Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Becoming a Sexual Beast: A Routine


Becoming a Sexual Beast: A Routine

Hello PE’ers,

Since I had a little extra time today, I thought I’d detail my routine for any of you that might be interested. I hope that you all may benefit from it the way I have benefited from so many of your posts and individual experiences :D .

CAUTION: This routine is for experienced PE’ers only. You will need three kinds of adaptation in your penis to follow the entire routine. First, you need an improved vascular system for your penis (clamping). Second, you need an improved lymph system (pumping). Third, you need adapted soft tissues that can withstand the constriction imposed by using a Bib hanger. PE’ing actually changes your penis over time so that it is stronger and healthier. If your’s is not that way, build up adaptation over time in a careful way (I did this, as did everyone else who does this much PE without injury).

The overlying framework for this routine is the OLF/OLR method. The routine works in two-day micro-cycles. When you’ve done enough of them and feel any kind of fatigue building up (although hopefully this won’t occur too soon, you should be recovering from most of your fatigue in the OLR micro-cycle days, so it should pile up very slowly), you can take a week off from the PE stimulation. That would end a OLF macro-cycle (a larger workout period). Then you resume work when you are completely recovered.

There are two different two-day micro-cycles, done back to back, over time. In one day you develop and overload fatigue (called the "Expansion" day, for easy reference) and in the other day you overload in recovery (called the "Endurance" day) while focusing on other things.

Tools: I highly recommend a few things to maximize your work here.

1. Cable clamp or air clamp.
2. Bib hanger or vacuum hanger, though I believe a Bib hanger is optimal for what we are doing here.
3. A set of Monty’s stealth weights as well as non-stealth weights (they have different weights, so you can use them to get more precise increases in weight).
4. A LONG pumping cylinder (with a plastic tube). You want a tube approximately 4-5 inches longer than your BPEL, optimally.
5. A Fleshlight. I would recommend the stamina training unit as ideal.
6. An IR light. If you’re in the US, the Philips IR lights with stands seem pretty hard to get (shipped from the UK or Germany), so just get the light bulb and put it on a desk lamp.


1. Girth growth is caused by clamping, bends, and pumping during expansion days. Do not be afraid of lymph build up, but don’t take it too far, as pumping with too much lymph buildup can lessen the effects on the tunica.
2. Length growth is caused by the unique system of water pumping. With water pumping, as I’ve said before, you can use much greater levels of force with less lymph build up and injury, allowing you to truly STRETCH your tunica.
3. Base girth through swinging (clamping and pumping don’t do this well).
4. Becoming a sexual beast: general endurance from jogging, better skills through practicing multiple orgasms, and the ability to last forever through taking PC strength building seriously with the lifts. Endurance work does not fit the problem: to truly have endless endurance with sex you need a VERY strong PC muscle that can HOLD for a few seconds. Contracting your PC with little resistance will not build this - that’s like performing aerobics to prepare for a powerlifting meet :D .

Workout Day: Expansion (you do this two days in a row and then do the second workout day below)

Bends: This is the first workout, which can be done right before clamping (with a 10 minute break in between), or at any other time. It’s honestly the only part that I wouldn’t mind taking out. Slip on one of Monty’s PE weights (I prefer the non-stealth for this) and pull it to your base. Pull any excess skin through it so it is secure. Get an engorged penis that is not firm (or only slightly firm), and bend and hold, making sure the bends are distributed at different angles and different portions of the visible penis (aside from the base). Time this for 20 minutes, then stop.

Clamping: The goal here is EXPANSION. Do not worry at all about any lymph build up. Keep TUC (time under constriction/clamp) to 10 minutes, and do the sets with 5-10 minute breaks in between. You want your penis to expand MORE while clamped in every set. Depending on your penis’s conditioning, stop after 3 or 4 sets. Do this once per expansion day - this is your clamping workout.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

**Tip: Try to feel the pressure in every set. You should feel a somewhat intense pressure in your penis (pushing outwards) during the first few minutes of the set, every set. This is how expansion is achieved. Don’t fall into the trap of just thinking "oh I clamped," as I used to - deoxygenation will not cause tunica growth - you are looking for pressure and expansion. Be careful though, searching for expansion is also what will cause injuries, so make sure you don’t push it too far and you are well-adapted to the forces.

**Tip2: As Firegoat advised (this seems to work), put a paper napkin on your testicles while you shine the IR lamp on your penis during the clamping sets.

