Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Connective tissue- FIRST "THREAD OF THE YEAR"

RBM: I headed your warning and used the fridge instead. The thought of frost bite didn’t seem pleasing.

Big G” I used your method with talcum powder.

I am very pleased with the results. Attached the weights after hanging and was able to keep on by using a very large o-ring that firmly slipped over the glans but did not choke the old fella. The cool down was slow and relaxing to the unit. I believe that I will be adding another step to the session.

What I am thinking of is getting another set of rings and letting them sit in a heating pad and using the heated rings first then attaching the cold rings for a last step.

Any thought about this out there?


Ultrasound on ebay

There are a lot of brand new hand held ultrasound devices on sale at ebay. Some of them 1mHz are even under $100. I am not endorsing these, I am on the fence concerning this ultrasound thing and I am hoping to learn more. I see 1 and 3 mHz models.

wow.. now I’m really confused :(
then.. what i must do? continue stretching with intensity for 30 sec each? or try to stretch for more time with a low intensity?

and, what is considered low intensity? insufficient intensity can be a waste of time, only stretching without feel some kind of sensation of stretch i think that would be insufficient.

Hobby: I’d just find your post / research on connective tissue -“First thread of the year”. It’s important learn about the physiology of exercises and scientific basis of tissues modification.This knowledge makes the difference between the practice “by hearsay” and the founded in science. THANKS. Bomkara (I write in English with a help of a dictionary, so, excuse me for any faults)


Heating can be a hassle, but it’s worth the extra effort. MrTips recently did an interesting experiment.


You have outdid yourself on a really terrific job of research and posting. This will serve the greater community with no end of benefits - well done!

As regards the “Interesting Experiment” you mentioned, I guess I should have finished reporting what I do after a pumping session. If I use heat on the stretcher and go into the tube, then I often do not use heat on the tube other than just prewarm the tube. I use the time in the tube to slowly cool down from the heated stretch in the PeniMaster (like this morning) - then, after my time in the tube, I’ll go back into the stretcher and cool down even further even though I might have to crank up the screws a bit to take up the slack realized in the tube. So, its back and forth between the stretcher and the tube and heat plays an extremely integral and strategic role in what I am attempting.

I have some new and exciting Heat-application experiments planned both for pumping and stretching. I’m currently waiting on delivery of apparatus and materials and will post results probably in a few weeks when I have something meaningful to report. All of what I am doing lines up with what you have posted here.

Again, thanks for a really superb job!


I’m looking forward to your results. Areas such as this are where good headway in PE can be made.

While you are experimenting you might see if icing at the end prolongs post-exercise temporary length increase. Maybe compare the effects of no cooling, air cooling, and icing.

Regarding icing, I think the danger lies in the fact that cold therapy really decreases blood flow. Is that a good post-PE strategy? Increased blood flow is important in our endeavors.

And, a little off subject, I think the importance of the concept of fatigue is cumulative fatigue. Many guys complain that they never really feel fatigue during a workout, or soreness after a workout. I seldom do myself. But I think that’s a little like comparing apples & oranges. Short-term fatigue, in my opinion, is not as important for gains as long-term (or “cumulative”) fatigue.

Cumulative fatigue may or may not be “felt,” as one might expect, but I think there are other indicators of whether it’s occurring. Maybe a slightly longer FSL than normal or a feeling of being “gummy,” etc. Sometimes it might be just a feeling of tiredness. But I don’t think guys should fret if they don’t feel pronounced “soreness” after a workout. I think it’s important that you gradually progress in your workouts.

The importance of cumulative fatigue may be shown, I believe, in how guys can make gains on relatively modest workouts - as long as they are regular. For example, 5 15-minute sessions per week are better than 2 37-minute sessions or 1 75-minute session. It’s not about a total blitz, but daily chipping away. This has to have an effect.

As others have commented, this is a great post. Thanks Hobby, and everyone else who contributed. I feel a bit of a fool that I’ve only just come across it.

