Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Benefits of Heat in PE

While I’m intrigued by the concept of far IR vs. Near IR vs. Conductive heat I think it’s all perhaps a little esoteric. I use a rice sock (and intermittently at that) and I’m gaining. It’s possible I’d have greater gains using heat more reliably or using IR. I may just add it to my routine.

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Orig BPEL 6.25x4.375 current BPEL 7.3125x4.5

Goal NBPEL 7.25x 5.25EG

Although I’m kind of ‘Pro IR’ even though I don’t have concrete proof, if what you’re doing is working then I wouldn’t change a thing so long as you’re still seeing benefits.

The issue with as rice sock as I saw it, was that to get the heat to the parts needed, it had to get past the skin. To me that means the comfort level of the skin would be the first limitation, and adding a lot of heat so that the right amount got through could mean the skin is very uncomfortable. That said, I started with a rice sock and saw some similar effects to the ones I mentioned with IR, it’s just that the skin was borderline on being scalded while the inner tissue was ‘protected’ from the heat. Targetted IR is something that should be technically very cheap to do. It’s just that in the market place the materials are sold based on their benfit rather than the material costs, so it can get quite expensive. You could use cheap IR bulbs, but I don’t really see any advantage over a hot wrap personally, since it’s such a wide range of light (mostly visible light) that it too could be very uncomfortable. The device I made from the Thermotex innerds was a soft plastic cyclinder with a woven cloth elemment(looked like black carbon fibre woven matting), with thermal regulators and a power supply.

I tried to make a thread about this but it didn’t work, but the jist of my question was- should I stretch for a short time at a hight force or a long time at low force? I’ve read many contradicting posts but I’m trying for length and I never made any newbie gains, and after stretching hard and gaining nothing I thought it would be better to ease a stretch for an extended period of time using a rice sock wrapped around my piece. I’m also wondering whether to start taking vitamin E supplements after reading a few threads/websites about how it slowly eliminates scar tissue or something like that. What do you think?

I’ve always done my warm up with a heating pad. Then a warm down. Moreover, cocoa butter and Shea butter used as a lubricant is also good at softening the tissue to allow for better expansion.

Originally Posted by beenie169
I tried to make a thread about this but it didn’t work, but the jist of my question was- should I stretch for a short time at a hight force or a long time at low force? I’ve read many contradicting posts but I’m trying for length and I never made any newbie gains, and after stretching hard and gaining nothing I thought it would be better to ease a stretch for an extended period of time using a rice sock wrapped around my piece. I’m also wondering whether to start taking vitamin E supplements after reading a few threads/websites about how it slowly eliminates scar tissue or something like that. What do you think?

First of all, what is your routine like? I think you should do exactly what you just posted. If a short amount of time with greater force isn’t producing gains, I’d suggest that you try the opposite for awhile.

How long have you been PE’ing? Maybe hanging or other advanced exercises will kick-start your gains. But before that, make sure your dick is well conditioned to do so. Peace.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

Hallo people, I would like to suggest a warm up technique, I do not know if someone has already suggested it. Anyway, you can use a normal hair dryer: put a towel on penis (I don’t recommend direct hot air on skin), and with the hair dryer you can create heat easily, controlling inclination and distance in a very fast way, when you start feeling the heat is too much.

Have a good time! ;)

I use to use a rice sock but it wouldn’t last too long so I switched to a hair dryer, I heat up nice and quick and I lay it sideways on the sink while I stretch and do dry jelqs. I have a question about heating up though, should we be heating our dicks, our ligs or both?

If you are heating both, nothing wrong for sure!

what sneaks behind your skin, like IR, could increase the risk of skin cancer

Originally Posted by FoxMarrine
What sneaks behind your skin, like IR, could increase the risk of skin cancer

Mmmm, this sounds bad.. Do the other guys who use IR heating think on this eventuality?

Originally Posted by FoxMarrine

what sneaks behind your skin, like IR, could increase the risk of skin cancer

Would you mind elaborating on that a bit? I haven’t heard of any connection between IR and cancer?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

http://www.ptjo … /full/81/6/1206

This is an article on deep heat compared to just superficial or water heat.

I also read that the deep heat, (ultrasound etc.) helps stretching tissue considerable more than just stretching and superficial heat.

The article says this about muscle and a stretching heat study….is it similar to tunica? I dont know. I wold think that that if superficial heat helps tunica stretching at all then deep heating would logically work better on the tunica as it does in muscle…make sense?

The first group (group 1) was a control group and did not perform the stretching protocol. The 4 experimental groups (groups 2–5) performed a stretching protocol 3 days per week for 6 weeks. Group 2 performed the static stretching protocol only; group 3 performed active heel raises before stretching; group 4 received 15 minutes of superficial, moist heat to the plantar-flexor muscles before stretching; and group 5 received continuous ultrasound for 7 minutes before stretching. Dorsiflexion ROM measurements were taken initially and after 2, 4, and 6 weeks. Results. All experimental groups increased active and passive range of motion (AROM and PROM). The mean AROM/PROM differences at 6 weeks were 1.11/1.39 degrees for group 1, 4.10/6.11 degrees for group 2, 4.16/4.21 degrees for group 3, 4.38/4.90 degrees for group 4, and 6.20/7.35 degrees for group 5. The group receiving ultrasound before performing the stretching protocol (group 5) displayed the greatest increase in both AROM (6.20°) and PROM (7.35°). Discussion and Conclusion. Among the modalities tested, the use of ultrasound for 7 minutes prior to stretching may be the most effective for increasing ankle dorsiflexion ROM

Wad do you think?


Infrared light has a long wavelength, that means low energy, not enough to break chemical bonds (creating free radicals that would eventually damage DNA ). Also our body has a far IR emission. So it’s safe in principle. It’s still possible to do damage with IR, use a focusing lens to focus the Sun light. It will eventually burn like hell.
Anyway used with small power and small exposure time, should be completely safe.

Originally Posted by mgus
Would you mind elaborating on that a bit? I haven’t heard of any connection between IR and cancer?


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