Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning Gains!

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
Ah, KP! I’m glad to see you’re seeing some results with this.

OK, first off - yes, go ahead and rub the top side of the shaft all over; in fact, play with your balls a bit, push on your perineum, give your shaft a whole-body massage. The point here is to try to find that energy and play with it, so don’t be afraid to explore a little.

The anal breathing is tough, but try what I said before, expand your lower abdomen and pull - slightly - and the anus. Don’t focus on your anus though, focus right above it. When I do this right, I feel a crazy energy from the sweet spot between the shaft and pubic bone, all the way up to my navel.

Ha, this thread is getting me major back into ballooning.

Expand the lower abs and pull on my dick?

Hey did you notice thickening of your flaccid hang from ballooning?

I use a lube and stroke the glans in a circular motion is this good?

Is it ok to kegal and balloon at the same time?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Pull on your dick? Never said anything about that…

I haven’t noticed a thickening in my flaccid hang, but perhaps Mick could handle this question better than I.

That sounds fine, as long as you’re rubbing the base-spot as well.

I would recommend limiting kegels - try it, and see if you can do it without; if you can’t go ahead and kegel away.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

If at all possible, I would really like to see a pic of “the spot” that everyone is talking about. Are you just supposed

Also, for those that have good success with getting your penis to balloon, what sort of position is your hand in on the base of your penis?

I think a few pics would really clarify things up.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Last edited by quik4life : 05-19-2007 at .

Also, can you describe HOW to press on “the spot”?

I mean, when you’re pressing on it, are you pressing light to make it pleasureable? Or are you supposed to press hard? Do you use your thumb and make circles on the spot, do you rub it up and down?

Oh, and if ballooning can be done with cockring or clamp, doesn’t the apparatus get in the way pressing down on the spot?

I just tried to have a ballooning session, but pre-ejaculated. I usually wear a cockring when edge to get some engorgement in hopes of getting some small girth gains (none so far). I didn’t wear a cockring this time - I wanted to see if I could get the expansion from ballooning alone. Nothing. It just seemed like I was masturbating differently. I used my right hand to constantly massage the base of my shaft and used the fingertips of my left hand to stimulate my glands every once in a while. I started to reach the PONR and reversed kegeled as hard as possible, but this just made me want to ejaculate even more (which I did).

This really sucks. I don’t know who it was, but someone in this thread said they were a hard gainer and then they tried this ballooning technique and they saw really good potential for gains (or they actually did gain, I can’t remember). I was hoping this technique could help me as well, since I classify myself as a hard gainer as well.


The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

I can only talk for myself, but here goes:
The “sweet spot” is basically just a spot pretty much at the lower end of my dick’s upside. It doesn’t necessarily have to be below NBPEL or at the pubic bone. Although it only gets really sensitive when I’m sufficiently aroused.. As a picture for comparison: Can you say “balls deep” ? ;)

“I just tried to have a ballooning session, but pre-ejaculated.”
Nope, you just had a very early ballooning session (and are still on the way learning.. you may call it .. mental discipline). Don’t make a problem where there is none :)
I was at the point you are mentioning for quite some time.. Until I finally realized (really realized ;) ) that I do NOT have to come. Once I realized that Ballooning was getting easier and easier (which has become a more kinaesthetic experience than plain masturbation for me ever since.. Maybe not just for me?).

Do your ballooning experiments in a relaxed way.. Pressuring won’t get you anywhere (at least it didn’t work that way for me).

Have fun,

Thanks ys.

Do you think it would be OK to try another session tonight, seeing as how the first one I tried today didn’t really work out?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Yes. Do as many as you want.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

quik4life, definitely.
How about you approached learning Ballooning as you learned riding a bike (maybe ;) ) ?
There is no failure, only things you do wrong once or twice in the beginning to learn how you can do it correctly and go on better and better with each try from there. Remember, it’s not the bike throwing you off, but you learning how to ride it better and better each day in every way thinkable. So no, there is no failure, only things you do wrong once or twice to learn how you _CAN_ do it correctly :)


Well, ys, thinking ballooning in terms of gaining or not, gives meaning to the word failure.

