Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Benefits of Heat in PE


According to the info of other posters here, IR will penetrate tissue 10-20 mm (??) - which is straight into the temperature sensitive sperm factory in your nut sack. It will not penetrate cotton cloth though, so keep your boxers high.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Where could one acquire an infrared heat lamp?

Most all well sorted lamp / electric stores will have one or two.

Just make sure that your lamp is rated for the wattage, or the it will overheat, fall out when you have left the room for a sec and start a fire and burn your house down. And the firemen will find the lamp that started it and the bulb and you get nothing on the insurance. This is not a joke.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I have no evidence that heat helps with PE, but I am a good example of someone who does not use heat and has had no length gains in a couple of years. Heat maybe the thing I am missing.

IR heat sounds good to me but is not practical for someone who PE’s in private, and can’t have a bunch of equipment around for the family to find.

I have used a rice sock, and although it can be effective, I have found that the window is short from the time it cools off to where you can stand the temperature, to the point where it is not hot enough. IR could provide constant heat thoughout a workout, and there is nothing you need to hold in place. I need to to devise a new routine.

Horny Bastard

Interesting to note that there are so may physical therapists using IR lamps to help heal connective tissue damage on the internet.

Also, did you all know that InfraRed is the frequency of light that has the most benefit to plants and animals? I heard it on TV just the other day. It MUST be true.

I’m going by Wal-Mart today after work to pick one up.

"Debate the idea..."

I have mine sitting on my dresser for all to see. I just tell them I use it when I’m stretching. Only thing that sucks about it is the light reflecting off your skin or a wall bothers your eyes.

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

If I get one, I’ll blame it on my bum back.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by Ocelot McHuge
I have mine sitting on my dresser for all to see. I just tell them I use it when I’m stretching. Only thing that sucks about it is the light reflecting off your skin or a wall bothers your eyes.

I have a red one that is pretty easy on the eyes.

Homedics makes some handheld massagers that have infrred heat, like this one:

It seems like a good non attention grabbing option.
I started using a massager we have at home that heats up, but not IR. When I clamp, I can keep the heat on it the whole time, and the vibration keeps me hard as a rock. Unfortunately I can’t turn on heat without vibrate, but that is really what I need to add heat while hanging.

Horny Bastard

So if an ir-lamp damage’s sperm production I guess you should knot some cotton kerchiefs around your balls. Keeping your boxers up will probably be a lot of a hassle while stretching, let alone hanging.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

After a few months of “warming up” with a damn paper towel that I would zap in the microwave I finally decided to make myself a rice sock. It’s actually more of a Ramen sock because that is what I had in the works I guess. I saw gains after two days of using it. Generally my length and girth after jelping and stretching at around 6 x 6, sometimes a little bigger (1/8 or less) Yesterday however after a shorter session I thought something looked wierd. I pulled out the ruler and was amazed.6.5 inches long. I couldn’t believe it so I grabbed my micrometer (I’m an engineering student), 6.473 inches. I was happy. Also had a slightly bigger (6.14 inch) girth. I am not sure if it was the new and improved heating or if it was just time for results to pop up.

My Goal...To Look good NAKED

The funny part about this post is that a guy named SHIVER wrote about HEAT. LOL!

Starting Stats: 6" bpel x 5.5" eg Current Stats (2nd length goal MET!): 7.0" bpel x 5.5" eg 2nd Goal: 7.5" bpel x 5.75" eg BIG Goal: 8.0" bpel x 6.5" eg

shiver…what infrared heat pad do you use; and how do you use the heat pad and the rice sock?



Does anyone else here have an infrared bulb? I’m just worried I got the wrong thing… I went to home depot to buy an infrared bulb, but when I use it it’s actually red light. Maybe it’s supposed to be, I don’t know, but it really hurts my eyes. Does anyone know if the light is supposed to be red, or do I have the wrong thing?

Thanks for your help,


Originally Posted by Mick

Does anyone else here have an infrared bulb? I’m just worried I got the wrong thing… I went to home depot to buy an infrared bulb, but when I use it it’s actually red light. Maybe it’s supposed to be, I don’t know, but it really hurts my eyes. Does anyone know if the light is supposed to be red, or do I have the wrong thing?

Thanks for your help,


Yeah, IR lamps can be red in color. Actually red is much easier on the eyes than a white one. Home Depot might have called it a heat lamp as opposed to IR.


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