Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Benefits of Heat in PE

I use a rice sock when I hang. I use it for the first 10 minutes of every one of my first 6-8 sets. I think it definitely helps. I’ve gained 5/8” over the last couple months….after not doing any hanging in over a year. Bear in mind the fact that I’m also hanging on average 4 hours total time a day 6 days a week. So, I wonder what contributes more….heat or time? Hmm….


If you sit at a desk in an office why don’t you just use a heat pad. Draped over the groin and lower abdominals.

You know, to help out that strained abdominal wall so it doesn’t herniate. Like the doctor told you. ;)

From the heavy lifting or whatever…..

See Ya,


BigJ, good thought, but I don’t know anyone who’s had a pulled groin for up to a year :)

Ok, my wife completely foiled my plans to try the disposable heat pack for my first stretch this a.m. She had to leave town early, I had to stay home with the kids for a bit. So, experiment is postponed until tomorrow.

I did however find a great tool for around the house stealth warm up- A quart sized zip-lok baggie filled with hot tap water. The thin plastic transfers heat well, much too hot for direct skin contact, so I laid it over my boxers fully encapsulating my shaft. Warm up for 5 minutes, stretch for 5 minutes, repeat. I don’t know if the heat had anything to do with it, but my shaft seemed much easier to stretch after applying the heat, especially for the first time of the day.

Of course, If I were a good scientist, I would’ve tried to stretch a bit BEFORE the heat to see the difference, but I’m way to dense for something logical like that. Hindsight is a wonderful thing :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Re: Benefits of Heat in PE

Originally posted by Shiver
birth. This sent me on a mission to discover how to soften Type I fibrous tissue, hence my MSM/Bromelain proposals that I mentioned to some of you via PM.


So why not share with the rest of us what this proposal is?????

Re: Re: Benefits of Heat in PE

Originally posted by Stillwantmore
So why not share with the rest of us what this proposal is?????

Simply that fibers adapt to conditioning, and I was looking for something to restrict that adaptation in the hope of maintaining a ‘beginners gains’ environment. I found out that bromelin (from unripened pineapple stems) amongst others is used to soften meat in cooking as it helps break down gristle under extreme heat (cooking heat) by unhooking cross-linked fibers. I thought this might limit adaptation somewhat and allow progress to continue. MSM was simply there as a carrier since (being a product of DMSO) it can penetrate far deeper and be locally effective to a degree, as well as systemic.

I’ve looked into so many areas recently that I can’t really see the wood for the trees (wood for bush? :) ) so need to take a step back and re-evaluate what my research goals actually were originally. 8isn’tEnough was exploring the hormonal axis, and has some pretty strong evidence to point towards DHT being a ‘master hormone’ wrt Penis size, but I have an aversion to putting DHT directly on my unit, so I thought I’d look at alternatives. I think PGE2 gel would do it, but I sure as hell ain’t gonna guinea pig that one!

Other ingredients of interest are Papain, Ficin and Ellegin.

constant heat during stretch & pump

Consider this approach. First I use a hot water bottle….(the kind that looks like a shower cap) filled with hot water. Fill it 2/3 full of very hot water, remove the air, and cap it. It will easily fold over and around your flaccid stretched penis. Do your stretches with the hot water bottle resting there the whole time. THEN while you are stretching, have an electric heating pad wrapped around the cylinder of your pump tube. I put mine on high setting. Wrap all this in a tow ell for insulation. By the time you are finished stretching the tube is quite warm. Then pump with the heating pad and towel wrapped around the cylinder. You will maintain good warmth, your penis will not turn blue even in extended pumping times and your tunic and ligs are warm enough to stretch well. I hang long and fat (6 X 6) flacid all day after doing this. I wear a “Thera P” wrist band around the balls and shaft for a couple of hours after pumping. PS….you “pack” your tube in record time using a heating pad while pumping. MXL

I don’t have a pump yet, but was wondering about using the heating pad on it. It is for that reason that I asked some questions about 1/2 hour ago in the pumping forum (at about using water in the pump. The reason being that I was guessing that water would have better thermal transfer properties than air(?)