Pumping: After your clamping workout, you are ready to pump. Take your favorite cylinder out, with the plastic tube attached. Get an erection. Fill the cylinder with HOT water (just below the temperature necessary to burn you - it should not be painful), insert your penis inside (keeping the plastic tube pointing upwards so water doesn’t drip out, push the cylinder into your fat pad, and then suck on the plastic tube to attain a vacuum. The trick here is to have your non-dominant hand on the metal part where the plastic tube attached to the cylinder (the release switch), so that you can immediately lot the vacuum in when you’re done sucking water out. I usually do this twice while in the bathroom, then walk back to my office and go to work. I will routinely re-attach the plastic tube and suck water out during the 30 minute set (usually first when the erection subsides, then a couple of times later). Keep your penis at it’s maximum length during the tube for the majority of the time, but don’t be too obsessive with this. The point is to keep it stretched during the set.

Okay. That is how you water pump. Now, do this once or twice with hot water, and follow it up (not necessarily immediately) with a one or two sets with cold water. The cold water sets cause less inflamation, less lymph build up…in fact they might even reduce inflammation and lymph build up done in the previous sets. Treat the cold water sets almost as an ADS - you don’t need to push too far past your normal unpumped BPEL. If you can get 7.5 in your hot water sets, and your normal BPEL (unpumped) is 7.2, aim for about 7.3 in the cold water sets and just keep it there.

You don’t need to do these sets right after the clamping sets, although it will increase expansion and fatigue if you do. To make this work over the long term, you can tread bend workouts, clamping workouts, and pumping workouts separately throughout the day, and even split the pumping workouts (the last part is important if you’re going to do 4 sets or more, to avoid ridiculous lymph build up). If you do split the pumping sets, try to keep the sets joined in hot and cold. If you only have time to do two in one session, do one hot one followed by a cold one.


**Tip: Having a long cylinder maximizes the amount of water you have in your cylinder with no negative effects to your pumping. This maintains the temperature better throughout the set. If you want to get even more serious about this (as I am), consider having your IR light shine on the top area of your cylinder throughout the hot set (make sure it does not get anywhere near melting point - it is plastic), and consider inserting 1-2 ice cubes to the top four inches of your cylinder during your cold sets. Be careful though, you do not want the ice to lay on your glans. Also, ice CONTRACTS when it melts, so it will build up a vacuum slightly - keep that in mind.

Record: Measure your clamped girth during every set, record the highest girth. Measure your pumped length during the hot-water pumping, record the highest length. Also record the number of sets and times of those sets for pumping and clamping, as well as the time you used for bends.

**Tip: I have a beautiful Excel sheet that I use to keep track of all my work. I have labelled the columns on the first row: "Day, Total Clamped Time, Total Pumped Time, Clamping, Pumping, Bends, Lifts, Swinging, Multiple, Jogging, MEG, BEG, Clamped MEG, BPEL." I use two colours, light red and light blue, to clearly separate my workouts (whether they are expansion or endurance days). For example, on Day 1, cell A2, I have shaded the cell red. Across from it, the cells under "Clamped Time, Pumped Time, Clamping, Pumping, Bends, Clamped MEG" are also shaded red. Over time, this provided me with a lot of data with which to analyze changes in the measurements of my penis.

Workout Day: Endurance (after doing the "Expansion" day two days in a row, do this day two days in a row, then go back to the expansion day)

Swinging: Follow Bib’s directions for hanging, except you won’t be hanging. Stand upright with the hanger straight down, bend your knees somewhat, lean forward to a 45 degree angle, and then use your body motion to swing the weight forward and backward, side to side, clockwise, anti-clockwise, stand on your hands (feet on a wall) and move it side to side, etc. Make sure you start with the lowest weight that can cause fatigue for you (2-5 lbs. if you are not a ridiculously strong hanger), and start with a low time (5 minutes). The highest time you should ever go to is 15 minutes, 10 minute sets are perfect. Do a couple of sets of these whenever you can during the day.

**Tip: Be careful with these. They are much more stressful on the soft tissues (constricted by the Bib) than hanging is. If you move up too quickly, you will get something similar to a paper cut in your urethra which will cause very minor bleeding. Avoid this, as it will force you to stop clamping, bending, and lifting (although pumping is still possible after a few days). Go slow, you need your soft tissue to adapt.

