Thunder's Place

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Bib's LOT Theory 101

Hi 800,

Welcome to the forum. Off topic: If you try to get into chat, it won’t work for you because of your username.

Don’t let a low LOT persuade you that your gains are likely to be minimal, just use your LOT as a guide for which way to pull to effect what, below 7:30 and you are hitting the ligs full on, and as someone new to PE you may see some good gains there. Try incorporating BTC stretches into the newbie routine to emphasise the initial attack on the ligs.

There is no way to predict gains as such, it’s a very individual thing and it will be effected by a whole host of factors (tissue strength, force over time, consistency of routine etc.).

If after 2 months on the newbie routine you are not gaining then switch your attack to the tunica but give it that 2 month chance first and don’t let the idea that you may be a hard gainer encourage you to overdo your routine.

Thanks, memento. Well I’ll just have to see how these next two months turn out. Wish me luck!

Does your LOT effect which way you Jelq as well?

For example I have a 7-7:30 ish LOT from what I can tell so when stretching I should be pulling about 11 ish but when jelqing should I also be using an upward motion or does it not matter as your working different things?

Great 101, I’m a newbie and I have found this 101 to be much more easier to understand than when Bib posted about it (no offense to Mr. Bib that is)

You should make it a bit more clear however, like if I look at the shaft of my penis and see that it moves when I do a kegel I’m assuming I have not found my LOT yet, now when I see my Shaft does not move but the base area still does, I’m assuming my LOT has been found.

Now if what I just said is clear and right (I think I’m doing this right) it should be stated in the 101

The reason I say that is because I can’t really tell if my head is moving considering I use like an OK finger just underneath my glans to stretch out my penis, so I look at my shaft to see if it moves.

I hope I’m clear on what I’m trying to say, I’m not exactly a good technical writer like KOG is.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

I want to know how many kegels you have to do when doing the LOT test.
You stretch your penis to a 12 o clock position and start kegelong then, it’s your first kegel.
How many kegels you are doing now?
The next at 11 o clock position, next at 10 and so?
Would this mean if you had a LOT of 8, that you have done 5 kegels(at 12,11,10,9 and 8?)
I also want to know how fast this test has to be. Can I do the test in 5 seconds?
How long I have to wait until I go one hour down on the clock face?

Is it ok to do the test with a 100% stretch, I mean stretching to the penis full extend, but not so hard like you would do when you are in an stretching routine?

How exactly would you “hang” at a high angle? I’m fixing to run to the store and make a contraption like Captnhook’s. So how could I use this to hang at a high angle?

Hang something over your shoulder or stretch manually.

Great post! Now I finally grasp what LOT is all about. Thanks

Started: BPEL 6.75" MSEG 4.75", Now: BPEL 7.75" MSEG 5.438", Goal: BPEL 8" MSEG 6"

Another student is taught, thanks KOG

Starting: (15X11.2 cm)(EV:9.13ci) Current: (17.5 X 11.9cm)(EV:12.07ci) Future: LONG AND THICK

Short term goal: (18.1X12.2cm)(EV:13.08ci) Long term goal: 22X16 cm EV: 26.31ci

All measurements are BPEL and Average girth (top shaft erect, mid shaft erect, and base erect) Journey Began on 1-20-10 Target date: 8-30-13

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Thanks KOG:
Very well written:

QUOTE:When LOT is 7:00-8:00, potential gains from low hanging and stretching is minimal. Low hanging and stretching should be coupled with high hanging and stretching.:

Hanging high for my entire PE carrer due to an extremely low LOT, I’ve never hung downward. My LOT has risen slightly and now I’m thinking a little SO or BTC couldn’t hurt.

As a low LOTer I hope Bib’s theory is not correct, but as a realist, I fear it is.


Let me understand this.
When someone is LOW LOT (my case too), the exercise must be 9:00 to 12:00.
After a time doing in this direction the LOT change from the original place to HIGH LOT?

nov.2010: BPEL 14,5cm; nov.2013: BPEL 17,5cm; aprill 2016: BPEL 18,5cm; First Goal: BPEL (20,5) MSEG (16,0) FL (15,0)

Forget LOT theory it is plain wrong.

Ok. Thanks.

nov.2010: BPEL 14,5cm; nov.2013: BPEL 17,5cm; aprill 2016: BPEL 18,5cm; First Goal: BPEL (20,5) MSEG (16,0) FL (15,0)

Marinera, is LOT theory bullshit?

November 20, 2014: BPEL: 6.36"; EL: 5.8"; MEG: 4.6"; BEG: 4.8".

Short term goal: EL: 6.2"; MEG: 4.72"

Long term goal: EL: 6.8"-7"; MEG: 5.6".

Last edited by Dr. Giromba : 12-01-2014 at .

Originally Posted by Dr. Giromba
Marinera, is LOT theory bullshit?

LOT theory takes the results of certain stresses applied to the body as a supposed indicator of potential gains purely in the form of ligament stretching.

In my opinion, the two highly debated and condemning elements are:

1. Ligaments don’t stretch that much, if at all.

2. The mechanics involved in theoretical LOT gain based on a very vague view of anatomy don’t seem to be supported by the reality of anatomy.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Thank you, cantlook! Your explanation was very clearly! But, what should I do? My LOT is 6.

November 20, 2014: BPEL: 6.36"; EL: 5.8"; MEG: 4.6"; BEG: 4.8".

Short term goal: EL: 6.2"; MEG: 4.72"

Long term goal: EL: 6.8"-7"; MEG: 5.6".


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