Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Benefits of Heat in PE

Heat? Okay! Say hello to my little friend...

I have consistently avoided using infra-red lamps because they generate not only IR radiation but also ultra-violet radiation which is definitely a risk, such that you’ll find a waiver on your IR lamp which says: limit daily exposure to 20 minutes a day or less. Twenty minutes a day is of little use to hangers who want to apply heat continuously through sets. There’s as better way.

Experiment 1: I experimented with using standard incandescant bulbs with a reflector. The key was the reflector which really focuses the heat. Incandescent bulbs do not generate UV. There is no disclaimer that comes with these bulbs. And I got a pretty good result, though a little intense because all of the heat is supplied to only one side of one’s dick, the side getting all the radiant energy from the bulb. Nevertheless, an improvement on the IR bulb, because of the substantialliy reduced risk.

Experiment 2: I bought a small electric (ceramic type) heater and tried to apply heat with that through my hang session, but the heat was too unregulated and intense. With this heater, when it reduced the setting to reduce the heat, the heater and fan just cycle on or off. This one runs at constant heat, and regulates the space by turning itself on and off. So it’s either too hot, or not on at all. I tried moving it further away from me, but over time the space under my desk just got hotter and hotter and.. well….it just didn’t work.

Experiment 3: Recently I was waiting for my wife at the local Walmart and I decided to revisit heaters. There are so many types, and most of them are like the one I just described. But I found a different one, a very one, and—this is the really important point—with this one the fan runs _continuously_ at constant speed and by turning a dial you vary the power going to the filaments, thus the heating effect. So unlike the first heater that ran super hot or not at all, this one runs continuously, never shutting off, but at various heating levels according to the setting. Mine varies from 600W to 1500W. It cost about $30.

This is the best system I have tried so far. I can get a very even, contiuous heat, flowing all around my package, around the captain’s wench: _everything gets nice and warm_. I keep my balls in my undies for some shielding from the heat, but let everything else come through the flap.

My dick at the end of each 20 minute hang session feels really, really warm, through and through.

I hang SO with a pulley under my desk, and have the heater set to the back of the desk so it blows right between my legs. At first I found that the heat was flowing up the front of my body from my groin, and creating too much discomfort around my face, but then I learned to readjust my rig such that I sit very close to the desk, slightly leaning over it while I work, thus creating a bit of a seal and trapping most of the heat below.


Turn on heater below desk, aiming at crotch.

Rice sock warm up, 5 minutes.

Suit up in captn’s wench

Two twenty minute hang sessions at 20 pounds each, with continuous heat.

Fulcrum stretches with golf weights, 30 second stretch in each direction with each of 5 rings, with continuous heat.

Finally, while hot, switch to monty’s weights—I endorse them—end session, get up and move and allow everything to cool down under load.

Experientially, I find that this mode of heating makes my hang a little more painful in that you can feel the fibres in your dick yielding more readily under the combined effect of loading under heat, and there’s a constant stress associated with that that is greater than when hanging the same weight without heat.


Nov 2006 bpel: 7.88 eg: 5.19

Mar 2007 bpel: 8.25 eg 5.38

Shooting for 9 x 6 Ddog.

Has anyone tried this FAR Infared heat pad? It’s a USB device so you can plug it into your computer.


July 2007-BPEL 7.0 MidEG 6.0

Current BPEL 8.5 MidEG 6.3 Goal 8 NBPEL / 6.5 EG. Progress Pictures Progress Report My ADS

Originally Posted by ddogusterion
I have consistently avoided using infra-red lamps because they generate not only IR radiation but also ultra-violet radiation which is definitely a risk, such that you’ll find a waiver on your IR lamp which says: limit daily exposure to 20 minutes a day or less. Twenty minutes a day is of little use to hangers who want to apply heat continuously through sets. There’s as better way.

Please give some credibility to your claim. As far as I know, IR bulbs do not generate UV radiation because they are not capable of doing so. UV and IR are on opposite sides of the light spectrum. The whole spectrum of the bulb is switched towards lower frequencies thus shining more in IR spectrum (BTW EVERY single light bulb in the word generates IR radiation. The question is in proportions of the visible light and IR light). AFAIK, the spectrum is not split (some energy to lower and some to higher frequencies), but moved completely towards the lower ones.

Originally Posted by ddogusterion
I have consistently avoided using infra-red lamps because they generate not only IR radiation but also ultra-violet radiation which is definitely a risk, such that you’ll find a waiver on your IR lamp which says: limit daily exposure to 20 minutes a day or less.


I don’t know if you actually believe that or not. Try doing some research and you may be surprised at the complete lack of anything at all to back up you claim. :rolleyes:

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Interesting tidbits form Wikipedia:

Types of infrared heaters

Infrared heaters are usually classified by the wavelength they emit. Near infrared (NIR) or short-wave infrared heaters operate at high filament temperatures above 1800 C and when arranged in a field reach high power densities of some 100s of kW/m2. Their peak wavelength is well below the absorption spectrum for water, making them unsuitable for many drying applications. They are well suited for heating of silica where a deep penetration is needed.

