Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does Sex/Masturbation Hinder Gains

Penis Size And Masturbation

1. I have been masturbating 3 times a day for the past two weeks (Usually only once every 2 days) and when I measured my penis it was smaller I was wondering if you abstained from sexual activity for a while after doing it very frequently whether the erection would be harder and bigger.

2. I was wondering if the penis is bigger when the foreskin is retracted or smaller because when I measure with it pulled back it seems to be bigger.

1. It is recommended that during PE, you should not masturbate too frequently, but your logic seems valid.

2. I wouldn’t know as I don’t have a foreskin.

1. The penis, I believe, becomes extra flaccid after masturbating, especially if you do it a lot. I don’t know why, this is how it’s happened in my experience. I too have lost gains by masturbating a lot, and no, I’m not trying to bash the sexual aspect of it, I just think that extra-flaccidity makes the penis “heal” shorter than before PE. A thing to note is that PE is a technique to deform the cells in your body to your liking, it works because the body has regenerative abilities and those cells are regenerated pass their original stress point (this is why people in some cultures have ears with huge rings in them, and plate lips).

My recommendation is to not masturbate at all after jelqing or otherwise PEing, it, again, in my opinion, will only result in a wasted workout (if you go very flaccid afterwards I mean; you want your penis to be engorged with blood so that it can heal from the stresses put on it, and you want it to heal in a big state, not a small one).

2. It’s probably an optical illusion, although I can see the foreskin allowing you some gains… I wish I had foreskin… I think I could get major gains if I had one.

Someone else mentioned that they wish they had foreskin. I thought most people are glad to be circumsized. I think it is cool to see that “Star Wars” helmet sticking out there.

I remember my father saying what a pain it was to keep clean and that we boys should be happy we we cut.

Originally Posted by matt646
1. I have been masturbating 3 times a day for the past two weeks

Now that’s what I call a full-time job.

Originally Posted by monument
I remember my father saying what a pain it was to keep clean and that we boys should be happy we we cut.

Well in that case if they took off all your teeth you would be glad that you would not have to clean them?
Anyway I dont have any problems keeping mine clean ;)

Is it allowable to masturbate on an off day of PE?

Go for it. :)

Actually, you ought not have to wait that long, just watch your flaccidity, certainly you’ll notice a difference between after masturbation and after jelqing flaccidity… that’s the key, imho.

There is nothing inherently detrimental about masturbating while on a PE program.

My advice is to _not_ give it up because it is pleasureable and relieves sexual tension and is good for your prostate and seminal vessicles; just time it (or sex) some hours after your PE workout so you get the healing benefit of micro-tears caused by your workout in a larger “pumped” state than a smaller, turtled, “I-just-shot-my-load” state.

PS: Anybody who can jerk off to orgasm 3 x a day, 21 times a week has something powerful going on for him. :)



Originally Posted by penewbie
Well in that case if they took off all your teeth you would be glad that you would not have to clean them?

That’s funny!:D I’ll have to duct tape a slice of bologna on the end of my dick to get that uncircumsized experience. :) (watch out for the crotch stiffing dog!!)

Originally Posted by Kawaihae
Now that’s what I call a full-time job.

I don´t masturbate a lot anymore, because I´m afraid not to gain so fast. Nowadays I masturbate app. 3 times a week or less. And do my PE 5times a week.

I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman!

I’m quite curious about this myself. I’m actually probably the king of masturbation. Matt, you may consider three times a day a lot, but before PEing I did it about eight times a day. I imagine no one here believes me, but it’s true. I’m just a horny guy. The women don’t seem to mind it though. They call me the energizer bunny. But I digress.

Since starting PE about 2 months ago, I’ve reduced my Masturbatory habits to about 3-5 sessions per day. But even this I fear is too much: I haven’t had a milimetre of gains as of yet, depite being pretty consistent with the jelqing - although I’m not consistent with stretching. But, even without a consistent stretching regiment I would have expected gains by this point; I’m beginning to suspect the problem might be my jerk-cravings. Although it is possible that I might be that most forlorn of PEers, the “no gainer”. If only I could get but one sign from the gods of PE.

So from my own limited experience I would cousel against too much masturbation.

Masturbation after Jelq

I would like to know the affects that masturbation has on gains after a jelq session. Does not masturbation temporarily decrease blood flow to the penis, therefor possibly limiting recovery (growth)?? If it would affect my gains at all I want nothing to do with it so I would like to find out now if someone would be so kind as to answer my question before I continue jacking (or not jacking off) after I jelq.

Thanks (first post)


BPEL: 6.6

EG shaft: 4.75

It just seems logical that during the jelq exercises is when the stretching/growing happens. What difference would it make whether you just let it go limp or spanked it when you were done? In fact, the longer you are erect the more potential for growth? Yes? Just my humble inexperienced opinion.

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

I have heard that it is best to wait. But sometimes you just can’t, so what the hell, you won’t do it next time if you can help it.


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