Been a while, which PE routine should I do
Hi Everyone,
I only had the typical newbie gains. From 15cm to 16,5cm. Doing jelqs, stretches and loads of squeezes and clamps with my hand.
I had hernia surgery and moved to a anther country so forgot about PE. Only thing that I have always kept doing is jelqing 5 min in the shower like 3 times a week. I know it is almost nothing but most days I just can’t jelq. My dick is thoughen up or something, the blood does not flow nicely. Usually jelqing is doable after a good hard on. All in all I guess it’s enough to keep gains and to keep it healthy.
That being said I would like to start a new routine. I want some length. Money is not an issue now. I could buy an extender or hanger. I work 7min away walking from work so I got plenty of time now. The bad thing is that I visit my home country like twice a year or I get visitors. I also have to go with my company on montage for several months at times. On montage I have to work 10h a day and I live in a hotel.
I really don’t like wanna do more manuals so what I thought is as follows:
-At work: Using classical extender with cockring or some kind of ring/clamp to catch my glands so that it can apply more tension. I saw a user that got insane gains like that. He was a chemistry professor. I don’t remember he’s user name..
-At home: using a hanger. I have the Bib-starter and the Vacuum hanger some user used to sell here.
-Keep jelqing for health in the shower.
When I have to go home or some visitors come or I have to go on montage abroad I will try to keep using my extender with baggy pants or at least wearing and ADS or those weight rings that Monty sells.
Does anyone know if I am allowed to go through with an extender or hanger in my hand luggage’s at the airport?
Cheers mates
When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.