Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning Gains!

I have been trying this for the past week or so since I am on an injury break from everything else.

I think I have been close once or twice to getting at least part of it down. On a couple of occasions I have gotten a very good erection and been on the brink of cumming 4-6 times in the session. I have had good expansion in those sessions, but not what it should have been. I, like others, can’t seem to get the anal breathing thing down nor the rubbing of the spot where the shaft meets the pubic area.

I just tried again right now and I can’t get a good erection for what I think is me putting too much effort into trying to find the sweet spot and trying to figure out the anal breathing thing. This has been my experience more times than not. In fact, the couple of times that I got good wood and expansion, I was not trying to find the spot for the most part or worrying too much about the breathing. I think trying to find the spot is causing me more problems than the anal breathing.

I have also had to stimulate the glans area way more than suggested to keep good wood going. I have been using the fleshlight to get to almost to the point of climax then going without it from there until needed again. Again, this may be in part from me thinking too much about HOW to do it. Oh yeah, and of course I have the porn going the whole time to help.

I think I am going to try to ignore the “how to” part and focus on getting excited and getting good wood and hope to stumble onto the rest for now. Maybe when I get off my injury break soon I will take some V or C to help and maybe I can find the spot and the breathing method then.

Do you need to do the rubbing of the spot and the anal breathing from the beginning, or can you start when you get close to cumming the first time and from then on?

I am just rambling. I guess I don’t really have a point. Just wanted to share my frustrations.

Any suggestions are welcome.

It’s about exploration, so explore.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

“I have had good expansion in those sessions, but not what it should have been.”
/me usually wonders how people, that didn’t even do something new “correctly” (whatever that means for them.. personally).. how these people know what it is they “should” have, when in fact, they never ever had the experience (at least not consciously) before.

Relax, bluto.. kazoo put it into exactly the right words: “Explore!” (your body and mind, but that’s another topic).


thanks guys

I know what you are saying YS, but I really don’t think I have done it right yet. I think what I have done on my best sessions would be considered edging. I may have had the anal breathing right, but definately not the rubbing because I have had to abandon that all together to keep a good erection. When I rub that spot I lose my erection pretty much every time.

For the next few times I am going to not worry about how and just focus on keeping good wood and exploring once I get to a good erection level.

I think once I figure it out I will be fine. The mental part of me trying to figure it out (like a damn calculus problem or something) is taking away from my ability to keep a good erection.

how would you know you did it right?
Find that one out, then come back to the forum with your realization and get some common sense stomped into you ;)
Not that the opinion of anyone including myself would (or should) mean anything to your own experience, but hey, if it helps when starting why not :)

Of course, you could find yourself being pleasantly surprised (pun intended, yep) with a new insight on how you can do your style of kung fu… err.. ballooning instead.

If your erection “stops”, you probably aren’t aroused.. Change that.
Ballooning in the beginning is mainly about getting aroused for a long time (and your usual mass debate session is simply rising that level of arousal too fast.. IMO anyways).

And if you feel you need to focus on anything focus on not focusing at all.. or if you really need something, focus on feeling good and having fun while learning to do it better and better every time :)


P.S: Ever had sex where you were constantly in your own head and thinking? .. Was that good or bad sex? .. On the other side of the spectrum: Ever had sex where you were so much out of your head, you two were simply having fun? .. Was that good or bad sex? .. Go figure ;)

Iv’e been ballooning for a while, yesterday I did it for an hour I did not ejaculate, I don’t even come to the point of no return and had four dry orgasms. The erection levels was astonishing, veins popping up everywhere.

I guess if you eventually have a ejaculation it is edging, but if you don’t ejaculate it is ballooning.

So here it is Tuesday, energy levels are still high even after working out almost two hours at the gym. My question is how many days should I wait tell I do ejaculate. I was planning on expelling on Friday?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


Some expansion is justified every time when you get close to the “point of no return” as they call the phase just before ejaculation. There is an interesting article on male ejaculation somewhere in this forum that explains it. If you notice your penis just before ejaculating, if you are properly aroused and don’t ejaculate too fast, you will see the tip of your penis getting a little expansion.

I think we have the same measurements. Usually I measure 16.5 cm (EL, nbp) and when close to the point of no return I measure 17 cm (EL, nbp).

Now, with ballooning, while holding a reverse kegel, I was almost at 17.8 cm (EL, nbp). Which of course is not permanent and I guess is part of the high arousal levels and “before ejaculation” expansion. With just edging, I have never seen as much temporary expansion. Who knows, perhaps I wasn’t getting aroused enough, perhaps not.

I am not sure about how this is happening, not sure about what is happening, but I guess, that this levels of fullness might be a good thing to do on the off (off PE that is) days, so I am trying to get the hang of it. Also, I enjoy it.


