Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dick working less after PE...?


Dick working less after PE...?

Hi guys, its been a while since I’v been on thunders.
Hope everyones in the best of health, im doing good.
I just wanted to ask, did any one ever notive that their erections and general overall penis function deteriorated after PE?
This is going to piss a few people off…
As in it worked better before you started PE.

Basically, all im saying is that a for about 8 months i was suffering from crazy ED and im only 21!
It happened to corrolate with the peiood that i was doing PE and remained for about 6 or 7 months after i stoped.
I havnt PEd in ages and im beginning to get much better fiew!
I was really worried, i started lots of threds here about it.
Needless to say iv lost girth, i think i might be thinner than i was before…
But at least i work again! :-) My Gfs also much happier too, i think it was really hurting her self esteem.
I realy want to get back into it but im just woried about getting ED again…

Any one had the same issues?
Any feedback would be really appreciated.



After a hard session I find my erections suffer for a little while. But I’ve had some pretty solid erections too so I I’m not too worried about it.

You might have been over training or had some nerve damage, whenever I over work my dick I may have short term problems but usually a days rest or so and it’s all good. If you do start out again start out with some light jelqing and work into a routine and if you find your problem coming back you need to stop and rest.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by northof60
After a hard session I find my erections suffer for a little while.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
You might have been over training or had some nerve damage, whenever I over work my dick I may have short term problems but usually a days rest or so and it’s all good. If you do start out again start out with some light jelqing and work into a routine and if you find your problem coming back you need to stop and rest.

I second that. Sometimes my erection was not good at all after PEing and it takes me at least two days to get my super strong morning wood :

Good luck with you Beast!


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

As mentioned by the previous posts, everything you describe about loss of size and function is directly related to going overboard and causing more trauma then benefit.

Dial it back. This is not a program of no pain no gain. With PE, if you have pain, you will get no gain.

Take a days rest, then continue lighter. It’s not a matter of how hard you exercise it’s doing the right thing at the right time and having the outcome you desire always in mind.

Start: EL 6.0 EG 4.5 - Current: EL 7.0 EG 5.0 - Chunked Down Goal: EL 7.5 EG 5.5 - Ultimate Goal: ************

I've gained an inch in a month with penis enlargement! If you have any questions about penis enlargement - ask me!

I am in agreement with Beast!! I have been PE’ing for a total of about 7 years off and on and recently I started over again doing the usual excersises like normal and my penis just decided to work when it wanted to. If I use my pump for long sessions it would take more than 3 days to recover to full erection potential. I PE’ed very strongly for about 3 months and when ever it was time to have sex, it wouldnt work. So I stopped PE’ing and it took about a month for regular erections to happen again. The exercises that I stopped doing were jelqing, weights, stretches and last but not least (actually my favorite) pumping, and clamping. I’ve continued with the kegels because they helped me out during the other moments of ED.

I love PE’ing but if it is going to result in loss of function then I must weigh my options. My size now is cool with the wife and alright with me. I want to be bigger but I also want to use it.

Since I stopped all or most of the standard exercises my penis has worked better than ever and being a newly wed has made my sex life alot better. But I want to start doing my exercises without the side affect. Should I just do them as if I’ve never done them before since I wasnt consistent with my routine? Or should I just do the exercises not so “rough”?

To go with what gprent said its not like everything else “no pain no gain.” If there is pain, there is no gain!!

I wanted to start a thread on just this thing…

I think that you people who run into this problem…what is needed is a head space shift!

What I mean by that is to not shoot for enlargement, but ERECTILE HEALTH!

If you PE properly, it should not only result in a larger erection, but also in HARDER erections.

For those that seem to be most successful in enlargement also are very successful in erectile quality improvement as well.

Also, I’ve noted that those who have loss of erectile function, rarely make good gains…is that your experience as well?

SO…stop shooting for a larger penis, and go for a healthier penis…and I can almost guarantee that you will also have greater gains also!

Loss of erectile function is a sure sign that you have really worked your penis hard (or soft as the case may be).

If it returns to great hardness again in a day or two, that’s fine…it just means you need that much time to recover from your workout.

If its going longer than that to return…YOU ARE OVER TRAINING!

(For me, I find even one day of loss of function means I overdid it. I find its better for me to do daily mild to moderate force, than every other day of larger forces.)

I suggest that you tailor your workouts to harder erections, that is, if you lose your erections even for one nite…cut back immediately!

Guys like Avocet have found that if he is unable to get a good hard one after his pe…he’s done too much (and he has made great gains).

So, cut your workouts back until you find you can get a good erection when you are done.

Once you achieve this…you can slowly add to your routine MAINTAINING this quality of post pe erection.

This is your guide post!

Soft or no erection…cut back immediately, or even skip a day until erection quality returns, then reduce your workout so you keep erectile quality daily.

