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Change In Girth Exercise Affect Length Gains?

Change In Girth Exercise Affect Length Gains?

I have been doing about 30 dry jelqs after my 16-30 second stretches in all directions. I slowly worked up to the current stretch volume which is effective for me but light to others. But I only do 30 dry jelqs because more seems to lower my eq. Jelqing hasn’t given me any gains in girth. I’m wondering if I decided to switch it out for horse squeezes and do the stretches after those would it affect my length gains negatively? As long as I keep the same volume slowly increasing I should continue to gain some length right?

Plus wet jelqing is a bit uncomfortable to me as far as sliding over the skin that is why I preferred dry jelqs. But that is causing turkey neck and I would hate for that to get worse. I was thinking for girth starting at 10 horse squeezes and working my way up from there if PIs are good. But I would still be happy if I just continued to gain length I just don’t want to jelq anymore because of the reasons I mentioned. It has been 6 months of jelqing and I’m sure that is long enough to see if something is effective or not.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Hey rahman,

When I start my routine length gains are the first to come then, especially after a good with a pumping session the girth gains are at there max and when that happens I loose the extra length I got during that session.
A good PE workout I end up with maybe 0,1-2” extra length and 0,3-4” extra girth, if I push it the girth can gain up to 0.5” but then I go back to my length size, or even lower. If you pull the tissues too much on one side the other is going to have to give a little, sounds logical.
On my progress data I had to go back down 0.1” in length because I was gaining more girth than usual. But the volume keeps going up, and I end up my workout with stretches most of the time anyways, I’m still more focused on gaining length than girth for now.
Like yourself I use to jelq, it gave me my real first gains but it was giving me some foreskin ones as well which I didn’t want, so I just stopped doing it, the last time I jelqed it probably was a couple years ago and I have gained both in length and girth ever since.
You should do what works for you and maybe stop what doesn’t. Even though jelqing is the base of PE exercises you can do without.

Hope it helps

Start : BPEL 6.1 MSEG 4.6

Now : BPEL 7.8 MSEG 5.4

Fac E Spera

Originally Posted by Picodon
Hey rahman,

When I start my routine length gains are the first to come then, especially after a good with a pumping session the girth gains are at there max and when that happens I loose the extra length I got during that session.
A good PE workout I end up with maybe 0,1-2” extra length and 0,3-4” extra girth, if I push it the girth can gain up to 0.5” but then I go back to my length size, or even lower. If you pull the tissues too much on one side the other is going to have to give a little, sounds logical.
On my progress data I had to go back down 0.1” in length because I was gaining more girth than usual. But the volume keeps going up, and I end up my workout with stretches most of the time anyways, I’m still more focused on gaining length than girth for now.
Like yourself I use to jelq, it gave me my real first gains but it was giving me some foreskin ones as well which I didn’t want, so I just stopped doing it, the last time I jelqed it probably was a couple years ago and I have gained both in length and girth ever since.
You should do what works for you and maybe stop what doesn’t. Even though jelqing is the base of PE exercises you can do without.

Hope it helps

Thanks picodon. I don’t really plan on pushing it with the girth too much right now but if it comes that would be great. I just don’t want anymore turkey neck and maybe even a residual .25” girth gain without me actually focusing on girth. I will only do the best amount of squeezes for my eq because as we all know girth exercises is what restores eq. I remember the guy who made a thread about wanting to only gain width saying that his eq got better when he did some sort of compression exercise that wasn’t jelqing. Before that I think he didn’t work girth at all so that tells me other things might help as well. I plan on doing light horse squeezes for no more than 5 secs each.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

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