Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning Gains!

Oh my god I don’t think I’ll ever stop laughing! “Pucker your anus” HAHAHA

I honestly don’t think anyone who thinks this is homework will ever be able to do it, b/c the whole premise of this is relaxation and fun.

Some of you guys are trying to make this sound like a science report in the Wall Street Journal.

I mean, this is basically another way of JACKING OFF.

I give up, I can’t do it, lol.

well how would you describe the feeling you have during ballooning to someone who never had that feeling nor any other human emotion.
Describe it in a way that he’ll be able to feel the feeling he never felt before.. NOW!



ys and werner are talking about ballooning as being multiorgasmic and controlling the sexual energy, the one who opened the thread talks about pressing his dick base to make his dick longer !!!

Lol this is hilarious.

Ballooning is sophisticated edging. That’s all it is. When you do it, you wanna just touch your balls and base of your dick (really anywhere) like a gurl would.softly tenderly.with only your fingertips.

Just get really hard, really get into it, pucker up that ass if you can remember, and just have a good time for an hour or so.

Wth is so hard about that?

Just finished an hour ballooning and now my balls are really sore, and in between my pubic bone and belly

it’s really swollen and sore. Has anyone Else experienced this.

simonwacko, do a search on what is usually called “blue balls”.

It’s nothing to worry about, it will be gone in 2 or 3 hours. At least this is how long it takes for me.

By the way, bobs, kazoo and the rest of you “Ballooners”, do you get blue balls after ballooning ?

Also, if you do, how do you avoid getting it ?

And, lastly, does anyone know if getting into this situation repeatedly can be bad for your health (without considering the annoyoance it is, is there something more to it?)?

Originally Posted by bobs3304
Some of you guys are trying to make this sound like a science report in the Wall Street Journal.

I mean, this is basically another way of JACKING OFF.

The reason they do that is because some have said ballooning makes your dick bigger. Making your dick bigger is the reason these forums exist. If there are claims that some new technique makes you grow, then they want to know exactly how to do it.

I’ve been holding off in participating here, but now I’ll just ask a simple question (after a physiology lesson).

The penis becomes erect because neuro and chemo receptors relax arteries which allow blood to flow into the erectile chambers. Blood is prevented from escaping the erectile chambers because the veins draining these chambers are compressed by the erection. As long as there is mental or physical stimulation, the erection continues.

Without jelqing, clamping or other artificial means of increasing the pressure, the erection is maintained only by your systemic blood pressure. At “maximum erection” a bit of extra pressure can be added by contracting the bulbospongiosus (also called bulbocavernosus) and ischiocavernosus muscles by doing Dr. Kegel’s maneuver (consciously or unconsciously), but that lasts only as long as the muscles are contracted.

Since your erection will not get any stronger and the size will not get any bigger than what your systemic blood pressure can achieve, what is the mechanism for this supposed penis enlargement due to ballooning?

Please explain how extended masturbation makes your dick grow (by some reports up to an inch, permanently) with only your normal blood pressure exerting any force on the tunica and CC. Keep in mind that even a temporary increase in blood pressure, due to neurotransmitters like epinephrine, are by definition temporary and would not exert enough pressure for a long enough period of time to explain the reported growth.

I’d like to hear Werner or kazoo or bobs explain the physiology that creates permanent penis length increases from this masturbatory technique.

(Claims backed up by photos would also be appreciated.)

Originally Posted by Nick666
ys and werner are talking about ballooning as being multiorgasmic and controlling the sexual energy, the one who opened the thread talks about pressing his dick base to make his dick longer !!!


Werner said in his ballooning thread a long time ago, that he channels his orgasms into his dick, and not just jerking off, and that’s what means ballooning to him.

The guys here(except ys I think) talk about ballooning as jerking, edging and pressing with the thumb on the dick base to soften up the lig or something like that, nothing more than a physical action, a totally different thing from what Werner describes in his thread.

Originally Posted by westla90069
The reason they do that is because some have said ballooning makes your dick bigger. Making your dick bigger is the reason these forums exist. If there are claims that some new technique makes you grow, then they want to know exactly how to do it.

I’ve been holding off in participating here, but now I’ll just ask a simple question (after a physiology lesson).

The penis becomes erect because neuro and chemo receptors relax arteries which allow blood to flow into the erectile chambers. Blood is prevented from escaping the erectile chambers because the veins draining these chambers are compressed by the erection. As long as there is mental or physical stimulation, the erection continues.

Without jelqing, clamping or other artificial means of increasing the pressure, the erection is maintained only by your systemic blood pressure. At “maximum erection” a bit of extra pressure can be added by contracting the bulbospongiosus (also called bulbocavernosus) and ischiocavernosus muscles by doing Dr. Kegel’s maneuver (consciously or unconsciously), but that lasts only as long as the muscles are contracted.