The main question I have is how this information relates to stretching, as opposed to hanging. I started my PE career several months ago by hanging. I gained about 3/8”, and then nothing. At one point I experienced some nerve damage from hanging. I have a Bib hanger, but I was clearly doing something wrong. Fortunately, the nevers healed completely, and in fairly quick time. However, this experience scared me off of hanging somewhat. More importantly, my living situation has changed, and now I simply do not have the privacy or time to hang. I can sneak in about two hours of PE on most days, on some days only one hour or not at all. So I’ve been manual stretchin and jelqing for about four months now. My schedule has been fairly consistent, but not entirely so (again, privacy issue). My unit certainly looks and feels longer. But I measured today, and I am the same length as when I started manual stretching. Bummer! (The apparent increase in length may be from losing a bit of weight. Perhaps.)

In the context of the above studies, what is a “long duration”? Hobby mentions twenty to sixty minutes. How might this be applied to a manual stretching routine? Please remember, I only have two hours max per day, and I’d like to keep doing some jelqing as well. Should I use these two hours (or most of it) for hanging? Or is this not enough time to see results from hanging? Clearly, others have gained from stretching, and often it would seem from doing stretches of only thirty seconds to one minute duration. But that certainly isn’t a long duration.


But is “1-2 lb” for an ADH enough? Is it over 40% of ultimate load? Since I don’t hang, I’m hoping to get a sense of this from some of the hangers. -77

N2growing wrote..
> So a light 1lb - 2lb all day hang would be as
> Good or better than going heavy (hanging)
> And risking more risk less gain according to above.
> Thx N2
And hobby included in his reading notes..
> In order to deform, and then reform a ligament into
> A more desireable length and form, the applied “constant”
> Load must reach over 40% of that particular ligament’s
> "Ultimate load”. A ligament’s ultimate load is defined as
> "The final load reached by a structure before failure” (5,6).
> So, the force needed to create new ligamentous form is
> Well below the safety limit for loading that ligament, but
> Must be high enough to stretch the ligament such that it
> Only undergoes a partial rebound towards it’s original length
> And shape.

Other hangers want to “weigh” in on this? Is 1-2 lbs in the right range for a prolonged stretch to get into the “40 of max load” range? Seems low to me..

Also, I did a lit search and found other papers to support low intensity long-endurance stretches, including one performed on rat tail tendon at 37 deg. C as a model system. I did find one dissenting article..
Steffen TM. Mollinger LA. Low-load, prolonged stretch in the treatment of knee flexion contractures in nursing home residents. Physical Therapy. 75(10):886-95; discussion 895-7, 1995 Oct.where no gain was seen with 3-h stretches, 5 days a week.

1-2 lbs is nowhere near 40% max load. I don’t think 10-20 lbs even makes it. Max load is defined as failure, i.e., rupture of the tissue.

See my post above. 40% isn’t required. On the other hand, I doubt much length can be gained with only 1-2 lbs. That seems to barely be enough to extend the elastic tissue.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

If I get into the swimming pool wearing 2 lbs of lead rings around my dick on a day that I have not hung heavy weights, my ligs will retract enough in the cool water to pull the rings up against my fat pad. If I get in the pool wearing the same ADS after a one hour hang session (three 20 min sets at 25 lbs with ten min X-Ulis in between) I do not get the retraction at all. In fact I hang just as extended in the 70 degree water as I do in the 104 degree hot tub water. What I’m saying is, that after the heavy hang sessions two pounds of lead ADS is ample to keep me swinging even in that frigid water. I feel that once the ligs are stressed to total fatigue it takes very little weight to keep them extended, nowhere near 40% of max load. I feel that wearing an ADS that was equal to 40% of max load would be impossible to wear. This may not be the same with every one, but it seems to be the case with me. I don’t mean to dispute Hobby’s research here. I think he did a great job and this has been a terrific thread that has stood the test of time. It’s just from what I see in my own body the 40% rule is too heavy. Then again, I have not gained much erect length, only flaccid length. For whatever that is worth.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


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