Thunder's Place

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Bib's LOT Theory 101


Great job. I wish I could write that well.



I wish I could think well enough to come up with such an idea.

Your writing seems just fine to me. ;)

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

KOG Notes?

Sounds interesting, but I’m afraid you’d all flunk out of PE class if you were relying on KOG Notes. They’d be slow coming. I’ve been writing this stuff and drawing those pictures for a damn looong time. I bring my homework and class texts to the computer with me when I’m playing around on Thunder’s Place, so I kind of do my hobby and the work required at the same time. Extra stuff like KOG Notes only get a pathetic five of ten minutes every other Saturday or something. :(

I have a few more outlines that I wrote up in December around here somewhere. If I can find them (I will) I’ll be able to produce something else later, but who knows when.

And thanks for the compliments gusy. It means a lot, but for you you newbies—don’t for one second go without noticing that this is Bib\’s LOT theory. It isn’t my idea. :)

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger


What writing course have you taken so far? The reason I ask is pure curiosity. Some teachers said I was a great writer others said I blew. But when you consider how poorly people write in their jobs and for school these days everything half decent looks good.

I have been trying to boil down my barmaid thread to the essentials while still preserving my interesting writing style that most people enjoy. I took magazine article writing last semester and showed it to the teacher, he thought it was publishable but way too long. I also have had creative writing last summer.

When one writes a thread initially as the author, they have some idea of where they want to go with it, but it seems to take a life of its own. For instance strange questions and slants never expected pop up. Not to mention the off topic land mines that add to any thread like now.;) A good number of members here are technically proficient in their field like hanging, pumping, etc… but lack experience in expressing themselves particularly with the written word.

You took a great thread that is very long and whittled it down to a more digestible level for all of us. I congratulate you on that. So many people go what is LOT ever day. We pull up a huge set of posts that refer to it and expect them to read it all. This version is nice with the pictures and reference working big time for the visual reader who has a hard time envisioning what we are talking about.

Kudos, I am envious.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Hell fire Twat, thanks! Don’t be envious, there’s nothing at all about me that is even almost worth being envied by others. I only changed my major to English this semester, so I just started taking English classes that aren’t the general education requirements. The only writing class I’ve had is the one I’m still in, the creative writing. It’s a fun class.

I don’t know if my writing is “better” than average or not, but I know it’s far from perfect. Luckily, I don’t let myself get too hung up over it. No one is a perfect writer, particularly with grammar and the like. Go grab a few novels, which should be professionally written, and skim through them. Don’t skim for entertainment. Rather, be critical. You’ll see commas being misused (a very common problem for the regular Joe—myself included), semicolons being misused, all kinds of stuff. No one is perfect, but the person who learns to ignore his or her insecurity about writing is the one that can produce a beautiful gem that can later be polished and smoothed. The hard part is forcing yourself to “cut the crap” out of something you write.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Great post KOG. Really helped clear things up for me. Thanks alot!

Wow, very nice pics and good short explanation.

I now only hope that the theory is correct :)

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

I suppose the question that should be asked now is: Why isn’t this very informative post also in the Articles section?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.


Your post is the most eloquent, concise explanation of a subject which is confusing for many PE’ers: the LOT theory. The illustrations are clear and easy to understand, not to mention the LOT clock which visualizes and makes simple something that otherwise would take too many words.

I am planning to translate it for the Spanish Forum. Is it OK with you?

Thanks for your excellent work.


Excellent post and drawings. I guess having a low LOT sucks. :(

let me understand this correctly, if your LOT is say 6-7, then you should stretch at say 11-12???

and if your LOT is say 11-12, then you should stretch at 6-7???

I’m just trying to understand the correlation between High/Low LOT, and High/Low angle of stretching or hanging? thanks for the info!!!

Hi 69nova, yes, you have it correct. The only variance from what you said is that with a LOT of 6-7, stretching anywhere from 9-12 is recommended, not just 11-12.

Thanks KOG:
Very well written:

QUOTE:When LOT is 7:00-8:00, potential gains from low hanging and stretching is minimal. Low hanging and stretching should be coupled with high hanging and stretching.:

Hanging high for my entire PE carrer due to an extremely low LOT, I’ve never hung downward. My LOT has risen slightly and now I’m thinking a little SO or BTC couldn’t hurt.

Originally Posted by RisingUpTo7
Wow, very nice pics and good short explanation.

I now only hope that the theory is correct :)

As a low LOTer I hope Bib’s theory is not correct, but as a realist, I fear it is.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

ops! no LOT here …. i´ve got a tugback all around the clock…in fact, i got it ( when contracting BC muscles) in flacid even with no streching at all … is it bad?


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