I think ballooning is not about gains, at least countable ones.

WorkingOut: which indeed was what I wanted to point out and which is _why_ I wrote that last paragraph.
Besides, YOU started to use “gaining”, not me.

Maybe you should learn to read what’s there and not what you think should be there.

Over and Out,


I was commenting on what you wrote, because I saw this :

Originally Posted by quik4life
This really sucks. I don’t know who it was, but someone in this thread said they were a hard gainer and then they tried this ballooning technique and they saw really good potential for gains (or they actually did gain, I can’t remember). I was hoping this technique could help me as well, since I classify myself as a hard gainer as well.

I think I know why you wrote what you wrote. I can see what lies behind your words too, but I don’t believe that you (even when you silently seem to do so) actually think there will be permanent volume gains through ballooning only. Hence my comment on your reply to quik4life.

Perhaps I am mistaken, but then again, I don’t see a reason for your agitation (which is what I am receiving from your last post.).

Also, WorkingOut - Ballooning Gains! .


There never was any agitation other than the one you chose to perceive.
Anyways, your comment before that one wasn’t helping anyone at all.. thus the rather harsh reply of mine.

If commenting at all, make sure there s some value in it, ok? At least that’s what I’m doing (or try to at the very least) :)


Originally Posted by ys
If commenting at all, make sure there s some value in it, ok? At least that’s what I’m doing (or try to at the very least)

We all do, but sometimes what is considered valuable for me is not for someone else. That’s were preaching becomes useless.

I also thought that ballooning and edging were the same thing. Lets get one thing straight, I have NEVER made a single erect length gain, neither temporary or permanent. But I was in bed yesterday and I couldn’t get to sleep because I kept thinking about this girl I’ve gotten to know properly (constantly man, its not even funny), anywho I thought I’d give this whole ballooning thing as described on this thread a go. The lights were off so I couldn’t see anything and I basically got wood and just rubbed the little indent thingy in my pubic area gently with my right hand and gently gripped and stimulated just below the head with my left hand.

Now, the first time I read this thread I was pressing kind of hard on the indent bit and after it felt a bit sore and my thumb was aching aswell, but this time it was just gentle stimulation, synchronised with my left hand below the glands. i.e. when I rubbed up with my right, I moved the grip up with the left and vice versa, but a bit furthe in I was just touching the head every now and again. I had the lights off but it felt like it was actually longer than usual, so I turned the light on and realised I had been doing it for half an hour (but it went fast) and it definitely looked longer. I tried comparing it using my hands as an estimate and I think it subsided a bit so I stood up and measured it and the mark on the ruler said 17cm which is a 0.5cm gain on what I normally measure! This may not seem special to some, but you have to appreciate I have never ever made any length gains so this is crazy. I have lost the extra length now but I don’t see why I can’t persuade it to stay if I keep doing the same thing.

Kazoo, how often did you balloon for, 1 on 1 off or what?

P.S I did try the whole anal respiring thing but not excessively and it didn’t seem to affect my session much.

P.P.S I’m so excited I’m getting all jittery and it just took me about half an hour to write this because I keep hitting the wrong keys!

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

Hahahah, that’s really good to hear, Beenie. It seems like this thread is catching on.

Hmm, ok, when I was serious into ballooning, I would do it close to every night of the week. Ballooning isn’t like other PE, in that you don’t need rest time because you’re not really stressing your dick; everything about it feels good, so I think it’s safe to do it as much as you want to, time and social-standing permitting :)

The anal breathing stuff, well… I think the light pull upward will help with length a bit, can’t really explain why, but I do, and the reverse kegel aspect of anal breathing seems to be more effective for girth.

And .5cm gain is nothing to scoff at - keep it up (pun intended) and it could turn into .5inch before you know it.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.


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