**Tip2: This is not hanging. You don’t need to deform anything. You actually want two things to happen: you want the tunica to get STRONGER, and you want there to be pressure on the fulcrum caused by the penile attachment point at the base. Start with a very low weight and over years move it up, while focusing on the stress of swinging the weight on the exit point of the penis. Also, consider getting a partial erection (20-40%) before sets once in a while, this may be a factor for inducing better base growth.

Lifts: These are to be done with Monty’s weights, but you could use golf weights as a poor substitute. Attach the weights, get an erection through stimulation while sitting, then stand up and perform kegels. When you kegel, your erect penis (80-100% erect) will swing upwards. You are effectively lifting weights with your penis now.

There are three ways to increase resistance over time: 1) weights 2) weight attachment points, the closer to the pubic bone the easier it is to lift them and 3) range of motion. When you start out, you may be so weak to be unable to get a good range of motion (ROM) even with a low weight, so increase the weight and work on a partial ROM. When you get stronger, decrease the weight and focus on increasing the range of motion, then slowly increase the weight. With two different sets of Monty’s weights (stealth and non-stealth), and being able to attach the weights further out over time, you have a HUGE room for improvement in strength.

First, perform these the way women perform kegels (repetitively over time - aim for a 100 partial ROM lifts). When you get stronger, increase ROM. When you get stronger still, decrease the reps, increase the weight resistance, and maintain full ROM (now you are going for strength, not endurance). Mix these heavy, low-rep sessions with sessions of HOLDS (kegel up and hold for as long as possible for each rep). Do two sessions per day on "Endurance" days.

Multiple-orgasming: Basically masturbating, but force yourself to orgasm more than once without losing the erection. The linked thread will help you learn how it works (read the thread, not just the article). Try to prevent yourself from ejaculating during the first orgasms (until the last one). If you’re like me, you won’t be able to in the beginning (drizzling semen), but trying to stop it WILL allow you to push through to the next orgasm, and that’s what you want to train here. Once you’ve reached 6 orgasms without losing your erection, stop trying for more and simply maintain it. By the way, there should be no masturbating on expansion days. NEVER masturbate without multiple-orgasming, you will actually screw up what you’re working towards here. You’ll work up a sweat, so try to do this before jogging.

Multi orgasm technic

**Tip: Use a Fleshlight.

Jogging: Go jogging. Try to increase pace and decrease it once in a while to simulate how sex actually works. I run about 5 miles on these days, varying my pace between sprinting and fast-walking. This will cause better circulation (and we all know how important that is), better endurance in bed for the dominant thrusting types, as well as lessening the fat pad - why would you skip this? It’s great! :D

Record: Record your number of sets, set times, and weights for swinging, as well as for your lifts (quantitatively, don’t write an essay), the number of orgasms you achieved, and however you want to record your jogging (I note calories burned and distance ran). Finally, record your mid-shaft erect girth (MEG), your base erect girth (BEG) and your BPEL, before you perform the multiple-orgasm session. Keep in mind you may have both lymph fluid buildup as well as post-pump expansion (elastic), so these figures will have a lot of noise in them, but you can use them to analyze a lot (such as lymph build up and post-pump expansion!).

I think the only way to better this routine is to become an Enigmatize follower, but I am currently worried that this may increase the force necessary to stop the initial ejaculations, so I am putting it on hold.

Holy Grail of Cum Load Increase

Sorry for the long post guys, but I hope you might find some parts of this useful, if not the entire routine. I’ve gained approximately .3 inches in base girth, changing my exit point drastically, gained between .1-.2 inches in length, about .1 inches in MEG, and become able to last as LONG AS I WANT in bed, through using various parts of this routine for the past couple of months. Good stuff! :D

Last edited by LongVehicle : 02-10-2010 at .

This is amazing. Much appreciated. Will incorporate when I am more experience (only 3 months in).

Very indepth, well thought out approach but uber-intense and appliance reliant.

It requires quite a bit of expenditure on the participants behalf and is also time intensive. However gains and progress of this sort don’t come easy nor without sacrifice so maybe that kind of dedication is required to achieve the ‘sexual beast’ status you desire :)

Best of luck to those who embark on this routine, pretty much all of it makes sense and could yield some very tasty results for those who can stick with it and afford all the tools.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Originally Posted by kooljohn
Very indepth, well thought out approach but uber-intense and appliance reliant.