Since your erection will not get any stronger and the size will not get any bigger than what your systemic blood pressure can achieve, what is the mechanism for this supposed penis enlargement due to ballooning?

Please explain how extended masturbation makes your dick grow (by some reports up to an inch, permanently) with only your normal blood pressure exerting any force on the tunica and CC. Keep in mind that even a temporary increase in blood pressure, due to neurotransmitters like epinephrine, are by definition temporary and would not exert enough pressure for a long enough period of time to explain the reported growth.

I’d like to hear Werner or kazoo or bobs explain the physiology that creates permanent penis length increases from this masturbatory technique.

(Claims backed up by photos would also be appreciated.)


I appreciate your concern, but I think it is putting an unfair burden on these guys that is not required from anyone else. They shouldn’t have to be able explain the physiology of this in order for it to be considered, they probably aren’t medical professionals.

We really count on honesty and acuracy at this forum…someone reports success, if we believe them then some will try it. If others also get results, then more and more try it….this process either confirms the efficacy or proves it to be false. What else do we have?

So, what…if they are unable to come up with a physiologic explanation, they are to be dismissed? I think there are enough guys from the Taoist sex camp that claim it can and has been done to at least look into it…if you are interested.

I just don’t think its fair to put a burden on them that they may be unable to sastisfy, no matter how honest and accurate they may be, or not be.

I guess my point is that physiologically it isn’t possible for masturbation to make your dick bigger. A few say they have gained from it. Perhaps they were doing other PE exercises at the same time which created the gains. Perhaps they were still in puberty and had natural gains. Perhaps they are mis-measuring. Whatever they’re doing I submit that the ballooning technique is not the reason they have gains.

Originally Posted by sparkyx

I appreciate your concern, but I think it is putting an unfair burden on these guys that is not required from anyone else. They shouldn’t have to be able explain the physiology of this in order for it to be considered, they probably aren’t medical professionals.

We really count on honesty and acuracy at this forum…someone reports success, if we believe them then some will try it. If others also get results, then more and more try it….this process either confirms the efficacy or proves it to be false. What else do we have?

So, what…if they are unable to come up with a physiologic explanation, they are to be dismissed? I think there are enough guys from the Taoist sex camp that claim it can and has been done to at least look into it…if you are interested.

I just don’t think its fair to put a burden on them that they may be unable to sastisfy, no matter how honest and accurate they may be, or not be.

sparky, a medical treatise isn’t required, just something that vaguely makes sense.

-For example, jelqing works by pushing blood through the penile chambers, expanding the tissues significantly past their usually capacity to induce gains.

-extenders work by keeping the penis in an extended state long enough to allow cell growth etc

Just something simple, no medical mumbo jumbo.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

I don’t know if ballooning is a viable way to get gains, but it definitely can’t hurt for guys to learn how to receive pleasure beyond the up and down of their hand.

By focusing on other receptors, other guys here will learn how to edge even more effectively and find satisfaction from them. With any luck, it will carry on into the bedroom. Women learn to gain pleasure from all sorts of erogenous zones. We hear of women coming from nipple, anal, vaginal, and clitoral stimulation in addition to weirder ones like the ears, neck, and feet. Our very own zaneblue comes spontaneously. Men would benefit from learning mental stimulation.

Guys learning to have full body orgasms can only be a good thing. Whether it causes gains is another matter, but the greater enjoyment of sex is nothing to laugh at. My strongest orgasms yet with my gf occur with the use of these techniques. They now take over large areas of my body as opposed to a single point release near my pelvis.

I think everyone should try it, not for gains but for better orgasms in general.

Originally Posted by Klayton
sparky, a medical treatise isn’t required, just something that vaguely makes sense.

-For example, jelqing works by pushing blood through the penile chambers, expanding the tissues significantly past their usually capacity to induce gains.

-extenders work by keeping the penis in an extended state long enough to allow cell growth etc

Just something simple, no medical mumbo jumbo.

If you don’t know…you’re just guessing.

NONE of us REALLY know whats going on, we have what I consider damn good theories that may or may not be right. Just because you have an explanation…and you are getting results…doesn’t mean your explanation is accurate, it could be totally wrong.

So, why make these guys come up with a guess, when that’s all it is? PE has come all this way on results…period.

The only thing that should matter for us is that which we can know…does it work, how do you do it, is it safe.

I understand Westla’s scepticism…and from a physiologic point of view, WITH WHAT WE KNOW…its doesn’t make sense. However, I always leave room for the possibilities, from responses that are not yet scientifically know, but may exist. After all, all that IS…is not know in TOTALITY… and will never be.


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