Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

"Cementing" Gains


"Cementing" Gains

What is the general consensus on how long it takes for a temporary gain to become a permanent gain?

A followup thought related to this question would be:

Is it a valid assumption that if a person makes a temporary gain and doesn’t put in the time to cement it, then they are essentially in a cycle of gaining and losing and gaining and losing rather than not making any gains at all.

So what do you guys think about the time required to cement a gain. And what factors contribute in both a positive and negative way to this process.

I would love to hear opinion on this too. I have never stopped long enough to test any kind of cement theory. I have always gone under the assumption that I will go beyond my final goal and then when I reach that point go into a minimal maintainence stage.

Are you thinking of retirement?

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

I plan to jelq at least 5 minutes per day for the rest of my life, just because it feels so damn good and to assure penile health. I’m hoping this will be sufficient to cement my gains…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.


Both of you and RB are pretty much full time PE’ers and in that sense this question ALMOST isn’t relavant.

Cementing gains is quite possibly the most misunderstood part of PE. I think this topic needs to be addressed and understood completely in order to grow at the optimum rate.

In this case I was considering cementing incremential gains versus final size gains.

To answer your question regarding retirement…. Is my dick a foot long yet?

Guess I’m not retiring any time soon then.

Last edited by ledzep : 04-08-2003 at .

Originally posted by ledzep
To answer your question regarding retirement…. Is my dick a foot long yet?

It will be

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
It will be

Yes my son I now realize this too!

Zep and DLD

Dam foot long dicks, I hope you guys like water buffalo, because your going to scare away most of the female human population.

Oh yeah I think it takes at least 2 weeks to cement a gain, I once lost a .25 gain because I didn’t cement it.


Originally posted by Dino9X7

Oh yeah I think it takes at least 2 weeks to cement a gain, I once lost a .25 gain because I didn't cement it.


I agree with you here. I was thinking 2-4 weeks. As you mentioned I also have lost hard earned gains because I wasn’t diligent in working past the gain.

In the past after I realized I had grown I had a tendency to ease up some and even take a few days off. The result of this action was having to re establish the gain again.

Im new to this and also quite curious about cementing gains. If we have to keep tugging our dicks all our lives to keep our gains then thats a little disconcerning. Any other threads/sites that have quality information on this?

I think jelqing solidifies gains. I can’t explain why but I feel it does. Perhaps the rigors of jelqing lets your body know ‘things must stay this way’. Maybe in a way jelqing trains the cells and structure of your penis to ‘remain they way they have become’.

I have gone on and off PE several weeks at a time over the past year and change… and have never lost a mm. I can never measure 5.75” bpel ever again… it’s simply bigger. Maybe a year is enough to solidify a certain amount over what you once had. Whatever the answer is, our collective PE experience indicates gains are solidified all the time.

Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

I had gained an half an inch in two weeks and then I took every day off for a week durin’ my 3 week period and then I went to France for a 12 day trip and when I came back I realized that I was back to the point where I had started,but now I’ve gained that half an inch back and more…

So what you guys are saying is that if you lay off for a while and lose some, you can gain it back pretty quickly if you reassume your former routine? I’m in a quandary right now about how much of my original routine to follow so I don’t lose my hard-won gains.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg



If you measure a gain today and stop you will most likely lose that gain, but if you measure that gain and continue for 2-4 weeks after that measurement that gain becomes your property and it is cemented at that point.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thanks, Dino. What you say makes a lot of sense based on my experience already. Much appreciated. I’m realizing more and more that you can’t lay off too much if you expect to maintain your gains, at least at this stage.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I did some jelqing research and they all said gains from jelqing are permanent. But I’m sure any little doubt reigns above it all. :)

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