the two effects, as Ampère’s Law suggests the generation of a magnetic field via electron propagation, weak though it may be.



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