Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bib's LOT Theory 101

How can it be false?

I have between a 9-8 LOT and I do feel a lot of inside pens being covered by fat, what does high and low stretching or hanging mean on the first page when breaking down best exercise per LOT

Personally I gained zero going from 8 to 6 o’clock

Previously known as DIYgrower

I started low lot and still manage to gain some lenght by stretching and hanging btc/sd.

This theory may apply for some people but not for everyone.

Then- 5.7 x 4.7 (bpel x mseg)

Now- 7.1 x 5.1 (beg 5.5) // Goal-> 8 x 5.5+

Extender Log 2017

I’ve made a quick half inch in less than 2 months. I still have some tug at 12. Lots of lig room to stretch I guess. What are the best stretches to target those ligaments?

So, if my LOT is at 8 o’clock, what does this mean for me? Still got ligs left to stretch? What kind of stretches should I focus on?

Originally Posted by Average_Joe1988
So, if my LOT is at 8 o’clock, what does this mean for me? Still got ligs left to stretch? What kind of stretches should I focus on?

Bigger would still recommend you stay (primary focus) with BTC.
On his forum he also suggest you do a couple additional test besides just the lot.

Originally Posted by Mike03016
Bigger would still recommend you stay (primary focus) with BTC.
On his forum he also suggest you do a couple additional test besides just the lot.

Which tests are they?

I find that the higher the angle at which I stretch my penis, the more tug back. Shouldn’t I be focusing more on stretching upwards to loosen that up?

The LOT theory was debunked years ago.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Average_Joe1988
Which tests are they?

I find that the higher the angle at which I stretch my penis, the more tug back. Shouldn’t I be focusing more on stretching upwards to loosen that up?

You are better off reading Bigger’s own words then my interpretation.
He suggest to get a better understanding of the ligs, inner, and outer shaft you should also do a mirror and palpating test.

Just go to the bibhanger site, go to forums, the basics.
It is one of the top sticky’s

That will be much better info then I could give ya in a Cliff notes version.

Dang, I missed the autocorrect above.

Palpation test

Originally Posted by soon2b9
>>Is it possible to have a high erection angle and a low LOT? And if so, what types of streching exercises are recommended?<<

Yes, not only is it possible, but Bib’s survey showed that it’s fairly common. With a low LOT, you would want to work on stretching your tunica (the actual shaft as opposed to the ligaments that anchor the penis into the body) by stretching above your LOT. Stretching above your LOT keeps the focus of the pull on your tunica as opposed to being split between the ligaments and the tunica as you would be doing if you stretched below your LOT.

KOG, great post bro. Anything that helps new guys out AND eliminates questions that are repeated countless times is beneficial to the community. Rock on!

It’s weird, cause I’m a newbie with out any PE experience. I have a very high erection angle but my LOT is low. Is having a low LOT a bad thing? I really feel the tug back at 12 o’clock but it dang sure fades at 6. Maybe I can experience a little tug back at 6 at my shaft base but not as much as I do at 12. So it’s best to stretch up? And can I use my Penis extender for this? It’s all I have at the moment. Thanks.

Read post #99 above.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Thanks For Input

Is it better to:
Pull towards your LOT
AT your LOT
Away from your LOT
Or mix of all 3?

Current goal is to gain my second inch and then 3rd inch.

I understand that away from will target the ligs and towards will target the tunica. So my guess is that an answer would be “either way based on need or preference”. But still I’d like some guidance on the best approach to stretching/hanging according or based off LOT theory.

Thank you!

Also, So I started my journey at 5.9 BPEL x 4.75 EG. I’m currently 7.1 BPEL x 4.9 EG.
Desperately wanting to cement 8.5 BPEL x 6 EG.

Current lot is 12:00 to 8:30

I prefer not to use my hanging device or a clamp tool; I’m a power lifter with very strong hands and I can maintain controlled pressure for up to 2 hours total time if needed. (I like the maneuverability of hand stretching to adapt to erectile changes, discomfort or angle adjustments needed; but obviously I have no way to judge progression like I could with adding weights so I’ll just keep applying max pressure without pain. I’ve compared a 5lb weight to pull force and have a good sense how hard to pull for the equivalent of 5, 6, 7 lbs etc. I digress)

Anyone have tips on a routine that will get me my length and also girth? I know BIGGER always says length first. BrainDrain had the same issue of “LENGTH FIRST DUDE” but I’m not as close to 8 as he was and I’m afraid attacking girth now may stunt my length opportunity.

I also believe thanks to bigger that the body will adapt to any pressure applied so theoretically, even if I attack girth, I could still get length just with more work. “The body will always bend under the right amount of force” - bigger.

My current routine is:
20m Stretch (equivalent to 5lb) (direction of choice)
10m Dry Jelq (moderate pressure for circulation)
20m Stretch (“)
10m Dry Jelq (moderate pressure for circulation)
20 Hand Clamp at base
10m Dry Jelq (moderate pressure for circulation)

Progression Goal: as progress, increase sets not time.

Any concise advice on this will be very helpful.
Thank you community, you are highly appreciated.

Last edited by Big_ched : 10-05-2023 at .

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