Thunder's Place

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Ballooning Gains!

What is his website, anyway.

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
I definitely understand your animosity, I think he purposely makes his site as confusing as possible, to mislead you.

That said though, he has helped me get a bigger penis, so the guy can’t be all bad ;)

Nah, I think he is fucked up from taking so much of his own medicine. After awhile, his brain cells just started to dissolve.

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Originally Posted by kazooplayer

When you balloon, what you are really doing is creating a super erection, by - supposedly - inducing the parasympathetic nervous system to take over the level of your erection, not the sympathetic. The theory behind this has to do with the fight or flight response, I don’t really know, I just take it at face value and move on to the next point, which is!!!

Kazoo, as I have said, I think you are doing great here, really your heart is in the right place. That said, let me just clear a few things up for you now so you know why health care pros go crazy over the good Doc Lin (doctor of what?).

The way an erection works is it is ENTIRELY produced by the parasympathetic nervous system! Always…every time! If you get the sympathetic kicking in…down goes Mr Johnson!

This is the basis for “performance anxiety” you know…where you worry about not getting hard or losing your erection? AND SO YOU DO!

The sympathetic system if the “fight or flight” system. Parasympathetic is the “relaxation” system. If you get anxious or nervous about your erection, you will kick on the sympathetic and the erection will melt like an ice curb on the summers sidewalk. When you are relaxed and feeling horny and totally confident about your erection…its hard and stays that way until you cum or for a long time until you get tired or distracted.

As far as concentrating hormones in your dick…as far as I know its not possible, hormones are released into your blood stream where they circulate evenly throughout your body.

Lin is like one of these guys that have gotten all their education while in prison…from other inmates. They will throw around big words to sound intelligent, but to anyone who understands the real meaning of the words…they just reveal themselves to be ignorant.

I think ballooning is much more likely to be working on a mechanism similar to priapism…as you have proposed.

Originally Posted by andgrowing

What is his website, anyway.

I list them (there are several, but they all look alike and contain the same “information”) in the second paragraph of this thread: Exposing Dr. Lin.

Damn, I blew my load at the tail end of a ballooning session. I guess I just let myself get too close to that “point of no return.”

There are worse things that could have happened :)

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

If solid gains are realized by ballooning it is most likely due to hyper saturation of the penis (!50% erections)

Then again the glans my contain pressure points that offer specific health benefits to other parts of the body s/a the heart, I don’t know just thought.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Hehe, theory is great, but the results are what count.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by westla90069
You have a point and I cannot explain such “growth” except that it must be caused by extended high arterial inflow pressure. Most of the things online about such cases are only abstracts which say the full article “discusses the means by which this occurs.” So I don’t know what the theory is on how it happens that these researchers propose. But I’ll bet it has nothing to do with hormones, testosterone, chi energy, flight or fight responses, or any of the other things proposed by Dr. Lin.

Perhaps it’s my animosity toward him for preying on vulnerable men and trying to sell his pills, or the way he strings together long scientific words to make it seem like he knows something when it’s fairly obvious that he doesn’t. But as I said, you have a point and I’ll change my stance to say it may be possible for a sustained super-erection to expand the tissues enough to cause some enlargement. But I’ll continue to call this quack a quack and suggest that no one buy anything from him.

I’ll also suggest that growth by this method would probably take extreme dedication and quite a long time to accomplish. It isn’t easy to keep a super-erection going for hours at a time. I’ve tired it recently and even though I haven’t found a “sweet spot” at the base, I am able to make it very hard and to feel the buzz of an impending orgasm at which time I change the focus of my massage to a less stimulating location. To be able to do that for a long enough period to facilitate actual expansion would be difficult for most men to do, IMO.

Yeah I’m no fan of Lin’s for sure… I took a look at his snake oil site years ago and it seems evident to me it is what it is… snake oil sales.

But I am interested to hear what 3 of my T’s place bros are saying about ballooning and how it has worked for them. I don’t think it is for me personally because I don’t have the time or place to do it but I would like to further understand what it is and how it may have given some gains.

I’m all for exposing Lin as a snake oil salesman but also interested to understand how this technique may have given some guys some pretty good gains.

Priapism does seem to hold some type of actual enlargement qualities and is definitely worth finding out how that could be accomplished without damaging the old unit.

Originally Posted by mr.hanky
I’ve been ballooning non stop.

Does this affect your erection quality any??

And when you say non stop do you mean every day or 2 times a day or what

Starting Stats: NBPEL: 5.5 BPEL: 6.0 NBPFL: 3.1 BPFL: 4.0

August 10 2008: Nbpel: 8.2 BPEL: 8.3 NBPFL: 6.3 BPFL: 6.5

FINALLY EIGHT INCHES!! Short Term Goal: 8.5 inches,Long Term Goal: 9.5 inches,Final Goal: 10 inches

Originally Posted by Toolguy

Priapism does seem to hold some type of actual enlargement qualities and is definitely worth finding out how that could be accomplished without damaging the old unit.

Well, that is the problem isn’t it? The studies (abstracts really) that I’ve read on untreated priapism and penis enlargement usually ended with a dysfunctional unit, although I think there was one who was able to continue to have erections. For the most part, however, I think continuous high pressure priapism is not a good thing. Intermittent high pressure, like ballooning, may be something to consider. Time and more participants will tell.

Originally Posted by westla90069
Well, that is the problem isn’t it? The studies (abstracts really) that I’ve read on untreated priapism and penis enlargement usually ended with a dysfunctional unit, although I think there was one who was able to continue to have erections. For the most part, however, I think continuous high pressure priapism is not a good thing. Intermittent high pressure, like ballooning, may be something to consider. Time and more participants will tell.

Out of curiosity are yo going to try ballooning?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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