Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does Sex/Masturbation Hinder Gains

Originally Posted by Muscled
Does not masturbation temporarily decrease blood flow to the penis, therefor possibly limiting recovery (growth)??

Maybe, but dude After Jelq Yogurt Spitting Sessions, or AJYSS (pronounced Ahhhh-Jizz) as I like to call it, are the shit.

Yeah, so maybe I made that up. But seriously, beat that meat like it owes you money.

Try doing a search on that. My experience here says that you won’t gain if you beat your meat after jelqing. After you shoot your load, you’ll go limp. Doesn’t that beat the purpose of trying to engorge your unit? But if you must, try doing it in the morning if you jelq at night or the next day, just don’t mix them.

Maybe I don't like it, but I have no choice

I know that somewhere, someone hears my voice

I swear I’m going to create a thread and make it the top sticky in the Newbie Forum and will be titled:

Masturbation has no effect on gains!!!

If you will do a search (button, top right of the page) you’ll find that this subject has been beaten to death every few weeks. It is one of the most often asked and most annoying questions from new guys. (There’s actually a thread with that title, you new guys should read it.)

I want someone, anyone, who actually believes this to be a problem to please post their science-based reasons here. Not your personal experience from “shrinkage.” Not your thoughts about how is “just isn’t right.” I want a theory based on known human physiology.

Why do you think it makes any difference??

P.S. Read the last line of my sig.

I read somewhere (don’t remember where) that testoterone level drops after ejaculation. I don’t know if this is true and does it have effect on penis growth.

OK, did a little search and noticed that the testosterone thing has already been mentioned earlier here at Thunder’s Place.

Westla, I saw your signature before but that did not say if it would affect you if you ejaculate post jelq. At another forum I found something called the 5 hour rule where you are not supposed to ejaculate 5 hours before or 5 after jelqing but it also mentions that there has been no proven evidence that this is necessary.


BPEL: 6.6

EG shaft: 4.75

My 2 cents on this:
Masturbation can be bad if done after a proper workout.
You know masturbation can inflict injuries on your penile tissue, too.
What if your penis were ok during your workout, but you crossed the line while masturbating afterwards just because it felt so great?
A little injury is ok.. But not much more than that.. :)

For me this means I won’t take this risk, no matter how remote it may be in reality. I got there twice already so it may not be that unlikely.

Besides if your dick stays in a bigger than before flaccid state after your workout it simply must be more healthy to it (more fresh blood.. go ahead figure) than if you caused so much injuries that it shrivelled itself in order to do some proper healing the big time inflammation way (AKA turtling ;) ).

I am sorry to mention that our beloved friend and moderator westla has been temporarily restrained in a tight white coat. I think it was his use of big red letters. We sincerely hope he recovers quickly and can re-join the team.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery west, we miss you already.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

LOL….I knew westla was gonna jump in on this one. I’m having trouble reading what that second line says, westla. Could you make it a little bigger? (sha, that’s what she said)

Anyway, I’m going to have to go with ys on this one. Just from an overworking stand point. If you have formulated your routine to the point where anything else added to it would exhaust your penis I think you can actually do some damage to it. Now on the other hand if you break your routine up into little chunks throughout the day I don’t think it’s a problem. Just MHO.


Basically it is a psychological thing. It is how the individual precieves masturbation. I agree with Westla that it doesn’t have any physical effect on growth one way or the other. We have all beat our meat. If masturbation had any effect on growth then I would either have a 10” dick or a 2” dick because I did it a lot over the years.:) (Niether size is the case by the way.)

Personally I try to keep PE and sex separate. There are times when I get an urge to rub one off. I take it out and enjoy my new big dick. However when I get naked to do my PE it is all business.

In summation: “It’s your dick. Nobody here will tell you if you can wack off or not.”

I think his question is more should he jack off right after his routine (jelqing), not if he should jack off at all.


