Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning Gains!

Originally Posted by corner

I’m not that experienced, but I have read up on the “Sweet Rewards.” thread, this one and at the evil doctor’s website. Remember that the contraction must be focused just behind the anus, or in front of the tailbone. Anatomically it may not be possible to do this without contracting the entire pelvic floor musculature, including the the PC muscle. As you’ve no doubt noticed in reading this thread, the PC muscle needs to stay relaxed. The evil doctor advocates using an expansion of the lower abdomen and perineum with the breath (a belly breath) combined with contraction of the anus and glutes. This allows the PC muscle to be expanded or relaxed relative to the muscles behind the anus.

In Yoga this is called Ashwini mudra. Various body postures facilitate simultaneous relaxation of the PC with contraction of muscles further back. Stand with your heels together, toes pointing out and hands on your belly (just below your navel). Inhale, feeling your lower abdomen swell and simultaneously squeeze your ass. You’ll find that you can, in this position, easily contract your glutes, anus and pelvic floor while the pc muscle remains relaxed and expanded.

Conversely, if you turn your toes in so you’re pigeon toed, bend forward at the waist and then squeeze your pelvic floor, you’ll find that only the “front” of the pelvic floor, including the pc, contract, while the anus and glutes do not.

So, to learn “anal breathing” is as simple as putting your legs in good position, standing, lying or sitting, and contracting your ass while inhaling into your belly. You can imagine that the contraction is drawing the air or “energy” into the tailbone and up the spine. Eventually, multiple sources contend, actual contraction of the muscles is unnecessary, and one can simple inhale up the spine with the mind.

I hope this helps. Remember that balooning was discovered as a side benefit by someone who was trying to avoid premature ejaculation and last longer. As many of us have found, squeezing the PC muscle is a shortcut to shooting.

That was very helpful. Thank you!

(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
Well, I don’t do straight ballooning much anymore, I do a lot of more intense PE - I balloon while I clamp, that’s what I was referring to; give it a try.

I actually have tried it. When I do it though the clamp is very loose. I thought I would try it to see what would happen. I can’t say I got any amazing results… maybe slightly higher expansion than normal.

One time I tried it with the clamp a lot tighter and ballooning didn’t seem possible at all, lol… I couldn’t get any blood to go in through the clamp.

Do you clamp tightly or just loosely? If you clamp tightly, do you have any problem with getting blood in?

Clamping has to let new blood flow in.. as in e.g. “the head doesn’t become cold after a few seconds in the clamp”.
Otherwise you are drastically starving your dick from fresh blood, even more so than when normally clamping ;)


Well, what I was referring to was the specific technique I alluded to earlier. Here is what I do :

I start off with some light ballooning to get things going, then I push my dick out and place the clamp as far into my body as possible; set the clamp at about half-way to the last click, then push down with my lower abs, try to get some more blood in, then I tighten the clamp a bit and start squeezing my dick throughout, starting low and working my way up, to open the vessels up completely.

Here’s where it gets interesting - after fitting the clamp loosely, I reverse kegel as hard as possible, trying to push as much blood into my dick, and while doing that, I push hard at the base of my perineum, which makes my dick pop out further, and engorge completely with blood, and with all this going on, I tighten the clamp as far as it will go, then do my version of Extreme Clamping, where I take my left hand and squeeze just above the clamp, and with my right thumb and forefinger, squeeze my glans; the expansion from this is… good.

Give it a whirl, let me know how it goes.

Warning - This is really intense, and you should definitely only try it after loads of experience with clamping - if anything will cause you an injury, this could very well be it right here.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

My dick would definitely blow up

From my understanding, ballooning means masturbating without ejaculation(Multiple Orgasm). Am I right?

Man, you guys really need to read through the whole article before you comment like that. I think the basics of ballooning get a thorough explanation throughout this thread - go back to the beginning and start over.

No, it’s not just masturbating.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

The basics are in there and the thread is far shorter than the original one.
I really don’t get why people can’t seem to read at least a little, even if it’s for a very intense and prolonged version of the most rewarding feeling nature provides (in your body.. so no drugs from external sources, etc.).
Very weird if you ask me.


Originally Posted by kazooplayer
Well, what I was referring to was the specific technique I alluded to earlier. Here is what I do :

I start off with some light ballooning to get things going, then I push my dick out and place the clamp as far into my body as possible; set the clamp at about half-way to the last click, then push down with my lower abs, try to get some more blood in, then I tighten the clamp a bit and start squeezing my dick throughout, starting low and working my way up, to open the vessels up completely.

