Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning Gains!

I tried massaging at the base, but only “blunt” feelings - no clear “soft spot”. When I dig in and try to massage kind of in under the pubic bone, the shaft is pressed down and I feel how it is resting - won’t go down any further - against the fundiform ligament. No clear experience of “making it want to come out and play” or however it was bobs put it.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Yeah, you guys shouldn’t be attempting to rub through your skin and into your dick, soften it up a bit :) There’s a sweet spot you find, and when you do, it feels really good, AND it makes your dick pop out some more, and that’s just peachy. I’m really pulling for you guys to figure this out, as once you do, you’ll be kicking yourself for not figuring it out sooner it’s so easy.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by Nick666
Yeah…weird… the guy can get an erection, orgasm, non-ejaculatory orgasm, ejaculation, only with the power of his mind… without even touching his dick, damn!

Yeah, that guys incredible - pretty inspirational stuff, in all aspects of life, not just sexual.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
Ha, I wanna see results before I proclaim my knowledge on the subject - if any of you follow my and Bobs advice, perhaps I will start the thread, otherwise, no dice.

Don’t want to be irresponsible now.

Wait a minute…you mean, TRYING isn’t enough…we have to be getting RESULTS?

So let me get this straight, if we need more instructions, because we can’t get it to work…we won’t get any UNTIL we GET results? At that point, we wouldn’t need the help, its when you are trying but can’t get the results that the help is needed…don’t you agree?

I have been doing the pressing on the spot thingy…and I and Mgus are finding identical results. I am, and will keep trying, but really, of all the instruction I’ve ever gotten on this, yours (and Bob) is the least ambiguous. BUT even being the best, this “soft spot” is rather mysterious, its a tiny area, and I’ve spent at least 2 hours or more searching for it…with no obvious results.

I am wondering if its like a acupuncture spot that gets activated the more you have you “attention” on it…kind of like “waking it up” with the energy directed to it my touch and attention.

I will continue to be grateful for any continued “demystified” instructions you can provide.

Originally Posted by bobs3304
I get it.

You don’t want me to answer..

**Rolls eyes**, **flips bird**.


No disrespect intended here, I am hanging on your every word as much as Kazoo, I like very much your no nonsense way of describing what is going on…its very much to my tastes.

Please continue on…actually, I really would like you guys to start a separate thread on this…why not?

No no, sparky, you’ve confused my words - I meant only, that I’m not gonna start a separate thread where I basically reiterate what I’ve already stated, unless the advice that I give can help you guys. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time, basically.

I’m gonna balloon today, I’ll get back to you with some more advice, but the best general advice I can give you is, don’t look for it like you would a nerve, or a vein, just gently rub the area and you should feel something happen in your lower-belly/pubic bone area… it will feel good, but nothing explosive like, “WHOA!” Explore the top part of your shaft, up and down, that might help.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Don’t worry about us…just keep doing your best to describe it…like today. If you describe a process from different angles and ideas, it can give us a better chance to find it. The explanation you gave today is additional help, thanks.

Sometimes with a ambiguous concept, discussing both what TO look for, and what NOT to look for, can round out the ability for the confused to get past the confusion…like you did today.

So part of my confusion is, the area you described in where the penis attaches to the pubic bone. If that is correct, then there are several different tissues at that point.

With what I consider “gentle” pressure, I cannot reach down to the bone, ligaments or penis…just skin and fat pad. In order for me to get down to the above mentioned structures…it takes some to significant pressure.

So, the question is, is this “spot” in the skin and fat or on the deeper structures?

Or…is it a larger area that can be stimulated by friction…like rubbing the skin and generating some heat by the rubbing, but not penetrating all the way to the pubic bone or ligaments?

In oriental medicine, there is the concept that energy follows thought…so is it by finding a spot that feels slightly different and “good” you begin to direct energy to it by concentrating on it, it “opens the pathway” and the magic begins to happen? Simply put, did you find that at first it was no big deal but the effect increased as you stayed with it?

I have a confession. I am a pretty seasoned veteran at ballooning also and believe me it works! It is not something that happens over night though. It encorporates a lot of training but like bobs and kazoo have been saying, it pays off.

Originally Posted by philio1
I have a confession. I am a pretty seasoned veteran at ballooning also and believe me it works! It is not something that happens over night though. It encorporates a lot of training but like bobs and kazoo have been saying, it pays off.

