Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning Gains!


I’m not that experienced, but I have read up on the “Sweet Rewards.” thread, this one and at the evil doctor’s website. Remember that the contraction must be focused just behind the anus, or in front of the tailbone. Anatomically it may not be possible to do this without contracting the entire pelvic floor musculature, including the the PC muscle. As you’ve no doubt noticed in reading this thread, the PC muscle needs to stay relaxed. The evil doctor advocates using an expansion of the lower abdomen and perineum with the breath (a belly breath) combined with contraction of the anus and glutes. This allows the PC muscle to be expanded or relaxed relative to the muscles behind the anus.

In Yoga this is called Ashwini mudra. Various body postures facilitate simultaneous relaxation of the PC with contraction of muscles further back. Stand with your heels together, toes pointing out and hands on your belly (just below your navel). Inhale, feeling your lower abdomen swell and simultaneously squeeze your ass. You’ll find that you can, in this position, easily contract your glutes, anus and pelvic floor while the pc muscle remains relaxed and expanded.

Conversely, if you turn your toes in so you’re pigeon toed, bend forward at the waist and then squeeze your pelvic floor, you’ll find that only the “front” of the pelvic floor, including the pc, contract, while the anus and glutes do not.

So, to learn “anal breathing” is as simple as putting your legs in good position, standing, lying or sitting, and contracting your ass while inhaling into your belly. You can imagine that the contraction is drawing the air or “energy” into the tailbone and up the spine. Eventually, multiple sources contend, actual contraction of the muscles is unnecessary, and one can simple inhale up the spine with the mind.

I hope this helps. Remember that balooning was discovered as a side benefit by someone who was trying to avoid premature ejaculation and last longer. As many of us have found, squeezing the PC muscle is a shortcut to shooting.

Hi guy’s, when i try ballooning and stop my self from ejaculating i alway’s get really sore ball’s.

I mean this is a really bad pain my ball’s swell and the lower abdomen swell’s to. What am i doing

wrong can any of the vets tell me how i can avoid this.

How do you do ballooning?

June 07: BPFL - 4" NBPFL - 3.5" BPEL - 6.3" NBPEL - 5.75" EG - 4.25"

Current Stats: BPFL - 4.85" NBPFL - 3.8" BPEL 7.1" NBPEL - 6.3" EG - 4.6"

Goal: 7.5X6

Originally Posted by woopsedoo
How do you do ballooning?

Lol… read the last several pages… there’s a lot of detail there.

Originally Posted by Damnwork

You seem to know what you are doing when it comes to the anal breathing and I decided to try it out and I think I’m doing it right. My dick does get fatter and bigger all around, however after about 30 min to an hour or if I do the anal breathing everyday my PC muscle gets really big. A little too big, and I’ve also have got a few cramps in my PC muscle which isn’t comfortable. Just wondering if you have had my experience and what you did if not just take it easy one some days. Or perhaps I’m doing it all wrong?

PC muscle, or prostate? If I don’t have a dry orgasm, I kind of feel full for a while, but I’ve never felt that the muscle was getting bigger, that’s a little odd to me.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by simonwacko
Hi guy’s, when i try ballooning and stop my self from ejaculating i alway’s get really sore ball’s.
I mean this is a really bad pain my ball’s swell and the lower abdomen swell’s to. What am i doing
wrong can any of the vets tell me how i can avoid this.

I used to get a very full feeling my lower abdomen if I didn’t circulate the energy after a few dry orgasms - try pulling the energy up, just focus on your tailbone, then the back of your head, and then the top-front section of your head; if you’re doing it right, you’ll know.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
PC muscle, or prostate? If I don’t have a dry orgasm, I kind of feel full for a while, but I’ve never felt that the muscle was getting bigger, that’s a little odd to me.

Whatever is under my scrotum and above my anus gets bigger. Once or twice after I released my self after trying to balloon, when I went to urinate it took a little more time to get the stream going. I know I’m not kegeling. All I can say is I’m tightening my abdominals and pushing downward and try to open the anus a bit as if I want to fart when ballooning which I thought was the anal breathing but maybe I’m not getting it.

