Heat can speed up gains, but it can also prevent gains. The following is from “Dynamics of human biologic tissues” (Currier, Nelson, p. 68):
“Dense connective tissue (= ligs, tunica) heated 40 to 45 C allows a greater elongation without structural damage, so long as strain is limited to about 2 percent… As soon as 2 percent strain is exceeded at this temperature, the collagen begins to yield. Tendon heated to 45 C ruptures at only one fourth the force of elongation of unheated tissue…”
What could it mean for PE? If you are working with low force stretch (stretchers, light manual stretching), heat could be useless. If you are working with heavy weights/heavy stretch and constant heat, heat could be extremely useful.
I was working with a Bib stretcher (home made stretcher that uses a Bib starter to attach the penis) and constant heat lately, and didn’t have any results. Couldn’t understand why. Now I do. I simply was in the range where heat makes stretching “safer”. And that of course is something we don’t want. What we wan’t is “controlled damage”.
Why did MagnumXL have such good gains with constant heat and manual stretching? He writes his FSL is 3/8 inches longer after heating. In his case, that’s at least a 3 percent strain, I guess. Mine never improves that much, not even with heavy hanging and heating. Seems my tunica/ligs are much stronger. I hardly ever reach a 2 percent strain, and that could mean that heat doesn’t have any value for me. Damn.