It requires quite a bit of expenditure on the participants behalf and is also time intensive. However gains and progress of this sort don’t come easy nor without sacrifice so maybe that kind of dedication is required to achieve the ‘sexual beast’ status you desire :)

Best of luck to those who embark on this routine, pretty much all of it makes sense and could yield some very tasty results for those who can stick with it and afford all the tools.

It’s not that heavily appliance reliant. I guess if you are comparing it to manual routines, it could be, but I don’t do any manual work (aside from bends), since it is hard to record. Recording is an important part of analyzing your work and making gains in the long-run.

Time intensiveness depends on the volume that you’d do. Note that almost everything here can be done while multi-tasking, so it doesn’t affect much in the long-run. It’s not like manual routines, where you actually do just throw away time :D .

Anyway, the big gainers have all been obsessed, from what I can tell. Lampwick’s signature is a good indication of this.

Thanks for your post, kooljohn. I agree that BBW rock, as well! :D

Hey LV I read your “Becoming a Sexual Beast Thread” and I had a quick question. My PC muscles are strong enough to hold back ejaculating, but it seems that every time I do this, I typically lose my erection immediately after. Sometimes I can work it back up, and that’s only because I put myself right back on the edge of PONR. Other times, I lose arousal all together and I feel like I just snap back into reality. Any thoughts or tips?

Originally Posted by UM1991
Hey LV I read your “Becoming a Sexual Beast Thread” and I had a quick question. My PC muscles are strong enough to hold back ejaculating, but it seems that every time I do this, I typically lose my erection immediately after. Sometimes I can work it back up, and that’s only because I put myself right back on the edge of PONR. Other times, I lose arousal all together and I feel like I just snap back into reality. Any thoughts or tips?

That’s very interesting. I’m not very knowledgeable about this subject - basically what I did was read the aforementioned thread and then practice. In my case, I was unable to stop the ejaculation at first, but I could limit it (it would drizzle). When this happened, I would experience a lighter dose of the hormonal feeling that “turns you off” sex - it would not be as strong as if I had allowed myself to ejaculate completely, as I used to before. This lighter dose of the feeling was combat-able as long as I had visual stimulation, I would NOT stop the physical stimulation - I would push forward. The result would be that I would not be anywhere near the PONR; it was like starting from the beginning.

I noticed that you said “I can work it back up” - does this mean that you lose the erection suddenly when you dry orgasm? I suspect this could only happen if you stop physical stimulation. You should not stop the physical stimulation at all, if anything, just slow it down during the dry orgasm and then continue right afterwards. Your penis will be a bit sensitive, but you can push past it.

If you are getting back to the PONR after stopping the ejaculation, on second thought, you have probably not orgasmed. All you have done is stop both the ejaculation and the orgasm - this is not the point of the exercise. If you go past the orgasm and the ejaculation, you should have moved PAST the PONR. You shouldn’t be anywhere near it. I think what you might be doing is defeating the purpose of stopping the ejaculation…you might be just starting and stopping, as many people try to do, to prolong sex.

You know what? I actually DO stop the physical stimulation as I enter the dry orgasm, and I think that might be the missing link. I stimulate myself right to the PONR, let go and then contract PC until it subsides. I’ve never stimulated myself through the orgasm stage while contracting. It makes perfect sense when you say to continue to stimulate through the dry orgasm. THanks for the response I’ll try this tonight and see how it works.

I’m pretty impressed with your guides very thorough

I don’t think a great deal of length can be gained from this though and not everyone can be so anal about recording their results. I do measure my dick everyday out of habit and write my routine down too though as of last month.

I may take a few tips from this routine away but not the whole thing. Thanks!

Originally Posted by UM1991
You know what? I actually DO stop the physical stimulation as I enter the dry orgasm, and I think that might be the missing link. I stimulate myself right to the PONR, let go and then contract PC until it subsides. I’ve never stimulated myself through the orgasm stage while contracting. It makes perfect sense when you say to continue to stimulate through the dry orgasm. THanks for the response I’ll try this tonight and see how it works.

Glad I could help. You have to stimulate it and contract the PC through the entire orgasm - this is where it becomes hard to avoid ejaculating.

Originally Posted by Audacia
I’m pretty impressed with your guides very thorough

I don’t think a great deal of length can be gained from this though and not everyone can be so anal about recording their results. I do measure my dick everyday out of habit and write my routine down too though as of last month.

I may take a few tips from this routine away but not the whole thing. Thanks!

