Thunder's Place

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Clamping Warning!!!!!

Clamping Warning!!!!!


I have one of the toughest dicks in the world I have done almost every kind of PE torture known to man for the last 5 years. But since clamping I have been pushing it even further I don’t think anything gives you the pressure of clamping. When I started clamping I took it slow but I have slowly been cranking up the intensity even when a lot of people have gotten hurt. And now with all these threads running with guys using multiple clamps and staying clamped even longer and taking it to a new level I was taking it up another notch as well at least I was till yesterday when I was just starting a new clamping session I didn’t even have the clamp on and I looked at the base of my dick I had a bump smaller than a marble and bigger than a pea it was on a vein, it didn’t hurt at all maybe a slight dull ache. I stopped right away and and by tonight it’s almost gone but I’m sure if I didn’t see it and started clamping last night I would have blown out a vein or something.
So I will be taking at least the rest of the week off and maybe longer but I just wanted to warn you guys that clamping is extreme PE and not to be taken lightly because even a vet like me can get hurt.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thanks for posting that Dino, you probably have one of the most conditioned penis of anyone here and hopefully a warning from you will hold some weight. Hopefully you were almost due for a break anyway.



I almost never post, but this is important stuff. I´m also amazed at how recklessly people, even newbies, are starting to clamp.

Dino, sounds like you almost thrombosed a vein. Another guy´s dick would be wrecked.

Thanks for the warning Dino. I tried an arisocane style clamp session today for the first time. I’d done zilch PE work for 2 weeks and knew that I was in risky territory, but came out of it with no injuries or evidence of problems. I now consider myself even luckier than I already did. I expect you’re aware of it, but EVO is really great for clearing up vein blockages. Thanks again.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama


I only have about 15 months under my belt of PE and after having read all I have here about clamping and the very high occurrence of injuries due to it I had determined to never include it in my PE career.

I have recently debated in my mind if clamping would be a last part of my PE plan (4 year plan) before going into maintenance mode. Your post here has convinced me even further that clamping is just to fraught with injury.

Luckily, my goals are on the large side of average (7.5” bp X 5.5”-6”) and not the monster size that others desire.

Please take it easy. You have a great thing going, don’t mess it up by not thinking thru the risks vs. rewards.

Thanks for the concern guys I tell you this it scared the shit out of me the first thing I thought was what I was going to tell a doctor of I had to go.

Yeah and Chi your right about the thrombosed vein that was my thinking.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

If you went to Big Girtha’s doctor, it would be no problem; you’d probably enjoy it. That is, unless you prefer Dr. Bitch. ;)

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

Originally Posted by grx
If you went to Big Girtha’s doctor, it would be no problem; you’d probably enjoy it. That is, unless you prefer Dr. Bitch. ;)

:rofl: :funpost:

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hey, Dino:

You have any inflammation or pain with that knob, or has the area become de-sensitized?



1. Clamping
2. Erect bends
3. Hanging heavy weights

3 forms of PE with very high injury potential… no doubt about it.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Like the others said, thanks Dino for warning us about some of the dangers of clamping. I have expiermented a little with wrapping to clamp kind of like a extreme uli or the base ballooning technique that andrew69 did and they are both can generate pretty extreme pressure (blood pressure of course) in the inner and outer shaft. I think I’ll try real clamping soon after I get my length goals from hanging (which are pretty lofty but ill make it :) ).

Actually now that I’ve mentioned it, I’m just now really starting to understand hanging and testing and expiermenting many different angles and remembering the positions and feelings and settings of various homemade hangers I’ve constructed. I realize hanging is art and science and can be really dangerous as well just like clamping so another word of advice to any other newbs thinking of hanging out there, be sure to take it easy and spend some time expiermenting so you don’t just do something crazy like hang 25 lbs off your dick right away and rip your precious dick off from your pubic bone or some other attachment point. Have paitence. :)

Thanks Dino for the warning. I have been setting up a game plan to start clamping. I had one big concern and that was damage to the Urethra. I have had a problem with this in the past. Has anyone had any noticeable problems? Like a low Pee volume or weak stream? I have a strong suspicion that clamping will cause strictures in the Urethra.

What are strictures?

Narrowings in the urethral tube.



Originally Posted by LoveMachine
What are strictures?

A stricture is a build up of scar tissue in the Urethra. Surgery is usually the only way to repair it. The scar tissue builds up to the point that you can’t pee. I have had two of those surgeries and probably will have to have a 3rd in a year or so.

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