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Big Dick Problems: Toilet Water


Big Dick Problems: Toilet Water

From time to time I have read lists of ‘problems/humblebrags’ that come along with having a big dick. One of them is the “gotta be careful when you sit on the toilet or else Willy’s going for a swim’ (your dick will dip into the water). I cant help but imagine that this is bullshit and doesn’t happen to anyone.

Looking at my own situation, how my body is built, and how far away the toilet water looks on a variety of toilets from my dick, even with the most slacked of flaccids…I cant help but feel that this is really impossible…Like MAYBE if I lost all my muscle mass in my ass and had an 8” flaccid.

Does this actually happen to anybody??

Start: Dec 2016 BPEL: 6.125" MEG: 5.5" (5' - 9" 264 lb)

Curr: Oct 2017 BPEL: 6.75" MEG: 5.625" (5' - 9" 245 lb)

Goal: 7.5" x 6" .......I want to win the dick swinging contest.

Yes. However there are several caveats. Temperature. Shape of the bowl and water levels. How you sit on the seat, angle and thickness of ass cheeks. I have touched the bowl and the water but it truly depends on where I’m sitting when I have picked the can.

I haven’t dunked in a long time. As I subconsciously adjust myself if I’m shifting in any way I know has earned me a wet tip in the past. But, it is a thing. A preventable thing.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I’ve not experienced it.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

It would happen a lot if I wasn’t careful. I sit leaning on one cheek to prevent it from happening. On occasion it happens to my scrotum after pumping. I take the same precautions.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

It’s happened more times than I can care to remember. Most of the times it’s in a hotel and the water is a bit too high. When my body gets really warm, my junk hangs much lower than normal (6”+ flaccid and testicles are just as low). When I see myself in this state, which happens a lot during the Summer, I am more careful because it is not a good feeling at all when it happens unexpectedly.

My worst experience is a few months ago, at my nieces place. I was not paying attention and the water was extraordinarily high. I sat down to do my business and all of my junk was instantly submerged in the ice cold water. I jumped off that bowl like a crazy person.

Last edited by iceman67 : 08-29-2017 at .

Originally Posted by iceman67
It’s happened more times than I can care to remember. Most of the times it’s in a hotel and the water is a bit too high. When my body gets really warm, my junk hangs much lower than normal (6”+ flaccid and testicles are just as low). When I see myself in this state, which happens a lot during the Summer, I am more careful because it is not a good feeling at all when it happens unexpectedly.

My worst experience is a few months ago, at my nieces place. I was not paying attention and the water was extraordinarily high. I sat down to do my business and all of my junk was instantly submerged in the ice cold water. I jumped off that bowl like a crazy person.

Are you a very slim person? I feel like if I had a 6” flaccid it still wouldn’t touch the water because I am burly and meaty that kindof props it up and prevents a strait downward hang…

Start: Dec 2016 BPEL: 6.125" MEG: 5.5" (5' - 9" 264 lb)

Curr: Oct 2017 BPEL: 6.75" MEG: 5.625" (5' - 9" 245 lb)

Goal: 7.5" x 6" .......I want to win the dick swinging contest.

Originally Posted by Titleist
It would happen a lot if I wasn’t careful. I sit leaning on one cheek to prevent it from happening. On occasion it happens to my scrotum after pumping. I take the same precautions.

Just do the slav crouch on the toilet :D

I want to have this problem of yours!

Edit: Is squat the correct word, I think.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

You guys need to keep an 8 to 10 inch pvc pipe on you at all times. You just run this over your thighs while you go to the bathroom. Then you drape your penis over this pipe. The weight of your unit should keep the pipe in place.

If you want to you can take this idea and clean it up a bit. Maybe call it the “Bathroom Buddy” or something like that. Very niche market.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

This isn to a problem for b ig dicks. It comes about because American toilet bowls are too full of water. This is in turn a problem of an over affluent society, where water use is profligate. Less water and even the longest of dicks will stay dry.

My problem is I’m starting to get reverse size anxiety, which is a real conundrum as I can’t stop pe. What is a fella to do?

I’m very average size. With a normal water level and my flaccid just dangling, it doesn’t even come close. I’ve had it happen on occasion when shaking out my dick, so now I’m more careful.

Originally Posted by kavemonster
Are you a very slim person? I feel like if I had a 6” flaccid it still wouldn’t touch the water because I am burly and meaty that kindof props it up and prevents a strait downward hang…

Yeah, I am a bit slim. I’m a 5’ 6”, on a good day, and about 145 pounds. When I am very warm, my junk just hangs straight down with nothing to push it up a bit.

Niccolo is right, it’s all about the water level. The toilet in my house, which uses less water, is never a problem. I found hotels are the worst since their bowls tend to be filled with too much water.

Last edited by iceman67 : 08-30-2017 at .

I sometimes have a problem touching the bowl (5.5”-6” BP FL, 7.5” BPEL) but never the water. Not come across any bowls with a particularly high water level though.

In hotels in USA I dip it in the water every time I sit down unless I am careful. Here in Europe the toilets got another shape and the water lever is much lower so I don’t dip in water but it hits the porslin instead. I am slim and 7”+ flaccid.

I’ve had it happen and as one member pointed out, in hotels in the US. It’s quite shocking and disturbing.

Started: 6.75" BPEL, 8" (20 cm) BPFSL (1/2015) x 5" (12.5 cm) EG; Current (7/2017): 8" (20 cm) BPEL, 8.2" (20.5 cm) BPFSL x 5.8" (14.5 cm) EG; Gains (7/2017): 1.25" (3.125 cm) EL, 0.2" (0.5 cm) BPFSL x 0.8" (2 cm) EG

Short-term goal: 8.25 (20.625 cm) BPEL, 8.3" (20.75 cm) BPFSL x 6" (15 cm) EG; Long-term goal: 9" (22.5 cm) BPEL x 6" EG

Xtended's Progress Report

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