Medium-wave and carbon (CIR) infrared heaters operate at filament temperatures of around 1000 OC. They reach maximum power densities of up to 60 kW/m2 (medium-wave) and 150 kW/m2 (CIR).

Efficiency of infrared heaters

Theoretically, the efficiency of an infrared heater is 100% as it converts nearly all electrical energy into heat in the filament. The filament then emits it’s heat by infrared radiation that is directly or via a reflector impinging on the product to be heated. Some energy is lost due to conduction or convection.

For practical applications, the efficiency of the infrared heater depends on matching the emitted wavelength and the absorption spectrum of the material to be heated.

For example, the absorption spectrum for water has it’s peak at around 3000 nm. This means that emission from medium-wave or carbon infrared heaters are much better absorbed by water and water-based coatings than NIR or short-wave infrared radiation.

The same is true for many plastics like PVC or polyethylene. Their peak absorption is around 3500 nm. On the other hand, some metals absorb only in the short-wave range and show a strong reflectivity in the medium and far infrared. This makes a careful selection of the right infrared heater type important for energy efficiency in the heating process.

Read the label...

Well, you’re wrong in one respect when you claim I have nothing to backup my assertion: in fact, I’m basing my opinion totally on the label on the IR lamps I saw in the local Walmarts. The lamp is sold as an IR lamp, but there is a label warning that the lamp also delivers some UV radiation, and one should limit exposure to not more than 20 minutes per day. That’s good enough for me, and I would be a fool to use the lamp for hanging sets on the basis of someone else’s opinion that the manufacturer is wrong. Perhaps there are different ways of producing IR in a lamp, some of which provide a bit of UV? For me it’s a non-issue now because I have switched to electric resistance heaters.

Nov 2006 bpel: 7.88 eg: 5.19

Mar 2007 bpel: 8.25 eg 5.38

Shooting for 9 x 6 Ddog.

Last edited by ddogusterion : 12-03-2007 at .

Link to IR lamp warning


I found a link from Sylvania—I think we can all agree they know something about lamps—that explicitly mentions certain types of IR lamps as emitting UV. It looks similar to the warning I saw on the IR lamp package in a local store.

http://content. … px?id=003673673

I hope this will quell the controversy. I am not asserting that all IR lamps emit UV, but _clearly_ some do, and the one for sale in my local store apparently does as well.

Don’t understand the science… but the risk is worth managing.


Nov 2006 bpel: 7.88 eg: 5.19

Mar 2007 bpel: 8.25 eg 5.38

Shooting for 9 x 6 Ddog.

Originally Posted by ddogusterion

I found a link from Sylvania—I think we can all agree they know something about lamps—that explicitly mentions certain types of IR lamps as emitting UV. It looks similar to the warning I saw on the IR lamp package in a local store.

http://content. … px?id=003673673

I hope this will quell the controversy. I am not asserting that all IR lamps emit UV, but _clearly_ some do, and the one for sale in my local store apparently does as well.

Don’t understand the science.. But the risk is worth managing.


Don’t know the exact products of the mentioned company, but it seems that you were looking at some high power/high temperature IR lamps. UV radiation in significant amounts is only possible with elevated temperatures of the filament. Not with the low temperatures that is present in the common IR bulb of which the 100W version I use.

There’s nothing magic in common IR light bulbs. The filament temperature is lowered, thus the spectrum is shifted towards lore freq as well. If you have some exotic technologies or high power in question, things may be different.

The other thing is that you live in a lawyer’s country. Which means that producers have to write down every possible warning they can think of. Better warn more than less seems to be the attitude.

Started: oct 2007 with 11.8 cubic inches

Currently: apr 2008 12.8 cubic inches

Objective: >20 cubic inches

Originally Posted by sublime2u
I have tried ‘hot wrap’ and ‘hot tub soak’ methods for warm up and found that I got a much much better stretch from the ‘hot tub soak’.

I can actually ‘feel’ the ligaments of my tool stretching and that is a good indication of the stretch itself. I am a contact fighter in my late thirties so stretching my legs is an integral and important part of my training.

Over the years I have found that I got a longer lasting stretch from doing a 15 min warmup to the point of sweating in contrast to the results obtained from doing a shorter warmup duration. I can also stretch for longer periods.

You should be able to ‘feel’ your ligaments stretch rather than have to force or tug on them. A hot tub bath does this quite well in my experience. 10 mins is a good time to stay in the hot tub and use a face towel for your grip. Any longer in the bath and you might get dehydrated and hydration might be a factor in PE? (Drink Lots of water).

Last week I purchased an inexpensive IR lamp from Argos (UK) and I am experiencing a slightly better stretch than the hot tub method.

The benefit to the IR lamp is that the window stretching opportunity is far greater than any other method that I know of. The penetration is quicker and more deeper. You can use it whilst stretching too, augmenting your PE. You are less likely to get an injury and if you do get an injury the IR lamp would be very beneficial in the healing process.

What you think about to use an hairdryer to warm it up?

Heat causing a new discomfort while hanging.