Well, since you have “outed” yourself…please feel free to give some of the critical points as you have found them.

Tried this yesterday and today and the cock felt/looked a bit longer after the sessions, did not measure though. Today I had to go a bit easier since I was a bit sore around the ligaments from yesterday. Can’t say I have found any “magical” spot though. Are you supposed to be pushing the cock outwards from the body as you rub? Or is the rubbing simply for finding that special energy?

(Also you really need to find a better name than anal breathing.;) It sounds like you are supposed to suck in air and fart over and over.)

Start around 2006-03 -- BPEL: 6.2" EG: 4.8"

Current 2008-04-27 ---- BPEL: 7.4" EG: 5.2" BaseGirth:6.1"

Later ------------------ BPEL: 7.87" EG: 5.9" :spin:

“The trick is to find the spot that feels good, and just work with that feeling.” - kazooplayer

That is the most important part of ballooning. It’s called sensate focus. Focus (in a relaxed way) on the sweet spots and they will get sweeter and sweeter until, poof, it starts to throb and you’re ballooning. Ballooning can happen from sensations in the base, the CC’s, the glans, and even the balls. Just got to develop those non-trigger areas. It takes time. My most recent development is in the glans. Focusing there gives me very full ballooning and the sensations evenually radiate all the way down the shaft. Riveting! Yes, I do it all with my mind. Anyone can with practice.

Questions are welcome. Kazooplayer and company are doing a great job already though.

My ballooning thread:
Sweet rewards - balloning works

“Up up and away!”

Started 5.5 BPEL with 45 degree angle, now 7.25" with 45 degree angle. Began semi to fully erect jelqing, now ballooning followed by light jelqing, sqeezing and stretching. Update 8/27/05: 7 3/8". Update 2/25/06: 7 1/2" with ballooning+manual clamping [For ballooning instructions: post #295+296, multiple orgasms and orbiting #207, mental masturbation #247, penis care #493]

Last edited by Werner Ashford : 04-18-2007 at .

Originally Posted by Werner Ashford
“The trick is to find the spot that feels good, and just work with that feeling.” - kazooplayer

That is the most important part of ballooning. It’s called sensate focus. Focus (in a relaxed way) on the sweet spots and they will get sweeter and sweeter until, poof, it starts to throb and you’re ballooning. Ballooning can happen from sensations in the base, the CC’s, the glans, and even the balls. Just got to develop those non-trigger areas. It takes time. My most recent development is in the glans. Focusing there gives me very full ballooning and the sensations evenually radiate all the way down the shaft. Riveting! Yes, I do it all with my mind. Anyone can with practice.

Questions are welcome. Kazooplayer and company are doing a great job already though.

My ballooning thread:
Sweet rewards - balloning works

“Up up and away!”

You know I hate to admit this but I thought edging and ballooning was the same thing.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by Modong
It sounds like you are supposed to suck in air and fart over and over.

Man, it is early in the morning here in Norway and I am sitting here, giggling like a little kid over that sentence…funny stuff indeed…:D

Originally Posted by babbis

Man, it is early in the morning here in Norway and I am sitting here, giggling like a little kid over that sentence.funny stuff indeed.:D

Just pucker up your anus, I think that’s what anal breathing is?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Like it’s getting ready to be kissed, yeah :)

Good to hear from you Werner, I’m glad I’m not leading anyone astray.

OK, I ballooned today, and here are a few more tips to go by.

Copied from a PM to kingpole:

1. Rub the whole top side of your dick - while you want to focus mainly on the base, there’s a feeling that you might clue into by rubbing the whole top side of the shaft occasionally.

2. Try pulling up on your sphincter just a tiny bit, in rhythm to your stroke - it will feel really good and it has quite an immediate effect, if you get it right.

It took me a while to get this stuff, so don’t expect to see results right away, but if you don’t feel anything after a few tries, I suggest switching it up and seeing if you need a new approach.

Also, the point where you feel like you’re going to cum? That is when the most dramatic results will show up, as long as you can direct energy away from your prostate - avoid at all cost, at this moment, the area underneath your glans, the trigger area.

I got an increase of 1/4 an inch today from doing it - this is the 1/4 of an inch that always subsides after a day or two, but usually comes back when I’m really excited, ie, with a lovely lady :)

Hope this helps.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.


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