Thunder's Place

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Ball zinger - new great (but difficult) idea for boosting voltage

Ok, maybe I was a liitle harsh! But my pop was an electrcian. So putting something so dangerous next to Jim and the Twins is scary. So beta-test it and as long as you have not shocked yourselves to death, I’ll give it a whirl. TT

Thanks for the info Moth and iamaru!! :)

I am going to make one. I hope it helps with erections. I have trouble because I’ve been on medication for a long time now, and before that I was already having problems due to illness. I haven’t tried Viagra, cause of the expense.

Originally posted by twatteaser
Ok, maybe I was a liitle harsh! But my pop was an electrcian. So putting something so dangerous next to Jim and the Twins is scary. So beta-test it and as long as you have not shocked yourselves to death, I'll give it a whirl. TT


I find it a little surprising that a “senior member” should come out with both fists swinging, eyes closed and mind shut like a steel trap. Yeah, this thread’s got a few certifiably loony trinkets in it (which is why it’s one of my favorites).

“Where did we dream this up?” Hate to bore you with homework, but I’ve got this site, see…

It’s all anecdotal. Just like all this PE stuff (except for a few great photos that don’t appear to be retouched).

If you’re Pop’s still around, respectfully suggest you ask him how lethal he’d consider a continual low amplitude current at max, half a volt? He’s probably spent half his working life bathed in stronger electrical fields than that. And if you told him what this thing was supposed to do, he’d probably have one made before you could finish your sentence. Just a guess.

Hey TOM and MOTH, and other ball zingers....

Hey Tom, Moth, and others

Does the addition of magnets raise the current and/or overall benefit in general? I thought it was just the copper and zinc…did I miss something??

Who all uses the saline in it? Does it help?

And can you use the metal bars, magnets, and saline all together or is too much?

…and what type of magnets from Lowe’s?


I got my latex tubing, copper, and saline…waiting on zinc from mcmaster….where the hell is Brown??

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Hey, let us know about magnets…I just got that exercise latex tubing (very nice), and am wearing it again. I am considering adding magnets to the mix, but don’t have two spares. How would you orient them?


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL


I do know a few important things about magnets. If you dont believe me look it up for yourself.

The N pole of a magnet causes organisms to slow down. The S pole of a magnet causes organisms to speed up growth wise.

So you will hardly ever use S pole side only next to your body. I personaly think you should use Bi-polar or one S & one N Which would be a balance of energys.

If you also drink magnetised water 10 min prior to using magnets on your body it will make the effect much more noticible!

The way you magnitize water is simple. Theres 3 types of magnetic water. N pole water. S pole water. Bi-polar water which is a mix of the two which is recomended.

You dont refrigerate magnetic water. Just room temp. is perfect.

You need 2 fairly strong magnets & you can use plastic but glass is better. Put a gallon jug of water on top of the N pole side of a magnet. Put another gallon jug on the S pole side of a magnet.

They need to sit that way preferably at least 6 to 8 hours.

Then when you use the water you mix equal parts of the N pole & S pole water together making it Bi -Polar.

Drink a glassful of it at least 10 to 20 min before you use magnets against your body. Theres a big difference in the effect.

You have iron & other minerals in your bloodstream that the magnetic water works directly on.

Water is the only liquid that you consume that can sweep directly through your organs. Everything else you consume has to go through the digestive system before it can enter your bloodstream. Water can pass through your stomach walls & into your body as needed.

Also the way you determine which side is N or S poll is to use a compass to determine the N from the S Pole. Any cheap clild one will work.

Or use another magnet that you are absolutly sure which side is which & hold the two magnets together.

Like sides repel & unlike sides attract. So if you already have a magnet that you know the poles then you can determine & mark other magnets you dont know which is which pole.

Also its very important that you do know which pole you are using against your body.

The reason is that you will hardly ever use S pole only against your body. Because the S pole causes organisms to grow at a faster rate of speed.

If you have any infection in your body using the S pole only will help the infection grow at a more rapid pace.

The N pole would slow it down.

But usually we need a balance of energys. So Bi- Polar is best.

If you are sick in any way. You have somehow created an imbalanced state in your body.

Magnets dont actually heal you. They put you back in a balanced state. Then your body takes over & does the healing.

Moth: think I’m hanging better, but might be wishfull thinking on my part, gotta give it time. I will probably make another with 1.75” rods and longer hose, the one Iv got is unwieldy. I will read back over post & see what guys have been doing with magnets before I do. It sounds like you have really checked this out, any suggestions for a non Mr. science?

Running a Massive Co-Front.


The original Blakoe ring had no magnets.

The magnets have no measurable effect on voltage. My thought was increasing bloodflow in the region would be a good idea.

I have nothing to add to DW’s explanation of polarity. (DW, the magnetic water sounds interesting. I’ll give it a try.) That reasoning is why I chose to vary the polarities instead of using uniform southern exposure. Specifically, I used 3 1/2” of tubing per side overlapping 1/4” at the zinc and copper elements (z&c 1 1/2” each). This left me with 3” of hollow tube per side. While I was in Lowes in their fastener aisle buying bolts for the tugger I found very strong ceramic bar magnets. They were in 8 packs for $2 and measured 1/4” by 7/8” long. The best part was that the polarities were on the long faces not the ends. Originally I stuck some small magnets on the zinc but I wanted to try facing the polarities in toward my skin. With these bar magnets I could do that and I oriented them NSN on one side and SNS on the other. It was a tight fit but I managed to get them in the tubes, then I superglued the overlap to the z&c elements.

I haven’t used saline in the tube mostly because I don’t want the hassle of the corrosion, or the possibility that it will leak out at an inopportune moment. I get one volt when I use the calendula gel and skin moisture hits very close to that.

Hope this helps,




I’m impressed by your post and I just wonder, where are you coming from? I’ve kind of scanned your posts about being the manager of a strip joint (which gives you as much credibility as me talking about electromagnetism ;-) but I sense you’ve got some valuable insight here and wonder if you could steer us toward sources…books, web sites, etc? This magnet stuff is as weird to most people as the concept of making your dick bigger (which must be really amusing concept if you haven’t got one to worry about)

I just assume this Moth guy is totally looneybins (I mean, really), but when YOU start talking about magnets, well hey…

HEY MOTH & other Zingers........

I saw those ceramic magnets you were talking about…..but I also saw some circular magnetic tape right next to them. this might fit around the tube better….what do you think?

Also, I went to Target and saw the workout cables it was like 5.99 or 7.99 for two….and somebody said it was cheaper than the tubing at Lowes for like 1.40 a foot……how was it cheaper? And the taget tubing looks a little wider…might this be better in preventing the tube from breaking in the long run

By the way when I was at Target my ball weights fell off!! Good thing I had sweatpants on though……..

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

My point is I can not always follow exactly what you are saying in these threads. I am unfamiliar with most of the technical areas of the building so I have no to little points of reference. Please be more clear so I and maybe some people could comprehend what exactly goes on. That’s all I meant. If I miscommunicated or seemed overly bitter, it is not what I intended.

Some of us are not the most handiest dudes to ever walk this earth. So we have a hard time visualizing what is being said.


Bite this Alpha-boy.


BTW if you missed it check the last tugger post I did some egg problem solving.

Tubing Price

Useable tubing in the packet I got came out less per foot than the same amount from the hardware store.



If you want to do one of these and are having trouble visualizing it let me know and I’ll walk you thru it.


How could anyone hope to come up with a better name than “BallZinger”?

I mean… that’s pretty perfect. It’s descriptive, it’s catchy, and it sounds wierd enough to promote investigation.

I vote to keep it.


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