Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning Gains!

Sure, but there is a difference between imperfect knowledge/theory and none at all.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

I don’t want to seem too cynical, but I associate this with Dr. Lin, hence I’m probably prejudiced. If ballooning really gave you an inch gain, great, I’m jealous.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

If you don’t mind a guess, here’s one.

Maybe it is a way of getting more excited/hard than usual…hence the shiny glans. Maybe that is just enough extra pressure that over time it slowly stretches the tunica.

Maybe for some guys with clamping and other methods, its too much stretching and causes a contraction reaction so they never make any net progress…just stretch and contract. Two steps forward two steps back.

Maybe this is one quarter step forward and none back…over time, gains show.

And maybe because its feels awesome, putting in many hours isn’t a chore, therefore more likely to be very regular with it. Then maybe because its minor or no tissue irritation, you can do it daily or many times a day without over training and maybe that can then also stimulate cellular growth ala static stretching?

Maybe, it is also strengthening the BC muscle making it stronger and stronger, allowing increasingly higher internal pressures with then increase the stretching in a slow and gradual manner. Maybe it then leads to harder and longer nocturnal erections which help cement the incremental stretches that happen during the day?

Hell, if you like guesses…I can give you a new one every day! :)

Bobs was right you guys are thinking way too hard about it. And no I usually don’t get blue balls. Anyways how I began ballooning was this: get as hard as possible, massage every where to get the blood flowin, then basically it’s all about keeping the hardon for at least a half hour and you must edge and press the “special spots” which you will learn on your own body with time and practice, but while edging you must pucker your anus which enables you to instead of bust a load at the PONR, make your dick pop out more and grow. Now after weeks of doing this for at least an hour a day, the gains will come. At least for me they did. That’s as good as I can do wrestla. I’m no physiologist.

Originally Posted by philio1
Bobs was right you guys are thinking way too hard about it. And no I usually don’t get blue balls. Anyways how I began ballooning was this: get as hard as possible, massage every where to get the blood flowin, then basically it’s all about keeping the hardon for at least a half hour and you must edge and press the “special spots” which you will learn on your own body with time and practice, but while edging you must pucker your anus which enables you to instead of bust a load at the PONR, make your dick pop out more and grow. Now after weeks of doing this for at least an hour a day, the gains will come. At least for me they did. That’s as good as I can do wrestla. I’m no physiologist.

OK, so let me clear this up for myself.

When you say, “pucker your anus” do you mean contract it inward like holding in gas…or push outward on it like a reverse kagal, like trying to pass gas?

When you say pucker, it sounds like a squeeze or contraction…this is still not clear to me.

HAHAHA Sorry I can’t help to laugh at pucker. I mean reverse kegel. This reverse kegel is used to keep you from the PONR. If you can keep it going without busting and keep doing this, your dick will get really big by the end of the session.

Sparks - You have to understand that part of my job here as moderator is to make sure we’re promoting things that aren’t dangerous, that have some probability of working, and which have some understandable connection to the male anatomy and how it works. A lot of what Werner talks about is moving energy around with his mind. Or things like the Newman K. Lin inspired “anal breathing” which is, apparently, simply relaxing your pelvic muscles. No matter what it feels like, “energy” sensations are not likely to cause tissue expansion and growth. So I have to be a bit skeptical when prolonged masturbation, something that every 14 year old boy does, is said to give you extra inches.

OK, thanks. At least all three of you guys are saying the same thing.

So my best guess is now this;

this method works by getting high pressure pulses from the dry orgasms, gently stretching the tunica. The constant very hard erections during the ballooning will maintain the slight increased stretch, helping to cement it. The multiple dry orgasms will not only gently stretch the tunica (while the uninterrupted erection holds the stretch) but it will greatly strengthen the BC…which then allows the process to become more intense as you practice it more, producing pressure waves of greater intensity during the dry orgasms.

Remember its primarily the BC (and IC?)contraction that produces the pressure wave. Nothing causes it to contract harder than an orgasm…so it will make it stronger over time.

Probably there is a threshold that you cross when the internal pressure pulses get strong enough to make a noticeable difference in size…depending on the toughness of the tunica and the strength and duration of the pulses and normal erectile pressures which follow after the dry orgasms.

The reverse kagal maneuver is to help you develop the ability to have dry, multiple orgasms.

So to summarize my theory of how it works,

1 Learn to bring your dick to a highly aroused state, by finding/developing sensitive spots other than the underside of the glans…which tends to cause wet ejaculation.
2 Learn to have dry orgasms by practicing reverse kagals during PONR.
3 This will allow you to maintain a very hard erection, with multiple high pressure waves from the dry orgasms which will gently expand the tunica, with very little tissue contraction from too much force.
4 With time, it can allow for a real fun time and a bigger dick.

Anyway, I haven’t done it myself yet, but this is my understanding based on reading what these guys are reporting. They can give their opinions as to whether this makes sense based on their actual experiences.

Originally Posted by westla90069
Sparks - You have to understand that part of my job here as moderator is to make sure we’re promoting things that aren’t dangerous, that have some probability of working, and which have some understandable connection to the male anatomy and how it works. A lot of what Werner talks about is moving energy around with his mind. Or things like the Newman K. Lin inspired “anal breathing” which is, apparently, simply relaxing your pelvic muscles. No matter what it feels like, “energy” sensations are not likely to cause tissue expansion and growth. So I have to be a bit skeptical when prolonged masturbation, something that every 14 year old boy does, is said to give you extra inches.

And I appreciate that.

I just don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater by discouraging the sharing of what these guys are concurring is a technique that has worked for them and others.

