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Does Morning Routine Work Better Than Nighttime?

Does Morning Routine Work Better Than Nighttime?

I started my PE career with a morning routine, when the kids were still snoozing and the wife was off the work. Now I have had to change my routine to a nighttime routine. For some reason My routine doesn’t seem to have the same results. I don’t get that “pumped” feeling, and I don’t feel fatigued. It also seems that the gains have slowed or maybe even stopped.

Anyone else had the same or similar experience?


Your testosterone levels peak betweek the hours of 5am-10am. This helps keep you more erect. You are probably not imagining it, you will be more pumped up in the morning. I find that girth work is best in the morning but stretching is better at night as I have a hard time staying flacid when I handle my dick.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it" What would twatteaser do? ---- Now known as 8-ball - *

Thanks Gandolf, It seems I may have to split my routine into morning and night sessions.


IW8 4/2003 5.5 BPEL 4.5 EG 218 lbs 4/2004 6.875 BPEL 5.0 EG 198 lbs

Next stop 7.0 BPEL !


If you do any stretching, you could do your pumping sessions in the morning, and your stretching at close to 2:00 PM, then a night routine of whatever you choose. As Gandolf said, testosterone levels are up in the AM, and optimal stretch time is between 2 and 4 PM. Numerous studies have shown both of these facts to be true, so just some advice if you are going for the optimal times of day for the different parts of your routine.

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

I am too tired to do PEing in the morning. It has to be SOME power in my hands.

I do mine in the morning. I seem to be more motivated in the morning than at night time. That’s probably why I get a better workout in the morning.

I do a stretch session in the morning (well, what is morning to me anyways), but my hands are more prone to hurt because your body is not as flexible just after you wake up.

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

I recently read that the body does most of it’s healing while you’re asleep. I have had that very experience the last few weeks, since swithcing from morning hanging sessions, to evening manual stretching for a half hour just before bed…I put on a quarter inch in 2 weeks.


I do a 1hr session in the evening after people have gone to sleep, mainly kengel jelgue stretch session and jelque plus horse squeeze

I have as short session in the morning with erect jelques and squeezes followed by manual stretches for about 15 minutes, during the morning session my dick is still usually swollen from the previous nights work out

You must always remain patient as growth comes with time

Does Morning Routine Work Better Than Nighttime?

Morning for jelqs and squeezes. Evening for stretches.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

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