I disagree. I’ve gained a significant amount of length through my water pumping habits, and I’m not sure why they would fade away with this routine? You are maintaining a pumped length PAST your BPEL (creep) for at least an hour on each expansion day.

Recording results isn’t necessary, I just wanted to share my method. I’m glad you found it helpful, Audacia :D .

I tried very slow stimulation during orgasm while contracting PC muscle. It was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had, but could not manage to hold it completely. I can see how having a dry orgasm in this fashion would be an extremely intense experience. I imagine I need to strengthen the PC more and develop better timing. Do you have any PC routines you recommend specifically?

Originally Posted by UM1991
I tried very slow stimulation during orgasm while contracting PC muscle. It was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had, but could not manage to hold it completely. I can see how having a dry orgasm in this fashion would be an extremely intense experience. I imagine I need to strengthen the PC more and develop better timing. Do you have any PC routines you recommend specifically?

The lifts portion of my original post. A large part of my routine is dedicated to developing an extremely powerful PC muscle. Endurance work (random squeezes and shit) does not work for this, you need a muscle that can squeeze VERY strongly, and then hold that squeeze past all of the contractions.

Copied and pasted below:

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Lifts: These are to be done with Monty’s weights, but you could use golf weights as a poor substitute. Attach the weights, get an erection through stimulation while sitting, then stand up and perform kegels. When you kegel, your erect penis (80-100% erect) will swing upwards. You are effectively lifting weights with your penis now.

There are three ways to increase resistance over time: 1) weights 2) weight attachment points, the closer to the pubic bone the easier it is to lift them and 3) range of motion. When you start out, you may be so weak to be unable to get a good range of motion (ROM) even with a low weight, so increase the weight and work on a partial ROM. When you get stronger, decrease the weight and focus on increasing the range of motion, then slowly increase the weight. With two different sets of Monty’s weights (stealth and non-stealth), and being able to attach the weights further out over time, you have a HUGE room for improvement in strength.

First, perform these the way women perform kegels (repetitively over time - aim for a 100 partial ROM lifts). When you get stronger, increase ROM. When you get stronger still, decrease the reps, increase the weight resistance, and maintain full ROM (now you are going for strength, not endurance). Mix these heavy, low-rep sessions with sessions of HOLDS (kegel up and hold for as long as possible for each rep). Do two sessions per day on “Endurance” days.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
If you’re uncut, you shouldn’t need to gain much skin for hanging on your actual penis, but the areas around would grow (fat pad area). We can discuss the clamping issues on the other thread to avoid making this go too off-topic :D .

Ok then, so methods to help increase expansion during clamping sessions. Obviously kegel plenty and stay rock hard. Would you loose the clamp nearer the end of the session to allow the base to expand too and hopefully allow more blood to be kegeled into the upper part?

Originally Posted by Audacia
Ok then, so methods to help increase expansion during clamping sessions. Obviously kegel plenty and stay rock hard. Would you loose the clamp nearer the end of the session to allow the base to expand too and hopefully allow more blood to be kegeled into the upper part?

I have a thread called “A Primer to Clamping and the OLF/OLR Method.” That explains my method of actually clamping the penis quite well. Due to the level of constriction, I can’t kegel after I am clamped.

As for the method of expansion, read above here and you’ll see it, there’s a section describing exactly how I clamp, designed to cause the most expansion possible.

Be careful though, when you’re looking for expansion, there is MUCH more risk of injury.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Hello PE’ers,

… When you’ve done enough of them and feel any kind of fatigue building up (although hopefully this won’t occur too soon, you should be recovering from most of your fatigue in the OLR micro-cycle days, so it should pile up very slowly), you can take a week off from the PE stimulation. That would end a OLF macro-cycle (a larger workout period). Then you resume work when you are completely recovered…..

LV- I share your ideas about OLF/OLR, and have been interested in them since you started posting about them. (Admittedly I haven’t closely read everything you have posted.)

You refer that the routine is intense and to be very careful many times. I want to add my word of caution as well. Anyone trying this or some of the parts of it needs to be very careful, no matter how conditioned they are or think they are.

To me the really important part of it is what I quoted above. That is knowing when to rest and lay off. It might be helpful if you could describe how you judge “fatigue building up”.

My only suggestion for those wanting to try this would be to start on a more spread out schedule, with more days off, and then over time tighten up the schedule while watching PI’s very closely.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

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