Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning Gains!

Ballooning, like all PE, hell like all exercise in life, should be FUN.

Can’t stress that enough. It shouldn’t be homework, and there are no sure things here, just dive into it, experience it for yourself, see if you “feel” anything.

Basically the whole premise of ballooning is edging but in a different way. You’re not simply jerking off and holding in your cum, you’re DELICATELY massaging and touching your balls and the base of your shaft, while trying to really get into it, pucker up your anus, try to really focus your sexual “energy” into the routine.

Get your mind as horny as possible w/o porn. Btw, another good thing you can do is massage the tip of your penis.

Originally Posted by bobs3304

Ballooning, like all PE, hell like all exercise in life, should be FUN.

I strongly disagree. No pain, no gain, we all know that. So if it ain’t hurting and damn uncomfortable, it’s not doing you any good.


regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Rub? How hard?

Rub with lube such that thumb/fingers glide on the skin, or no lube and skin is made to glide over the underlying parts?

A video would be helpful.

From what I gather, part of the point of rubbing the top of the shaft is to block outflow of blood via the dorsal vein, as a cock ring would do. Is this correct?

(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Originally Posted by mgus
I strongly disagree. No pain, no gain, we all know that. So if it ain’t hurting and damn uncomfortable, it’s not doing you any good.


Ahhhh suck it!


Damn I just tried it, I went for about 10 mins my sexual energy was incredibly high and I was so turned on.. It could’ve been the porn though (Not sure?). But after about 10 mins I started to feel an orgasm coming and just couldn’t resist and masturbated for about 2 seconds and blew my load (it was a really really good orgasm to)

My questions. The way I was doing it is I only used 2 fingers I used my thumb and index of my right hand, I had my thumb at “the spot” or atleast trying to be, and my index on the base of the otherside. I basically just masturbated slowly with only these two fingers but pressed my thumb in a little deeper to try and stimulate “the spot”. Is this the correct way to do it? (Minus the lack of will power and blowing my load) I feel a very slight sourness in the area I was pressing with my thumb, is this normal? How long should I wait before I attempt to do this again? And last question, how long did you do this before you started seeing an actual gain in your size?

Sorry for all the questions, I am very interested in this topic and think it would be a great addition to pe routine, or a pe routine itself. Thanks guys

Starting Measurements (2/27/07): BPEL-5.3" EG-4"

Current: BPEL - 6.25'' EG '' 4.5''

Long Term Goal: BPEL- 7" EG-5"


Stop nitpicking, jesus.

P.s. Less porn the better.

Aaahhhhh, I think you mean that this is not an exact process, you need to experiment and find what feels and works best for you…at least thats what I assume you meant.

I see teaching and patience isn’t your strong card.

You know Bob, take a look at my post numbers….most of those were for answering the same set of questions over and fucking over again…ad nauseum. Why do I do it…to help out guys all over the world be happier, and safer in their attempts at being happier.

Its guys helping each other…not matter how fucking stupid the questions seem, that makes this a unique and great place. If you would like to contribute to that atmosphere, it would be great. Getting abrupt with someone that is just trying to understand a totally new concept to them is really not called for…in my opinion.

Last edited by sparkyx : 04-18-2007 at .

Yeah Marley, that’s a good start. Try not to press so hard, as to cause injury, just apply a light rub along the base, and top side of the shaft.

bobs brought up a good point, you massage your balls and the inner shaft too - don’t rub it like you’re trying to choke it, rub it like you’re trying to massage the whole of your shaft, not just the money spot.

I guess a few other keys would be, to focus your attention on the top part of the shaft more than the bottom, and to get your whole sexual response going, not just the urge to cum response.

I just read this and it seems a little confusing - having had any caffeine yet today, I’ll post again when I have :)

And PS, no, I don’t think you’re blocking the flow of blood via the dorsal vein, I think what we’re trying to do is build up a very specific energy to bring on a really, really hard erection.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

No prob Sparkyx!

