Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning Gains!

I just went and tried this again and discovered it’s the palm and heal of the hand I use to rub with. Not just the heal. I tend to rub away from my body more. I don’t even use the right hand.


July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

It’s an amazing sensation, isn’t it? Especially wonderful when being delivered by someone else’s hand/mouth/tongue, and you just get to lay there and relax.

(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

I actually stopped doing this about the time I was married. We should try this together. Great idea!


July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

I have been coming here for a while and I have finally joined this site.But I just want to clear some things up even though I am not a researcher but have learned through my experiences. I think sex is a big mind game and the reason I say this is because if you are masturbating while watching a video then you will most likely cum faster rather than doing it from thought. I found this weird so one day when I was masturbating I was just thinking and whenever I was close to ejaculation I would start to ponder about weird things like going out to eat and etc and I noticed that I didn’t even cum and I was still going. As soon as I got those nasty thoughts back in my head that’s when it felt like I was going to bust again. Trust me guys just try this because you too may notice this.

K.. So what does this masturbation 101 have to do with Ballooning?

Well if you read a couple of pages back you will see why I stated what I said.

K, i will if I reread a couple of pages back. It still doesn’t make sense in the meantime.. Enough offtopic :)

It has been awhile that I’ve done it over an hour and without cumming. But now that I’m giving jelqing a break I going to start up the longer sessions again.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by sparkyx
How much stretching force can be generated by dry orgasms, I think this is the key question in Westla’s mind…fair enough. I will say that my wife loves it when I cum inside her, and one of the things she has always really enjoyed is she can feel me “swelling up” right before I cum.

I was told recently by a woman that “in my experience, all men swell up just before they come. It feels good, makes it easier for me to come.”

Which reminded me of sparkyx post, and also made me think seminal retention talk (in “Why don’t men get the sex they want? Solution inside”) and how women get pissed off, or feel that they were cheated out of something - maybe they feel that the neatest sensation of all was willfully held back from them?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Really weird did for first time today. Got an increase of 1/4 of an inch. I gotta get this down better! Thanks for your routine kingpole dang man!

Originally Posted by mgus
I was told recently by a woman that “in my experience, all men swell up just before they come. It feels good, makes it easier for me to come.”

Which reminded me of sparkyx post, and also made me think seminal retention talk (in “Why don’t men get the sex they want? Solution inside”) and how women get pissed off, or feel that they were cheated out of something - maybe they feel that the neatest sensation of all was willfully held back from them?

Nah, In my experience it’s always been about her needing to feel validated/attractive and having an ego investment in making the dude squirt. You can swell your dick during intercourse while practicing semen retention—either by combining reverse kegels with really strong kegels (basically “ballooning”), or by getting to that point your lady friend mentioned but not going over the edge (takes practice!)

Ok people in this thread talk about gains from ballooning. But no1 was really talking if they can get super erections during intercourse. So do the super-erections from the ballooning practice really translate into super-erections during intercourse?? That’s more important than just +0,25 inch.

2 years ago when I started practicing all that chi-kung, taoist style sexual kung-fu I learned a method to stay 150% erect during intercourse which drove my lady really crazy. I could do it only once 2 weeks and only 2 times in that day. Now I can do it maybe once a month because somehow it’s like you’re always forgetting how you do it. It’s sort of like your super errection battery is empty and you can’t remember how did you do it the last time. So maybe ballooning is the way to increase the capacity of that battery? Hmmmm….

This might be a stupid question, but what is ballooning and why is there a 25 page thread about it ?

If you weren’t interested you probably shouldn’t even bother to read it. Go away, there’s nothing to see here.

Originally Posted by Kokles
Ok people in this thread talk about gains from ballooning. But no1 was really talking if they can get super erections during intercourse. So do the super-erections from the ballooning practice really translate into super-erections during intercourse?? That’s more important than just +0,25 inch.

2 years ago when I started practicing all that chi-kung, taoist style sexual kung-fu I learned a method to stay 150% erect during intercourse which drove my lady really crazy. I could do it only once 2 weeks and only 2 times in that day. Now I can do it maybe once a month because somehow it’s like you’re always forgetting how you do it. It’s sort of like your super errection battery is empty and you can’t remember how did you do it the last time. So maybe ballooning is the way to increase the capacity of that battery? Hmmmm..

Please explain further of this 150% erect level.


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