Here’s where it gets interesting - after fitting the clamp loosely, I reverse kegel as hard as possible, trying to push as much blood into my dick, and while doing that, I push hard at the base of my perineum, which makes my dick pop out further, and engorge completely with blood, and with all this going on, I tighten the clamp as far as it will go, then do my version of Extreme Clamping, where I take my left hand and squeeze just above the clamp, and with my right thumb and forefinger, squeeze my glans; the expansion from this is… good.

Give it a whirl, let me know how it goes.

Warning - This is really intense, and you should definitely only try it after loads of experience with clamping - if anything will cause you an injury, this could very well be it right here.

I’m also into pretty extreme stuff… it seems to be the only way I can get good expansion.

I’ll try the clamping tonight… I’ll clamp it down hard after a good last balloon. I might finish it off with a really strong kegel before I clamp it down completely… or do you think that’s a bad idea?

It’s doubtful that I’ll go quite as extreme as you, but I’m gonna try clamping another clamp just below my glans and see if I get some good expansion from that.

I read through this thread again, to see if I needed to brush up on anything, or if I missed a step. SO I decided to focus even more on sweet spots and glan rubbing and anal breathing.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Haha, refreshing to see someone taking the time to read through it twice, when most won’t even read through it once and ask, “so, how do I balloon?”

Mick, try pushing in on your perineum too, as you reverse kegel - the immediate expansion is awesome, and when you clamp it all in, you’ll be hard as a rock.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

I usually do push on that actually… but not at any specific time… just randomly… I’ll try that though.

Doesn’t pushing on the perimeum sort of close of the tubes going to the penis and therefor let less blood through? I guess if you’re getting good expansion then something must be working, lol.

Oh ya… I just started doing something I hadn’t done for a while that very few people here do. They’re called Orange Bends… named after this guy Mr. Orange. What they are are basically flacid bends. I do them with maybe like a 10% or 20% erection… not much more than that. I know it seems like these wouldn’t work, but they give you decent expasion. I’ll give an example to illustrate. Say you have a ballon, and you stretch a part of this uninflated balloon. The amount your stretch it might not be much, but when you inflate the balloon, the stretched area expands to a much larger area… several times larger.

Anyway… if you decide to try those let me know how they go.

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
Haha, refreshing to see someone taking the time to read through it twice, when most won’t even read through it once and ask, “so, how do I balloon?”

Mick, try pushing in on your perineum too, as you reverse kegel - the immediate expansion is awesome, and when you clamp it all in, you’ll be hard as a rock.

Oh great ballooning master.hehehe!

I worked on rubbing the sweet spot and glans more. Should I jack off to get a full erection first then work the sweet spot. Did it this morning took awhile to get a 100% by just working the sweet spot and glans. But eventually it got under way. Took about a half hour to go from 70% to 100%.

It seems I can get a super erection if I edge first for about twenty minutes then go into a ballooning routine, at this point it seems to go beyond 100%.

I found away to touch the sweet spot without using your thumb. Mine gets sore. I splay out the first and second fingers, lay my hand palm down an straddle my dick and balls (I have long fingers) between the two fingers. The first finger is always on the sweet spot at where the base(Top) of my penis meets the pubic bone.

While doing anal breathing and glans rubbing the rhythmic motion stimulates the sweet spot. The other fingers are on my perineum which seems to be a undiscovered sweet spot. I discovered this method in the later 45 minutes of my routine this morning.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by Mick
Oh ya… I just started doing something I hadn’t done for a while that very few people here do. They’re called Orange Bends… named after this guy Mr. Orange.

Go check the thread and see who gave it a recent bump ;) .

As far as the perineum push thing, to make clear, I only do it once, when about to set the clamp tight, while I reverse kegel hard - the point is to force in as much blood and get as much expansion as possible before I set the clamp, then keep that blood in there with a tight, tight squeeze.

Kingpole - Just do what works; you seem to be doing better than most, so I’d say if it’s working for you, keep at it. Personally, I’ve always needed slight stimulation to the glans area to get myself going, but others may not, it’s a matter of how naturally it comes to you, how much you’re willing to put in if it doesn’t, and how great a reward you’ll reap if you do - if the reward is worth it, and you’re willing to put in the hours, by all means, stay on those sweet spots and let the glans go… sorry, I get philosophical when I don’t get much sleep.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
Go check the thread and see who gave it a recent bump ;) .

Which thread?

(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal


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