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by Werner Ashford
“The trick is to find the spot that feels good, and just work with that feeling.” - kazooplayer

That is the most important part of ballooning. It’s called sensate focus. Focus (in a relaxed way) on the sweet spots and they will get sweeter and sweeter until, poof, it starts to throb and you’re ballooning. Ballooning can happen from sensations in the base, the CC’s, the glans, and even the balls. Just got to develop those non-trigger areas. It takes time. My most recent development is in the glans. Focusing there gives me very full ballooning and the sensations evenually radiate all the way down the shaft. Riveting! Yes, I do it all with my mind. Anyone can with practice.

To chime in with my few bits of personal experience:
This (one) sweet spot for me wasn’t at all on my dick, but on the pubic bone about an inch north (read: about) the point where dick meets pubic bone ;)
Other “sweet spots” I developed unintentionally while trying to “anchor” different stages of orgasming (for the NLP / hypnosis people here).

Basically, to me, the “sweet spots” are nothing other than a shortcut to the orgasmic feeling (and thus energy.. feeling = energy after all ;) ).
So you are getting aroused by “triggering” those sweet spots at the right time in the right way (which is absolutely personal IMO).
And when you have built up the arousal level sufficiently you are gonna get the feeling of orgasming (just without the ejaculation part). From then on every orgasmic spasm will heighten the pleasure even more (this is where “anal breathing” comes into play IMO).

Another metaphor for the “sweet spots” would be: For me they feel like what I could best describe as “valves”, releasing the stored (sexual) energy which was built up by playing with all the non-trigger areas on your dick (no under glans, no CS).


If all it basically comes down to orgasming without having to play with the trigger areas (self-)hypnosis could be a great tool to give an aspiring ballooner good help for starters.

I mean, isn’t what it all basically boils down to getting out of your own way to fully experience the (sexual and orgasmic) feelings in the now ?

Orgasming / Ballooning and conscious mind just don’t fit together.

What’s the best way for a gal to get something from her guy?
Wait till he came and then in the afterglow “ask” him for what she wants.
The conscious mind is mainly or even completely gone by this point anyways :)

edit: And about playing with the sweet spot(s): Nobody ever said you’d have to press hard.. even pressing light enough that it is lighter than you grabbing your dick for masturbation can be just what you need (and any more pressure will just ruin the result).. Ballooning is a case of complete and utter YMMV (Your mileage may vary). Have fun and enjoy the exploration :)


She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Aaahhhhh, I think you mean that this is not an exact process, you need to experiment and find what feels and works best for you…at least thats what I assume you meant.

I see teaching and patience isn’t your strong card.

You know Bob, take a look at my post numbers….most of those were for answering the same set of questions over and fucking over again…ad nauseum. Why do I do it…to help out guys all over the world be happier, and safer in their attempts at being happier.

Its guys helping each other…not matter how fucking stupid the questions seem, that makes this a unique and great place. If you would like to contribute to that atmosphere, it would be great. Getting abrupt with someone that is just trying to understand a totally new concept to them is really not called for…in my opinion.

In my opinion also. Has anyone besides me noticed that these ballooning guys are on the edge quite a bit? ;)

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:funpost: Could it be because of all those dry orgasms..? :-k

Ok, sorry for another question guys. I just read the post about anal breathing being “puckering up your anus”, which is something I can do quite easily. Though, it feel like more of a kegal motion concentrated directly on my anus, rather than a reverse kegal (like trying to pee/fart really hard). Am I puckering completely wrong then? I don’t see how it’s possible to do it “pucker your anus” with a reverse kegal, it just seems to push it out.

Just a little side note on what seemed to work for me as far as “sweet spots” go. With your left hand, press, rub, etc on your perineum with your middle finger and rubbing between the pelvic bone and base of penis with your thumb. With your right hand stroking the penis soflty seemed to do wonders for me.

Definitely different than masturbating. You got to kind of coax the member. Very subtle.

Also… try to get into it. Get your body moving, act as if your in ecstasy. Change your posture… imagine your penis is growing massive in the most gorgeous girl and she’s just loving the fact that it keeps getting bigger and bigger. etc…

Be creative with this. This helps a ton with relaxation, which helps a ton with actually being able to feel those subtle sexual energies which is what your trying to follow. Once you’re on that ride, your gold.

Last edited by MansizedRooster : 04-19-2007 at .

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