Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ball zinger - new great (but difficult) idea for boosting voltage

Tried to delete this too.


(Just kidding)


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL


LOL Oh no not another post deleater lolwonder why newbie didnt answer me


You can go here to check out magnitized water. Try using S pole water on your plants they will grow better. Moast of the time we need a balance of positive & negative so bipolar water is usually best

https://www.syn … .com/water.html

Hi everyone

I’m in the process of making a ball zinger! for the magnetic part I found this site that sells magnetic pads for this purpose. Here is the link…

I ordered the Magnum, they use 13 unipole Neodymium Rare Earth magnets. Now the question is how to wear it, any ideas? Should I just wear it over the top and wrap the winged part around the base and use the ball zinger to hold it in place? I will most likely experiment with this. Or maybe place it under the scrotum with the winged side wrapped around the tests and the tongue part folded over to make like a pouch for the tests? Hmmm.



If you use the loop to secure your Magnum make sure you are maintaining good skin contact with the zinc and the copper or you will get no current flow. If you can somehow wrap the Magnum around the loop and your package you should get the effects of both plus increase skin moisture which will help the zinger.

The urge is to throw everything on at once but you may want to experiment with each singly and then both to compare results. Oh, to hell with it, throw it all on.



Ya was going to do just that… Just thinking here, if I was to use some kind a elastic to stitch the four edges together to make a pouch for the tests. But not to make it too tight but just enough to hold it on. Then stitch the bottom of the pouch to the latex of the ball zinger… Hmmm I think I will just have to experiment with it! What do you think about the saline solution or that gel you use? Do I need to use that, or just stick with the basic design thats on Tom’s site?

What do you think about that magnum?



Without a doubt, for me, magnets in the loop increased bloodflow and hang.

I used a voltmeter to test current flow in a variety of conditions. If your skin dries out current drops significantly. If you put something “heavy” (eg. vaseline) on the current drops as well. The Calendula gel is just a topical for irritated skin but it’s also a good conductor. If you’ve got sufficient skin moisture I don’t think you need anything else.

Try a big fabric/sewing store. You’ll be amazed at the stuff you can find for these experiments in terms of elastic thread, etc.

I look forward to reports on your variations and results.



I’m really looking forward to this. When I cum its like 3 or 4 shots then after shocks. I would not know how to act if I shot more than 5 loads in one orgasm! This is just great….

Thanks everyone!


Originally posted by Modemmer

I ordered the Magnum, they use 13 unipole Neodymium Rare Earth magnets.


Do keep us posted. I don’t relish the thought of wearing a jock all day but would, strictly in the name of science, if it works.



Same here… that is why I ordered the pad. If you go to that web sit you will see the magnum. Its just a pad with the magnets in it and I’m going to try both wrapping the penis, and making a pouch so it can hold the testicles!


OK the damn zinc rod finally came....

Damn guys this target latex tubing is a bitch to get on the rod and copper…..any suggestions??

It took like 30 mins, and my fingers are hella tired…..I wanna try the saline but I can barely grip the tubing when its over the rods to peel it back to apply the super glue…..Tom help me out man???…….

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Originally posted by Modemmer
…and I'm going to try both wrapping the penis, and making a pouch so it can hold the testicles!

Way to go. The pad is a better idea - you can always slip it into a jock if you want. Maybe into a suspensory even.

Re: OK the damn zinc rod finally came....

Originally posted by bigblackstick
Damn guys this target latex tubing is a bitch to get on the rod and copper…..any suggestions??

It took like 30 mins, and my fingers are hella tired…..I wanna try the saline but I can barely grip the tubing when its over the rods to peel it back to apply the super glue…..Tom help me out man???…….

You are unravelling my secret agenda, which has nothing to do with penis enlargement, but rather my belief that the future of humanity is inextricably tied to manual dexterity and forearm strength - these silly PE exercises and devices are just my vehicle for harnessing male emotional energy to my secret purpose…

I never told you to use Target exercise tubing. My suggestion is the stuff from the hardware store. FYI, I don’t bother with the saline any more, because I couldn’t find a way to keep it from eventually falling apart.

And I said to bring a piece of zinc or copper to eyeball the tube diameter to make sure it was appropriate.



The tubing I have I bought from WalMart in the fishing tackle section of the sporting goods dept. Works great! Very cheap too!



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