Are there any issues with where the skin is touching the cylinder getting hotter than areas that don’t, or is it a mild warmth?


The heat distribution is quite even. The entire cylinder is wrapped in ithe pad and towel. I like it rather hot….hot enough to soften ligs. No, I don’t get burned. If it is too hot when I try to enter the tube, I slip off the towel and heating pad a few moments until it is warm…then enter. It avoids all the trouble of using water which can rust your pump. The pad keeps the heat at a good constant temperature. I set my heating pad on high.

Thanks Magnum, you’ve sold me. I’ll order one today.

Some good posts here…makes me want to go back to doing extensive heat therapy, as I did in the beginning. However, I’ve made my best length gains after giving up on the heating pad; although, that’s also when I began extensive stretching & tunica stretching….

So, if I add the heat to my current routine, just maybe…..

Disposable heating pad update-

When you expose them to oxygen initially then put them in a baggie to shut them down, they do not last as long as if you didn’t shut them down.

What I mean is, pack says they last 6 hours. Turning them on and off I got maybe 45 minutes of use out of them.

Of course, it could be because they’re two years old, but I’m not sure.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Heat can speed up gains, but it can also prevent gains. The following is from “Dynamics of human biologic tissues” (Currier, Nelson, p. 68):

“Dense connective tissue (= ligs, tunica) heated 40 to 45 C allows a greater elongation without structural damage, so long as strain is limited to about 2 percent… As soon as 2 percent strain is exceeded at this temperature, the collagen begins to yield. Tendon heated to 45 C ruptures at only one fourth the force of elongation of unheated tissue…”

What could it mean for PE? If you are working with low force stretch (stretchers, light manual stretching), heat could be useless. If you are working with heavy weights/heavy stretch and constant heat, heat could be extremely useful.

I was working with a Bib stretcher (home made stretcher that uses a Bib starter to attach the penis) and constant heat lately, and didn’t have any results. Couldn’t understand why. Now I do. I simply was in the range where heat makes stretching “safer”. And that of course is something we don’t want. What we wan’t is “controlled damage”.

Why did MagnumXL have such good gains with constant heat and manual stretching? He writes his FSL is 3/8 inches longer after heating. In his case, that’s at least a 3 percent strain, I guess. Mine never improves that much, not even with heavy hanging and heating. Seems my tunica/ligs are much stronger. I hardly ever reach a 2 percent strain, and that could mean that heat doesn’t have any value for me. Damn.


Originally posted by wadzilla
Some good posts here…makes me want to go back to doing extensive heat therapy, as I did in the beginning. However, I've made my best length gains after giving up on the heating pad; although, that's also when I began extensive stretching & tunica stretching….
So, if I add the heat to my current routine, just maybe…..

I’m sure I was in error. I looked over my stats and the above is not true. Anyway, whoever bumped this thread, THANKS!

I use a rice sock when I hang. I use it for the first 10 minutes of every one of my first 6-8 sets. I think it definitely helps. I’ve gained 5/8” over the last couple months….after not doing any hanging in over a year. Bear in mind the fact that I’m also hanging on average 4 hours total time a day 6 days a week. So, I wonder what contributes more….heat or time? Hmm….

I do the same thing except less time.

I heat up my rice sock and then apply it while hanging for the first 10minutes, then I take the rice sock off and hang for 10 more minutes to complete the 20min session. I wait 15mins then do ithis again. I do this 3 times for a total of 1 hour a day.

What i’m wondering is, how are we supposed to know if we are heating our dick to above 104 degrees? If i’m only heating it to around 102 degrees then i’m basically wasting my time. How hot does it need to be for 104 degrees. I can say that with my rice sock when I wrap it around my penis and do the hanging I have to keep it on very lightly and not apply any pressure because the more pressure I apply the more heat I feel and it will burn like crazy. When the heat starts to subside thats when I apply the pressure to keep the heat consistent. I’m wondering if this is enough heat to see the gains talked about.


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