Originally Posted by bluto
I know what you are saying YS, but I really don’t think I have done it right yet. I think what I have done on my best sessions would be considered edging. I may have had the anal breathing right, but definately not the rubbing because I have had to abandon that all together to keep a good erection. When I rub that spot I lose my erection pretty much every time.

What ys said about focusing seems right for my case too. A few sessions ago, I was thinking as much as you seem to do and I was rubbing too much, or at least the wrong way. After taking a more experimental and relaxed approach, which is actually when I started enjoying this, the way I massaged this spot somehow became right.

In the last session, touching this spot only was getting me near the edge. How this happens, I don’t know, but it’s sure fun feeling that there is another part of my penis that can get me aroused, that can give me pleasure.


Originally Posted by ys
Ballooning in the beginning is mainly about getting aroused for a long time (and your usual mass debate session is simply rising that level of arousal too fast.. IMO anyways).

Is there something like too fast ? Care to explain that a little more ?

What just came to my mind: When closely watching the process, it’s a miracle everyone knows how to mass debate.. It’s not something that comes easy to the rational mind ;)

And about the speed of arousal:
No clue how to explain it, but when my arousal levels increase too quickly I can feel my dick feeling much “hotter” (and much more ready to come.. which incidentally happens much easier once I got to that point) than when I take my time.
So, when I take my time and increase my arousal levels slowly, my dick doesn’t ever feel this “hot”, not even when continously orgasming / ballooning for an hour, not even when my dick is fully pumped up and warm after such a continous orgasming session.

And always, the moment the hot feeling starts showing up it’s nearly over, ballooning-wise, since this brings me to the edge.

I usually stop cold right before the hot feeling shows up, if you catch my drift. Otherwise I’d go over the edge which, even though it feels quite pleasant as you can imagine ;) , keeps me from getting aroused easy the next time I’m going for some quality time with my dick AKA Ballooning.

As some other fellow wrote: Feel what I say (in this order).

Wish you fun while doing your dickology studies ;)

Yea the thing is I never felt like I was going to cum. It just got bigger. I tried it again last night and measured the same as the night before which I can live with. If anyones having trouble, I recommend doing it somewhere alone and in the dark (the bed if poss) just until you get to know what your looking for because I tried it again today about 3.00pm whilst watchin some porn and because I was more focused on the screen it took longer to reach 17cm. I think when I first tried it 2 nights ago, I was using my mind to cunjure up the images and even though I was concentrating on that, part of me was still largely focused on my piece. It was also quite late so I was confident I would not be disturbed and hence was totally relaxed. Just my thoughts on it.

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

Balloning is working great for me….

Be mindful even when your mind is full

Ah, one more thing that came to my mind a few hours ago:
While ballooning go for engorgement rather than good feeling / orgasm. The good feeling will come anyways, but by looking ONLY for increased engorgement you are getting to Ballooning without the need to ejaculate.

Can anyone else of the people who do ballooning regularly chime in on this sentiment?


I think you can look for good feelings, but yeah, you should be paying attention to the pressure - anything that increases the pressure, keep doing that. Simple, but it works.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by ys
How would you know you did it right?
Find that one out, then come back to the forum with your realization and get some common sense stomped into you ;)
Not that the opinion of anyone including myself would (or should) mean anything to your own experience, but hey, if it helps when starting why not :)

Of course, you could find yourself being pleasantly surprised (pun intended, yep) with a new insight on how you can do your style of kung fu.. Err.. Ballooning instead.

If your erection “stops”, you probably aren’t aroused.. Change that.
Ballooning in the beginning is mainly about getting aroused for a long time (and your usual mass debate session is simply rising that level of arousal too fast.. IMO anyways).

And if you feel you need to focus on anything focus on not focusing at all.. Or if you really need something, focus on feeling good and having fun while learning to do it better and better every time :)


P.S: Ever had sex where you were constantly in your own head and thinking? .. Was that good or bad sex? .. On the other side of the spectrum: Ever had sex where you were so much out of your head, you two were simply having fun? .. Was that good or bad sex? .. Go figure ;)

I would assume fun sex is good sex, and fun ballooning is good ballooning.
Did it again today for about an hour, I did not ejaculate, I’m proud of myself, this is a different and more intense feeling than edging.

My goal in this, as smug as it may sound is to wrap three hands around my pole. It is getting close to two and a half. Does this make sense.

I have orgasmic sensations rise up so to speak through out the day, like Werner describes,I even had morning wood today first time in about 15 years or so. And upon that that is when I started the session.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by ys
While ballooning go for engorgement rather than good feeling / orgasm. The good feeling will come anyways, but by looking ONLY for increased engorgement you are getting to Ballooning without the need to ejaculate.

I am going for both, strange as it might sound, I feel good watching how big it can get. Seeing my penis in a strong, full erection, lasting for 30-40 minutes without going down for a second, makes me feel good. Something similar to how I feel with the way my body looks after a gym workout.

Kingpole, have you made any permanent gains from this yet? Do you do it everyday?

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm


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