Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Benefits of Heat in PE

LOL! I just had an image of myself with my dick in one of those hot dog heaters at the convenience stores!

"You can't judge a fisherman by the size of his boat, but a bigger boat sure makes his job easier!"- unknown "Its not the size of the boat, its the motion in the ocean. Yeah but it takes a long time to get to England in a rowboat!" - Jeff Foxworthy June 2002: BPEL:6.5-6.75" EG:5.5-5.75" ? (Toilet Paper tube girth) October 2003 BPEL:8.0" EG:6.5" mid 7.0" @ Base February 2005 same :( New Year's Resolution: Lose 15 lbs and break this stupid plateau!!!!


Allow me to post a link to your thread "Punctuated PE theory". With the routine you described in that thread you are the living proof that working with CONSTANT heat could produce some great results:

Punctuated PE Theory

Ultrasound: Working with ultrasound sounds great and the heat penetrats indeed much deeper and faster than moist heat - but you should not use ultrasound close to your reproductive organs.

Originally posted by pinocchio

Allow me to post a link to your thread "Punctuated PE theory". With the routine you described in that thread you are the living proof that working with CONSTANT heat could produce some great results:

Punctuated PE Theory

Ultrasound: Working with ultrasound sounds great and the heat penetrats indeed much deeper and faster than moist heat - but you should not use ultrasound close to your reproductive organs.

Yikes! What will ultrasound do to your reproductive organs?

So my method of PEing in the shower with hot water trained on my dick is not so bad? Constant heat, hot as I can get it. I don’t have to worry about killing sperm. Wife is 53 and doesn’t want ‘em anyway. :)

Girth Brooks

Well, I made some internet research earlier that year about collagen, connective tissue and temperature sensitivity. Don’t remember where I found the passage about ultrasound and reproductive organs.

I remember a few guys who had great gains using a hot tub (milking, stretching). Heat relaxes smooth muscles and collagen fibres. 40 C seems to be ideal. Complete denaturation (and shrinking) of collagen starts at about 58 C, if I remember right.

A problem with the typical 5-minute-warmup is the fact that it only provides a very short “stretching window”. MagnumXL solved the problem by heating up his penis every five minutes. Very clever.

IMHO, I would not use any “hot” cream before PE just in case it desinsitized me to any potential pain that might indicate a problem. You’ve got to be extremely careful and pay close attention to any discomfort.

I did try some “RadianB” ointment, but to be honest it didn’t seem to do much. Do they produce real heat, or is it percieved heat?

Thanks Carl.

For how long should I apply the sock for? 5 mins enough time? Also, how should it be applied? Should I put the sock on my ligs and such or should I just put my unit inside the rice inside the sock?


what you say is exciting. Maybe you can use a combination of old school PE and the heating that produces such unbelievable results (even if short term). Can you put in details of all your paraphernalia? What’s the kinda apparatus you use for heating. Myself, getting excited about it :D

Maybe you should try infrared hanging! Hanging with continuous infrared/ultrasound inner penis heat treatment I bet would elongate it much more. The only question is what temperature is optimum to produce such deformation and how to control/measure temperature of the tissues. Maybe just the hot feeling (upto the point where you can tolerate) is a good indicator?

As for the sock, I just grabbed a long sports sock and put about a pound of rice in it. This left plenty of space inside to wrap the sock around several times. It’s a constant adjustment though since you seem to get hot spots where contact is greater than other places. Temperature control I found best was by varying the pressure on the skin (more = hotter). I have a 850W microwave and just nuke it for 2 mins, then let it cool enough to use it.

I thought the heat pad would avoid this (I assumed that it would be a thin matrix of wires when in fact they are quite thick and run down the pad in a zig zag, or swirly back and forth pattern, which also gives hot spots.

The model pad I went for was the Thermofore (about 4”x17” approx). It’s okay, but I’m still looking for a better solution.

Other gadets I have are a PowerJelq, and a Jes Extender. Both of these are “nearly right” products to me, but I keep looking for their evolution to occur. I can’t wear the Jes for more than about 30 minutes as to head starts to turns dark due to lack of fresh blood. This to me would never have made it to production with such an obvious functional limitation. What I have been using it for is the cool down after heated stretching (normal room temperature).

My routine (for this past couple of weeks) has been purposefully very limited, since I want the number of excercise variables to be at the minimum:

Warm 3-4 minutes, stretch out/up/down/left/right/circular, then warm again and repeat. I do this 5 or 6 times, Then Jes for 30 mins. And that’s it! The purpose of this is not a well rounded PE routine, but to see if heat really does help, or if it just produced a one off temporary stretch.

It is important for me to know this, as I have imminent arrival of some Test gel. I’m holding off starting until I know the above results. This will be decided after 2 more weeks. After that I’ll be returning to a more robust and well rounded routine, with the Gel.

To date, I am 5/16 longer than I was 2 weeks ago. I want to know if that was merely softening and temporarily pulling out a little more, or if it is permanent stretch that can be re-built and cemented. If I don’t need the gel then I won’t use it.

Temperature (if the article is to be believed) is around 110-112F. I have no idea how to regulate this, but personally just go with as much as the skin can stand without becoming uncomfortable. I suspect this would be similar to a very hot bath.

As for supplements, I have the usual vitamins + green tea/r-ala etc, and a table spoon of MSM crystals dissolved in a GH Kick (maximuscle) shake 5 mins before going to bed.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by Shiver : 07-22-2003 at .


Due to the deep penetration of ultrasound heat, it can destroy sperm. That is why you don’t use it in the genital region.

This has been an excellent thread. Thanks for the reminder it is a good idea to warm up the penis so that the elasticity is better, allowing you to reach the stage where the tissues will begin their mircotearing. (And yes, there is a fancy medical term for that)

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

What a fantastic thread!

I personally only having a standing-up shower and no tub. Think it would be beneficial to say, warm up for five minutes (soaking my dick in a jug of hot water), then jelq for 4 minutes, soak again for a minute, jelq for another 4 minutes, etc. etc. for about 25 minutes? Same kind of deal with stretching?

Of course, it would mean I was in the bathroom for a long time but I’m sure I can come up with an excuse.

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

^^^ Constapation? Heehee…

Has anyone ever tried the disposable heat packs that are sold for handwarmers? They are square and thin, when exposed to air, a chemical reaction causes them to heat up? I think they last up to 10 hours, and can be shut down by placing them in a small air tight baggie (once all oxygen is gone, the reaction stops). They cost about $1 or so, and used only 10 minutes at a time, should last up to 60 uses or so.

I may just have to buy one and stick it down my pants 10 minutes at at time before I stretch. I PE at work, so finding a way to do a warm up has proved difficult at best… In fact since I’m into intense tunica stretching currently, I’ll get some this afternoon and be the test rat :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.


Let everyone know how that works. Also, try and put someting between the handwarmer and your penis so it doesn’t get burned.

That sounds painful.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


Let us know what the brand is and where to get it. Also tell us how you think it works.

By the way I am a work, and bathroom tugger too. ;)


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."


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