Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bib's LOT Theory


You gained an inch in length, and inch in girth, an inch and a quater in FSL, you still have a high LOT, and all this in 2 months?

We all should be so lucky!

Keep stretching down and keep us updated if your LOT changes.



I do feel very fortunate. Things have really slowed down lately, but I have no complaints.

I’m going to try an experiment and limit my PE to only manual stretching BTC for the next 2 months. After that, I’ll report back on changes to my LOT.

I'm hung like Einstein and smart as a horse.

I´m unhappy because of my bad english. Hope you can help me! I startet PE 1week ago. Please can you wright me some tipps to enlarge my penis? I use the Penisplus ( Is is good or maybe i have to use another penisenlarger?

Thanks a lot.


Big Knob,

What are you measurements now? If your wife said no more girth exactly how much girth do you have to make her say that. I would love to have my girlfriend tell me that. While some people might think thats bad because you maight get less sex (which is false) at least you know she not going to leave you for a man becasue his penis is bigger.


Ok, I understand the BIB LOT’s Theory very well. My question is what is the best position for hanging in your opinion? Let’s just put the Lot’s Theory to the side for the moment. This question is for anyone. What is the best position to hang that has allowed you to gain the most? In what position? I am doing research.


Originally Posted by channel77
Ok, I understand the BIB LOT’s Theory very well. My question is what is the best position for hanging in your opinion? Let’s just put the Lot’s Theory to the side for the moment. This question is for anyone. What is the best position to hang that has allowed you to gain the most? In what position? I am doing research.


It is not possible to “just put the Lot’s Theory to the side for the moment” and still answer your question.
If you understand the theory well, then you would understand that to hit the ligs, hang at an angle below your LOT, to hit the tunica, hang at an angle above your LOT.
Perhaps your question should have been “Given I understand LOT’s Theory, what will give me the fastest gains?”
Generally it is easier to get good early gains from targeting the ligs.
Once you have exhausted these early gains (which you will know by your LOT dropping), than its time to hit the tunica.
Hope this helps.


You get an “A” for that answer.


Thanks Bigger,

That means a lot (pardon the pun!) coming from you!

It is not possible to “just put the Lot’s Theory to the side for the moment” and still answer your question.
If you understand the theory well, then you would understand that to hit the ligs, hang at an angle below your LOT, to hit the tunica, hang at an angle above your LOT.
Perhaps your question should have been “Given I understand LOT’s Theory, what will give me the fastest gains?”
Generally it is easier to get good early gains from targeting the ligs.
Once you have exhausted these early gains (which you will know by your LOT dropping), than its time to hit the tunica.
Hope this helps.

Like I said before. I am not trying to disrespect BiB LOT’s Theory. I have being hanging for quite a while.

I got most of my gains from hanging SD. Ok. Everybody’s body is different. OK.

Maybe I should have not posted in this thread. Do not take it offensively. OK

Originally Posted by channel77
Like I said before. I am not trying to disrespect BiB LOT’s Theory. I have being hanging for quite a while.

I got most of my gains from hanging SD. Ok. Everybody’s body is different. OK.

Maybe I should have not posted in this thread. Do not take it offensively. OK

Of course you should have posted, and no I didn’t take it offensively.
If you have got most of your gains from hanging SD, maybe it’s simply time to try something different, say OTS?

I have learned that it takes a great deal of research to understand proper PE. My visits to this great site usually average around three to four hours a visit. For me, I have a tough time deciphering my LOT. However, after reading this extremely long thread, I have come to the conclusion that my Loss of Tugback is 7:30. So I should be continuing to work on my ligs using a six to seven oclock jelq, correct? I have PEed on and off, but for no longer than 2-3 months at a time. I’ve moved out and now can put more dedication to PEing. From my prior PE experience, I have noticed a half inch gain in length from 5.75in to 6.25in NBP. My girth is 5.45in midshaft and 5.5in at base. My flaccid girth has shown the most gains (Uli’s are great.) So my major concern is length. Am I stretching my ligs properly with a 7:30 LOT? Also I was hoping if someone could give me a link or two to some great tunica length exercises; I am at the end of a long visit after a long day at work.

Work out.

1. Stretches (5 minutes)
2. Wet Jelqs, 60 percent erect, 6:00-7:00 angle (sitting on bed) constantly pumping blood into penis
(25 minutes)
3. Uli’s and Uli bends (10 minutes)
4. Hot wrap with light stretching (5 minutes)

P.S. Am I the only one having difficulty with reverse kegals and DLD blasters?

Also thanks for the tunica length exercises. I figure at around 7:30 LOT I should be hitting the tunica for length.

I really hope that PE isn’t excluded to thick people, haha. I have read most of this, but I don’t exactly understand how to measure my LOT. Can someone tell me what to do step by step? Do I flex my pc muscle to work it out? am I doing a manual stretch?

I am sorry, I really just don’t understand. Thank you so much guys.

I’m still trying to understand this theory. My LOT is from 4:00 to 6:00. I get no pullback at all after 4:00 down. Should I concentrate on pulling up, down, left, right or what? What does this say about my length gain potential? I’ve been a slow length gainer and always felt my ligs were high, and still are. All my stretching is manual.

Thanks for any insight.


Actually, the range is from 12 to six, I guess you mean that your lot is between 8 and 6. Or you could be having your lose of tug back while stretching backwards, which is not likely. ;)

If your LOT is 6 or close to it, you should concentrate on stretcing your tunica as there’s not much growth possible by stretcing your ligs. If your LOT is 8, there may very well be some left. Try to get a more accurate result. Use a mirror as help.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."


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