[5/22/07 - BPEL( 7.875) - NBPEL ( 7.1875) - EG (4.75)] [8/22/07 - BPEL( 8.0) - NBPEL ( 7.5) - EG (4.875)]

[12/22/07 - BPEL( 8.1875) - NBPEL ( 7.625) - EG (4.875)] [4/22/08 - BPEL( 8.357) - NBPEL ( 7.75) - EG (5)]

Goal: To gain that evasive girth I so desperately need.

The ballooning technique: the site places heavy emphasis on supplements. Yet the suggested Power P is prohibited in Australia due to the ingredient DHEA. What is this ingredient and why would it be prohibited?? Is the suggested alternative, OverSize, to be regarded with any less suspicion?

The ballooning technique seems to be just masturbating for a long time without ejaculating. Do I have this right?? How long is considered long enough?

Originally Posted by Damnwork
Whatever is under my scrotum and above my anus gets bigger. Once or twice after I released my self after trying to balloon, when I went to urinate it took a little more time to get the stream going. I know I’m not kegeling. All I can say is I’m tightening my abdominals and pushing downward and try to open the anus a bit as if I want to fart when ballooning which I thought was the anal breathing but maybe I’m not getting it.

kazooplayer mentioned expanding your lower abdomen to help in anal breathing and it seems to work. I basically push out my lower abdomen really hard while also pushing out on the anus… it seems to let a lot of blood in. I think visualization really helps too. Try to really imagine blood flowing into your penis. I’m serious… this really seems to help.

Sigh… no, you don’t have it right Marcus, why not go back and read posts where I and other’s try to explain the technique.

That’s probably your prostate Damn, as it enlarges when you’re sexually stimulated, if I’m not mistaken. If it’s too much of a problem, go ahead and masturbate later, but if you can, learn to have dry orgasms, as these will benefit you more.

And yes, expand your lower abdomen and try to push down on your bladder/prostate; the effect is the same as if you push up on your perineum - give it a try, and see if you notice a difference.

Side note : I’ve been pushing up on my perineum while pushing down on my abdomen right before I set a clamp, and it seems to be working; give it a whirl, when you get a chance.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Um… what is this with clamping?

Do you clamp at the end of your ballooning routine or during it?

Originally Posted by mr.marcus
The ballooning technique: the site places heavy emphasis on supplements. Yet the suggested Power P is prohibited in Australia due to the ingredient DHEA. What is this ingredient and why would it be prohibited?? Is the suggested alternative, OverSize, to be regarded with any less suspicion?

The ballooning technique seems to be just masturbating for a long time without ejaculating. Do I have this right?? How long is considered long enough?


That depends on how skilled you are. Are you having dry orgasms, this makes it very enjoyable?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


Corner, I didn’t disregard or not read your informal post so don’t you feel neglected. As well as Kazoo thanks for the detailed information both of you, I’ll try to make those adjustments tomorrow.

[5/22/07 - BPEL( 7.875) - NBPEL ( 7.1875) - EG (4.75)] [8/22/07 - BPEL( 8.0) - NBPEL ( 7.5) - EG (4.875)]

[12/22/07 - BPEL( 8.1875) - NBPEL ( 7.625) - EG (4.875)] [4/22/08 - BPEL( 8.357) - NBPEL ( 7.75) - EG (5)]

Goal: To gain that evasive girth I so desperately need.

Originally Posted by Damnwork
Whatever is under my scrotum and above my anus gets bigger. Once or twice after I released my self after trying to balloon, when I went to urinate it took a little more time to get the stream going. I know I’m not kegeling. All I can say is I’m tightening my abdominals and pushing downward and try to open the anus a bit as if I want to fart when ballooning which I thought was the anal breathing but maybe I’m not getting it.

I understand what your saying I have to urinate 2-3 times during a ballooning session, Odd.
However if the dry orgasm is not coming fast enough I force one to happen by rubbing my head gently near the pee hole this seems to bring on an intense dry orgasm.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by Mick
Um… what is this with clamping?

Do you clamp at the end of your ballooning routine or during it?

Well, I don’t do straight ballooning much anymore, I do a lot of more intense PE - I balloon while I clamp, that’s what I was referring to; give it a try.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.


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