Has anyone else noticed that continous heat causes a new kind of discomfort while hanging? Formerly I’d apply heat only as a warm-up at the start, and also at the end of my routine. For the past few months, however, I have been hanging and heating _simultaneously_. That is, I heat up before hanging, I heat during hanging sets, and I heat between hanging sets too. I use an electric heater or IR lamp to provide continuous heat. Since heating continuously, I’ve noticed that the heat causes funny pains in a way that didn’t occur with no heat. These pains are closest to the base of my dick and an inch or two out onto the shaft, where the heat is most intense. The capt’ns wench shields the part of my dick furthest from the base, so no pain there. These pains feel like … “stretching pains.” I thought they might be actual burning pains, but my dick isn’t that hot. My EQ quality remains good, no negative indicators, and no dick damage. I am postulating that the heat is accelerating micro-fibre failure and the small bit of creep that goes along with that is what I’m feeling. I haven’t changed weight, hang times, or anything. I hang two 20 minute sets consecutively at 20 pounds, with continuous heat, and then ADS using Monty’s weights all day long. I’m hoping that the use of heat and all day ADS (12+ hours per day), will give me results with only two hang sets per day, because hanging more sets is so time intensive. Two sets translates to an hour, when one factors in setting up, pre hang heating, wrapping, yada yada, and most days I just can’t find enough time to do more sets, so I’m hoping ADS on top of the sets will make a difference. I do fulcrum stretches also, daily. Total time taken is about an hour and a half a day, plus ADS.

Anyway…. anyone else notice these pains while heating? Comments?

By the way… I acknowledge that I was wrong on the issue of IR lamps and withdraw my comments about their use being potentially unsafe. Not that their use is safe, but I radically overstated the case after being over-influenced by labelling on one product. Moderator was right: I should have checked more closely. Appologies to all.

Nov 2006 bpel: 7.88 eg: 5.19

Mar 2007 bpel: 8.25 eg 5.38

Shooting for 9 x 6 Ddog.

I recently purchased this IR lamp made buy Phillips. It’s a little expensive compared to most others, around $80 with shipping, but I believe in quality products, and Phillips is a brand that I trust. I just wanted to ask users of other IR lamp products what they thought of this product, (200 watts).

http://www.amaz … /dp/B000EYGVEG/

I also had some other questions about the use of this product. Would it be best to use when your penis is moist or totally dry? And how far away would you need to be away from the actual light source for it to work effectively?

I know there are a lot of IR lamp users here at Thunders, so it would be great if you could get back to me.

Thanks in advance.

Dec \'23 -> Feb\'24 17.5cm -> 18.5cm BPEL / 12.7cm -> 13.1 MSEG / 18.5cm -> 18.9cm BPFSL (measuring in mm for accuracy)

My First Real Attempt:

2006 Start: 6.25" BPEL and 5" EG - 2012 7.625" BPEL / 4.875" EG / 8.063" BPFSL. (All manual routine)

The lamp which I ordered on Monday actually came in this afternoon, a neighbour just popped it round to me. I haven’t used it for PE yet, but I tried it to test the heat, and the power of that heat is awesome. The questions that I ask above no longer need reply as the information is provided with the product. I’ll let you guys know how great it is.

Happy PEing everyone.

Dec \'23 -> Feb\'24 17.5cm -> 18.5cm BPEL / 12.7cm -> 13.1 MSEG / 18.5cm -> 18.9cm BPFSL (measuring in mm for accuracy)

My First Real Attempt:

2006 Start: 6.25" BPEL and 5" EG - 2012 7.625" BPEL / 4.875" EG / 8.063" BPFSL. (All manual routine)

Originally Posted by Shunga
Has anyone tried this FAR Infared heat pad? It’s a USB device so you can plug it into your computer.


The unit shows a rated power consumption of only 1.2 watts. Hardly enough to properly kindle your knockwurst.
Cute idea though.

The IR lamp is the best heating method I’ve ever experienced for PE. I’ve tried rice socks and hot wet towels. Buy I know now that with a year of PEing, I’ve never warmed up or warmed down properly, or not well enough. To anyone that hasn’t used one or is thinking about getting one. Go out and get it now! They are truly amazing things. The one I bought is a few posts up in the link I posted.

I plan to see good gains, as in better then before now that my warm ups are complete.

Dec \'23 -> Feb\'24 17.5cm -> 18.5cm BPEL / 12.7cm -> 13.1 MSEG / 18.5cm -> 18.9cm BPFSL (measuring in mm for accuracy)

My First Real Attempt:

2006 Start: 6.25" BPEL and 5" EG - 2012 7.625" BPEL / 4.875" EG / 8.063" BPFSL. (All manual routine)

I’m new to PE and I was really concerned with damage due to the lack of heat, so I do all my PE sessions in the bathroom with hot water constantly running so I can soak it up and apply to my unit. I also wonder if you guys have ever tried heated lubes? I use Vaseline *cheap bastard* after I have let it sit in my running water. It worked for me.. I have been doing a modified newbie routine for almost a week now. Started at 6 9/16” and now I’m at 7” just doing jelqing. And the gains have been due to the heat and the warm lube. I never even considered heaters tho.


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