I myself fall into this category, what most guys can start at takes me months to work up to if at all!

I wrote a thread on this that’s in the Newbie material that should be helpful reading for those of you with this problem.

Bottom line is a PE penis should be a better functioning penis than non-pe’d…if you are not experiencing that…YOU ARE OVER TRAINING YOUR DICK!

Let me just give an example of what I mean here.

Lets take clamping…most guys start with 3 sets of 10 minutes, right? Good conservative recommendation?

If I go one set of 10 minutes my erectile quality is gone for 2 days!

I had to start with one minute! At one minute, my erections were getting harder!

Now I’ve worked up to 3 - one minute sets… but because I was clamping at a lower pressure before, and now worked up to full pressure…I did lose some erectile quality…so I have to drop my time back down until I can take the higher pressures.

The great thing about peing correctly is you get so damn hard that it hardly matters that the size is slow in coming, you are really enjoying the benefits NOW!

I find, as I stated…that I actually make much better gains when I get hard as a rock than when I beat my dick to shit…

they are physiologically tied together ( in my opinion), recovery and gains,which is really what we’re talking.

When there is an accumulation of tissue damage, it seems that the body’s safety mechanism is to prevent it from further damage by inhibiting erections…makes sense to me!

Once you are properly healed and recovered (growth) then function returns, even super function…very much like strength training.

If you go back to the gym after a workout and are weaker, you either came back too soon or too late. If you came back when you were at your peak of recovery…you’d be stronger.

Pe is exactly the same in that sense. You stress your penis, and if you get the stress/ recovery right, it will be a slightly bigger, stronger unit.

I think most of us either do too much too often, or not enough….most are in the former category.

If you use your erectile quality as a guidepost, you will get much better results and be less concerned about the results because you will be able to hammer nails with your dick in the mean time (girls love that, the hardness, not the nail thing!).

Well said sparkyx.

Now if only guys would listen.

Originally Posted by sparkyx

Once you are properly healed and recovered (growth) then function returns, even super function…

Word homie.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Top quality post sparkyx

I’d like to add something here. I have recently started the masturbation experiment [for people that don’t know] and also I have just gained 0.2 inches on my dick so I can take it that I’m doing the correct things and not over training my dick… so anyway I’m doing the correct thing and when I started the masturbation experiment I also found that my erections turned harder than they were before!

Because before I couldn’t really check up on my dick because of the ‘no masturbation’ thing… but now that I do I can see that erections are superb!

So the moral of this story is to bring out some porn, some Vaseline, a good seat and jerk away baby to find out if you are on the road to gaining or not.

Good post sparkyx. Very good. After lurking(and posting) for all these months here on Thunder`s , and a little bit of my own experience, your post is exactly my conclusion of how PE should be. As any other organ of our body, we want to make it work better and to be healthier. No pain no game its bullshit.

But how do you know you trained enough so gains could occur? If you’re undertraining your erections still remain hard. And when you’re at the perfect point of amount of training in one session you say erections still have to remain hard so there isn’t any difference between undertraining and perfect training. How do we know then? I always PE untill some red spots appear and I feel fatigued. I guess this is a perfect indicator for growth.

Motivations: - The smile on your girlfriends face when she pulls it out - You never have to hear "DEEPER!" (and if you can) - Getting to see a mouth stretched around your cock and 2 hands req to work it - All of your girlfriends girlfriends knowing your big - Knowing you're the biggest she's been with and she'll always remember you in her life - Watching pornos and being so unimpressed


This is an article I wrote that will help you pinpoint that “right” amount.

Physiologic Indictors (PIs) to help growth!

But to answer your question, if your erectile quality is excellent, but you are not gaining…you are probably UNDERTRAINING!

So, SLOWLY increase time/force while monitoring your erectile quality. At some point you should hit that magic amount of time/force.

I recommend a small increase, then hold at that level for a week or two…there is a delay in seeing the effect it is having.

If after a week or two, erections are still excellent, but no measurable changes…add another small increase. Continue like this until you find the right amount for you.

(This may take some time to pinpoint it, but it HUGELY increases your chance of real success. Those that are constantly making drastic changes in time/force and methods are really taking wild shots in the dark and praying they get something to work for them…usually they end up vastly overtrained…resulting in ED, shrinkage, injuries etc.)

Now, once you are gaining, and you hit a plateau…instead of increasing again, I recommend taking a week or two off.

(The ideal is to get gains with the LEAST force required. Too much force will lead to fibrotic changes that stop progress cold.)

Many times that will allow the workout to work again when you restart it. If it doesn’t allow you to continue gaining…then go back to incremental increases.

The guys that get the most continuous growth are the ones that use the least force needed, and maintain super function…its the ideal combination, plus these guys almost never see injuries.

Read my thread, it will give you a more scientific way to chase the perfect dick size.

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