Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bib's LOT Theory

Hi Bib, first of all…thanks for still being here, I would have probably quit a long time ago if I had had your results.

I tried to check my LOT, I have tugback from 12 (parallel to stomach) to 7almost parallel to legs….does it mean that I will have to be 7” for the rest of my life? what exercises do you suggest?

Thanks for your help


>Hi Bib, first of all…thanks for still being here, I would have probably quit a long time ago if I had had your results.<

It is partially because of my results that I am still here.

>I tried to check my LOT, I have tugback from 12 (parallel to stomach) to 7almost parallel to legs….does it mean that I will have to be 7” for the rest of my life?<

Heavens no. You may have to work a little harder and smarter, but you can reach your goals with dedication.

>what exercises do you suggest?<

Hang or stretch at the upper angles. Then you can experiment with fulcrum type stretches or hanging. There are many more exercises that have been developed for the tunica, and more being developed all the time.


Thank you, I will check for the exercises…sorry I`ve been a bit lazy and didn`t do it too promptly.

I have another question for you:

As said my LOT is low and I will need to focus on the tunica.

That means I will not stretch my ligs. Now, I have a baseball bat to begin with and it is apparent that to correct it I would need to thicken my ligs at the base, as other exercises don`t stress the base enough. Would you suggest that I postpone this operation in order to work easily on the Tunica?

I agree with your post about the healing taking place even though the unit is stressed (as long as you don`t pass the -thin-line)…what I would like to know is what your opinion is as far as routine is concerned: I would say that 2 half an hour daily stretching routines, followed by a 5 min jelq and 10 1min uli squeezes should be fine. As I never stretched much I`d think that keeping a low level of stress but doing it regularly shouldn`t strenghten to much my unit, allowing me to stretch it easily, so it`s probably best to stay on a simple stretches routine (normal upward, AI`s and mybe Vstretches). Also: what do you think of ADS devices? maybe not useful for me….

Last thing, my penis bends to the left and somebody says that you can correct this by jelqing against it, but don`t you think that doing so would put even more stresson the bent side, giving it more girth?

Hope my post wasn`t too long and thaks for the attention


Ok. I am sorry for what is going to be an extremely undeducated reply. I have read the Lot theory over 5 or 6 times and have no idea how to detrmine LOT. I have never pe’d or done kegals, so maybe I am trying to get ahead of myself, but if someone could explain to me how to go about this sort of process to determine, including which position my body should be in, my erectile state and any other information I would appreciate it, wither post here or email me at Once again I am sorry for the very remedial question

I just looked at the diagrams and now understand better.. sorry.

No problem man! We are here to help you out. You at least made the effort to look it up. Some people just ask questions without trying and that irks some people not me really. It is like being in a psychology class the first day and having a uncracked open text for it in front of you and then asking what is psychology all about.

If you don’t understand, there are no stupid questions. Sometimes it takes me a lot of reading to understand what I read and I have to reread over and over. The hanging instructions are like that.

PS: Welcome aboard.

PSS: If you think you know an answer to someone else’s question please chime in with a reply. You have to give and take here. It is all about helping each other out and returning the favor for someone else.

To make any searches easier for you here is a half decent thread:

Tech Tips For Thunder’s Place

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Thank You for your reply, and yes I will definately help once the point comes where I have knowledge that would be helpful. One question I do have even after looking at the diagrams is… which part of the penis do u hold when stretching, and do you strecth as far as possible. Also correct me if I am wrong but flexing the PC muscle would be the same thing as when you are urinating and you hold the urine in. That I was told somehwere or read somewhere so that would be my understanding. Also is this supposed to be a very noticable movement or just the head of the penis coming back towards the base slightly?

Let me answer what I know. The PC squeezes or Kegals are like when someone sneaks up on you when your pissing and the stream slams shut. So you got that part right.

For determining lot there will be very little movement at the top of the head I think. I asked a similair question but don’t know how to phrase it correctly cause I just got up and I have a huge head full of seartonion that is fogging my mind. When I orginally tried looking for my lot. I thought it had to like utterly not move at all anywhere. That is not the case, you’ll see no movement in one area like the bottom and this little tiny shake at the top I believe. If I got this wrong someone will correct me fairly soon. Any apologies in advance for that. I need a cup of tea to burn through this haze I have.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Ok. After testing my LOT a few times to make sure it is accurate i THINK that I have determined that my lot is somewhere around 9. The tugback is obvious at 12 and 11 at 10 it is very minmal but still visible, at 9 I can feel the tugback but I see no head movement thus I am assuming 9 would be my tugback. 8 I checked to make sure and there is no tugback visible there either. Assuming that I have done this correctly… which techniques/excercices would be best to start with. Your help is appreciated. Thank You.


With an LOT of 9:00, you should be working the lower angles, stretching or hanging below SO down to BTC.


What's the point?

So basically LOT is only used when you are using hanging for penis enlargement? As far as what I have heard hanging is the most dangerous way to PE.

longboader do you correlate your enlargement due to exercises, pills, or the combination of them?


Sometimes the size of the boat does matter.

My LOT won't change!!

I’ve been PEing for 4 months using only manual stretches BTC and a semi-erect bend. My LOT in the beginning was 10 and is still 10 today. Gains have been decent and so I expected my LOT to go down. If anything, it’s gone up a little.

Can this be right? Does this mean I have ligs of steel?

I’m going to continue my current exercises because they’re working, but am wondering if there’s something I can do to capitalize on my high LOT.

I'm hung like Einstein and smart as a horse.


What gains have you made in EL and FSL?

>but am wondering if there’s something I can do to capitalize on my high LOT.<

You’re doing it.


SS4 - I gained an inch EL and 1 1/4 FSL. Most of that came in the first 2 months. I assumed that had to be from stretching ligs since those were early, fast gains. I also gained 1” girth which had to be from the semi-erect bends I do. Now I’m wondering if those bends also add length to the tunica. I’ve pretty much stopped doing the bends for the last 2 months and the gains have really slowed down. The wife told me “no more girth” and so since then I’ve been mostly doing manual stretches.

I'm hung like Einstein and smart as a horse.


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