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Clamp Wrap Suggestions


Clamp Wrap Suggestions

My homedics wrap wore out and I can’t seem to find the same wrap on line or locally. What is everyone using to wrap the base when clamping? I want to get back into clamping after a three year break. Thanks in advance for any advice you guys may have.

Measurements: 11/06: 7.75" bpel/ 6.25" mseg.

Hi Doggmann, I wrap it with thick cloth ( similar to the cloth used on a pool table), then place a short piece of a leather belt, then the clamp. Using this method, I have never had an injury.

Hope this helps.

I have clamps with high density closed-cell foam glued to the insides, but I still slightly prefer to wrap then use a normal clamp (it’s just more fiddly).

When I wrap, I use a slightly elasticated bandage material which has a very dense weave (not like crepe bandage) - it’s a bit like the material stretchy jeans are made from. It works very well.

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All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

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Originally Posted by joe_smith

Are there videos for how to wrap for clamping? I’ve seen the ones for hanging but not for clamping. Maybe I’m missing something. I just don’t see a way to clamp while wrapping the base.

Just wrap a sock around the base and clamp around it, it doesn’t get any more simple than that.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Just wrap a sock around the base and clamp around it, it doesn’t get any more simple than that.

I understand the concept of wrapping. What I do t get is how you are supper to get the clamp around you penis once the sock or wrap is there. I have a hard enough time getting the diameter of the open clamp around my base as it is. Like the curved part.

I guess it can be problematic for bigger girths, then you need thinner wrap. Regular sock works well for my 5” girth.

I cut up a stubbie holder and use that, simular matierial to a mouse pad only a bit thicker.

Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I was away from the computer for a while because of the hurricane and power outage we experienced here in CT.

Measurements: 11/06: 7.75" bpel/ 6.25" mseg.

Neoprene works goods, some old beer huggers or something like that. Also, flex gauze works well but is a pain to wrap/unwrap.

I lined my clamp with moleskin. Not the real skin of a mole but a product made by Dr Scholl the shoe insert company. I clamp behind the balls and I can get only one click on the clamp. I am not clamping as part of my routine at the moment. I am using it to measure girth gains and as a prep before sex.

I took one of those standard yoga mats and cut a 1 wide inch strip off the base. They are 74” long by 24” wide, so this gave me a 1 inch wide strip that was 2 feet long. I cut the 2’ down into smaller stips. The one I use for clamping is 7.5” long. It’s prefect. Here is a link

H t t p://w w

I cut up some old autoxsleeve. Glued the thick red to the inside of the clamp and to avoid nipping the skin I use a 2 inch section of the pink thin one, just slip it on and get boner. It works very well.

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg

I take a sock then cut the part out that goes around your ankle it’s all intact already wrap it around the base and boom you’re set.

3/11 - 8.25 BPEL X 6.00 EG - GOAL 9.00 BPEL x 6.50 EG.

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