When someone of your medical knowledge steps up and challenges them on the physiology…they don’t stand a chance…and its not a standard that everyone is held to.

What would be more helpful is to question them on how they know they have gained, and what other PE was being done. In other words, the accuracy of their observations of gains.

As you know, many guys make measurement mistakes, honest mistakes due to technique, or no measurements at all, it just “looks bigger”.

The only other issue would be honesty…and I have no indications that they have any secondary gains or motivation not to be telling the truth, as they perceive it.

You are a valued Moderator and member…I just want to keep this going in a positive fair way so we can explore this subject long enough to make a determination if this is a real gold nugget, worth digging deep into, or just some fools gold.

As you can see from my theory on the possible mechanism…its physiologically possible. (thats if I didn’t fuck up on it)

Hell, if nothing else, I’d love to have multiple dry orgasms…I probably quit caring if it was making my dick bigger or not! :)

If I called anyone a liar, I apologize. My intention is to understand if this “works” and if it does, how.

Your ideas sound good, but I suspect it would take quite a long time for such minimum increases in pressure to be effective in stretching the tunica.

Please understand, my intention with my posts was to try and take something that is somewhat intimidating to the outside observer, and bring some practical, step-by-step guidelines, for you all to make the same gains that I did.

I can say - without doubt - that I have gained close to an inch in length, just from ballooning. When I used to balloon daily, I did no other PE, so I can positively say that ballooning was what gave me my gains.

I’m just trying to translate - I spent, probably close to six months, interpreting, deciphering what Lin’s convoluted website was getting at.

It seems that the time has come to get into the theory of ballooning, so here is my contribution to the discussion:
Ballooning is all about switching the primary driving force behind your erection, from your sympathetic, to your parasympathetic system; this is why we avoid the underside of the glans, the spot that creates a “fight or flight” response within us - by working with the other sweet spots, we are, in effect, telling our dick, “it’s ok, we have all the time in the world.”

I can’t explain why this works, I can just say that it does. I really want this to work for all of you guys as well, because it’s such a simple, effective way to make quick, and permanent gains.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

And man! If I could get my hands on a camera, I would certainly take pictures for you guys; I’m a little hesitant to borrow my roommates camera, as I’m afraid I might leave the pictures loaded in the camera, and have some SERIOUS explaining to do :)

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.


First of all, I want to thank you for your effort and intent here…sterling!

However, if your summery is based on Lin’s explanation…it will come up short because Lin explanation is damn near total nonsense. When he starts trying to use physiologic terms…lets just say, he is an engineer by profession and it is apparent he has no formal medical training.

Now, in my mind, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work…just that what he thinks is happening is not what is really happening.

How much stretching force can be generated by dry orgasms, I think this is the key question in Westla’s mind…fair enough. I will say that my wife loves it when I cum inside her, and one of the things she has always really enjoyed is she can feel me “swelling up” right before I cum.

This is something most guys have noticed, especially if it is an especially intense orgasm. So, Westla…what if this method is a way of prolonging and increasing that “swelling up” and instead of it lasting a brief moment…you can increase and prolong it?

And what if instead of it immediately resulting in loss of erection (normal orgasm) it results in no loss of erectile ridgitiy…and perhaps an actual increase of residual internal pressure? Don’t you think that pressure wave followed by a harder than normal erection can be enough force to create changes?

Don’t you think if you start contracting the BC at great frequency at orgasm, for longer periods of time, that it can get considerably stronger…resulting in even higher internal pressures of the penis? Don’t you think that puts it into the realm of a “possible” mechanism for expansion?

The Taoists have been studying sex for perhaps thousands of years, and maybe they HAVE found a way to make your dick bigger, and healthier AND intensify and prolong orgasms in a way that is good for you.

Anyway, it makes sense to me now…and sounds totally plausible. Granted, it is not producing the same forces that clamping and bending will generate, but perhaps thats good in that it greatly lowers the possibility of tissue fatigue and contraction.

Slow but steady is not a bad recipe for PE…especially if the whole process is exceedingly enjoyable.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Don’t you think if you start contracting the BC at great frequency at orgasm, for longer periods of time, that it can get considerably stronger…resulting in even higher internal pressures of the penis?

No, not the BC. The BC surrounds the bulb of the penis, part of the glans-corpus spongiosum system, which is low pressure. It would have to be the ischiocavernosus muscles.

Some research papers.

The contribution of the IC muscles to intracavernosal pressure:
http://www.andr ologyjournal.or … ol.106.000513v1

Erection/ejaculation physiology articles:
http://www.duj. … rticle/Lue.html

One thing front up:
I don’t like this Lin guy and I do know that most of his own explanations are way off. And yeah, “anal breathing” to me is probably one of them.
If you are coming at this from the taoist energy model of the body “anal breathing” is really easy to use and probably less easy to master.
Just will the energy to move and it will.

Of course, since nobody even tried to talk about my earlier (rather lengthy) post on the implications of the other than conscious portions of the gray matter within the bigger head I’ll just plug it here again: This whole energy thing could probably just be something you “hallucinate”.. Just like you can “hallucinate” something smelling bad when it isn’t, just because a buddy was pulling a prank on you (eg. buddy gets a pack of fresh milk out of the fridge, opens, sniffs and gasps in disgust .. try very hard to smell the fresh milk as fresh as it in reality is.. etc.).

Anyways, the energy stuff in itself seems to work, no matter if it’s a hallucination that allows you to experience the things known as ballooning.. or because if it’s “real” (as “reality” can be.. another topic.. anyways).


She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"


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