Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning Gains!

Hi, I’ve read through the entire 23 posts and have been trying to balloon for over a month now. Either I’m doing something wrong or I just can’t get it to work. I’ve tried most ways as there seems to be a difference of opinion over such things as anal breathing, some say clench lightly, others say push out. I have tried just touching the base at top of penis but I feel nothing, never get aroused or hard. Can anyone tell me the proper way to do this or what I’m doing wrong. Also how many have actually gained from this. Thanks for any replies in advance.


I think the best way to describe Ballooning is following your intuition all along to good feelings that are close to an ejaculation orgasm, but not quite the same.. Taking your time, no need to rush anything.. Letting your body’s intuition handle everything.. And if anything at all, holding ONLY a good bit of fascination on how good you can make yourself feel without any ejaculatory action.

And of course, don’t make too much of this.. even when you “fail” in your learning phase, it’s not really “failing”, but just a temporary end to your quest for better and better feelings (and yep, the feelings do get better than your plain ejaculatory orgasm, given some fun preparation).

And no, it’s not needed to refrain from coming for any length of time. The only thing that changes is a lesser sensitivity to touch and less good feelings (at first).


Originally Posted by ys
I think the best way to describe Ballooning is following your intuition all along to good feelings that are close to an ejaculation orgasm, but not quite the same.. Taking your time, no need to rush anything.. Letting your body’s intuition handle everything.. And if anything at all, holding ONLY a good bit of fascination on how good you can make yourself feel without any ejaculatory action.

And of course, don’t make too much of this.. Even when you “fail” in your learning phase, it’s not really “failing”, but just a temporary end to your quest for better and better feelings (and yep, the feelings do get better than your plain ejaculatory orgasm, given some fun preparation).

And no, it’s not needed to refrain from coming for any length of time. The only thing that changes is a lesser sensitivity to touch and less good feelings (at first).


I went a whole 7 days without ejaculating, the first four days were wildly interesting, tingles all day. I had done the ballooning sessions five days in a row and by day 7 I had to blow my load. This was a few weeks ago. So far this I week I managed to get through two days. I’m due for another session. They can last up to two hours.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Any gains King? Especially ones you can attribute solely to ballooning, I think I read somewhere your doing a mixed routine.

Starting BPEL and EG 7 x 5 as of 3/30/07. I'm sure it's bigger now but I'll measure after this tub of vaseline is empty =) of 6/10/07 BPEL 7.25 and EG of 5.6 GOAL: 8 x 6.5...I'm on my way.

Originally Posted by CaptnMorgan
Any gains King? Especially ones you can attribute solely to ballooning, I think I read somewhere your doing a mixed routine.

I started the mixed routine this Saturday.
For about 6-8 weeks Ive done almost exclusively ballooning I had a modest girth gain from 6-8 weeks of ballooning. This gain came in about the first two weeks and I do believe I cemented successfully.
The new gain is in my signature.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

up to two hours? Same here.. 1.5-2 hours is the usual limit, depending on how fit I am on that day, orgasmically ;)
But you know what I love the most? The longer you can hold off the ejaculation, the longer the feeling of pure bliss goes on.. Hm, now thinking about it, even after one day’s worth (aka 1.5-2 hours) I’m getting .. let’s say .. a rise in base feeling wellness ;)
And the ready to go, thick and plump dick, of course ;)

Besides, I think, putting off blowing your load is definitely related to what the original texts called “the triggerzone” below your head and above the CS.
It’s not that you can’t stop the ejaculation process easily, but really it’s getting harder and harder to resist the temptation of blowing by will ;)


Thanks for replies but still no-one has described how to do this. I thought it was all about the sweet spot and how that lets extra blood in, nothing about anal breathing either. Please describe exactly what you do and how it works, thanks.



I’ve read through this entire thread and I don’t think anyone mentioned the “other” side benefit of ballooning. I don’t masturbate to completion any more just to the point of no return and back again. I save the actual fireworks for my girlfriend. After holding back and not cumming for as little as a one hour session when you finally do let go OMG. My girlfriend thinks I’m 18 again with the quantity and distance she gets out of me.

Hey if I was interested in starting to balloon where would you guys suggest to look for thorough directions ?

… Laughing…. shaking head…

Man, what did you guys miss? I feel like we’ve laid down the fundamentals of ballooning as well as they can be laid down, and the rest is left to personal experience and discovery, so go try the basics and discover for yourselves all.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by basil1492
Thanks for replies but still no-one has described how to do this. I thought it was all about the sweet spot and how that lets extra blood in, nothing about anal breathing either. Please describe exactly what you do and how it works, thanks.

How it works? How the hell should we know, we didn’t create this stuff :) .

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Does anyone even read the dang thread or do they just jump to the last page and ask how do you do it?

Guys, read the entire thread. Then if you have specific questions someone will be glad to help you. I have read the whole thing at least twice. The guys here have gone out of their way to describe in detail the best they can how to do this. It is all laid out in this thread.

Just an update on my progress with this. I haven’t really done it as much as I wish I would have, but I have still been incorporating it into my routine as I am getting back from my injury. In other words, I have not been ballooning for an hour, but rather trying to use the technique when I clamp etc… or doing it for 12 minutes then clamping or something else. Time has probably been the main factor in not doing longer sessions.

I feel I have the anal “breathing” thing down, but still haven’t got the rubbing the sweet spot down, but I kind of abandoned it also since I was struggling with it. I need to try again when I get the time. Anyway, the thing that finally got the anal breathing working for me was actually putting some force behind it. At first I was not using much force. After I started actually putting enough force to feel like I could push a turd through my dick is when I started feeling the rush of blood into the penis and started getting good expansion with it.

Also, the expanding the lower abdomen seemed to really help.

I just have to remind myself to breathe. I tend to hold my breath when trying to force the blood in and get light headed sometimes.

Originally Posted by bluto
Does anyone even read the dang thread or do they just jump to the last page and ask how do you do it?

Guys, read the entire thread. Then if you have specific questions someone will be glad to help you. I have read the whole thing at least twice. The guys here have gone out of their way to describe in detail the best they can how to do this. It is all laid out in this thread.

Thanks, Bluto.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

About 18 years ago I found that if I only rubbed the top side of my glans with the heal of my left hand it brought me to this incredible point where I wanted to cum but just didn’t. I could rub and rub and rub and it felt great but I never went over the edge. I would never get to that point of no return. I could go on this this for ever with a raging hard on. As soon as I would touch the underside of my glans or give a full stroke to my cock, pow I would shoot.

I used to do this a lot and enjoyed the long sessions. I wasn’t into PE so I didn’t really notice or was looking for any size change. I do remember the shiny glans though but thought it was because I was rubbing it.

After reading this thread I now think I was ballooning and didn’t know it. Maybe it is just the top of the penis that needs attention not any specific spot. It could be different for every one.

I’m going to try it again.

July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS


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