Hehe very true monument :)

One of the reasons that got me to my “dont masturbate directly after workout” reasoning is the difference between manual stimulation of your penis and purely mental stimulation.
The feeling of your penis just differs so much when comparing manual and mental stimulation after things are done ;) .
To be specific:
Manual stimulation, especially after a workout, leaves me with a slightly sorer (comparative ;) ) feeling and a little more turtling than if I wouldn’t have done it.
Mental stimulation, after a workout as well, leaves me with a great feeling and a much more pumped up dick.. It _never_ turtles on me because of the erection (as compared to manual stimulation where it will sometimes).

Getting a normal / supersized erection after a workout is a good thing (promotes flowing of fresh blood and thus healing).. Just doing it manual is suboptimal IMO. :)

edit: If your dick is injured somewhat compare the things a normal nightly erection does to your injuries and compare it to a manually stimulated erection.. Way to go. (Of course the normal nightly erection is surrounded by lots of healing time, too.. May as well play to its benefits)


P.S: Ejaculation isn’t too good for healing either (at least that’s the way my dick feels for hours to go.. or longer).

LOL, the only reason I read this thread is that I wanted to see what westla was going to do. You didn’t dissapoint west!

There's a snake in my boot!

Originally Posted by ynarevith73
Could you make it a little bigger? (sha, that’s what she said)

You sound like me and my friends.

As soon as I read the title, I thought…”Doesn’t Westla have the answer in his sig? Normally I wouldn’t want to see this, but I know he’s gonna jump this guy’s bones for redundant questions.”

Muscled - No malice toward you, Muscled. You just happened to push my biggest button.

“…I found something called the 5 hour rule where you are not supposed to ejaculate 5 hours before or 5 after jelqing but it also mentions that there has been no proven evidence that this is necessary.”

The last part is the important part.

Aziz: “I read somewhere (don't remember where) that testoterone level drops after ejaculation. I don't know if this is true and does it have effect on penis growth.”

I know you’ve probably found it, but for the others here are links to abstracts of a few studies that show testosterone levels do not change with ejaculation:
http://www.ncbi … t_uids=12697037
http://www.ncbi … t_uids=11760788
http://www.ncbi … st_uids=9695139

PE is a mechanical method of change. It is not hormonal or chemical. Testosterone levels have no affect on it.

“Masturbation can be bad if done after a proper workout.”


'You know masturbation can inflict injuries on your penile tissue, too.'

In what way?

“What if your penis were ok during your workout, but you crossed the line while masturbating afterwards just because it felt so great?”

What line? Masturbation does not put the same stress on the penis that PE does.

“For me this means I won't take this risk, no matter how remote it may be in reality. I got there twice already so it may not be that unlikely.”

Got where twice? What did you have that you lost?

“Besides if your dick stays in a bigger than before flaccid state after your workout it simply must be more healthy to it (more fresh blood.. go ahead figure) than if you caused so much injuries that it shrivelled itself in order to do some proper healing the big time inflammation way.”

Shriveling is normal after ejaculation. It’s supposed to happen. It’s not an inflammatory reaction. Gains are made with the stress applied during PE exercises. Once stretched, the tissues will repair themselves. They don’t need “fresh blood” to do that and they don’t need to be in any certain state.

ynarevith73: “I think his question is more should he jack off right after his routine (jelqing), not if he should jack off at all.”

It won’t make any difference. I’m waiting for someone to explain why you all think it does.

ys: “If your dick is injured somewhat compare the things a normal nightly erection does to your injuries and compare it to a manually stimulated erection.”

What is the difference? Please explain how one erection differs from the other besides the fact that one occurs when you’re asleep.

“Of course the normal nightly erection is surrounded by lots of healing time, too.. May as well play to its benefits”

This sounds like you believe that nocturnal erections last longer than regular ones.

“Ejaculation isn't too good for healing either (at least that's the way my dick feels for hours to go.. or longer).”

I apologize if this sounds rude, but: How you feel is not proof of anything. Please back up your claims with some science. There are many threads here at Thunder’s Place about tissue injury and healing. Please point us to the one that says the chemicals released at ejaculation or the contraction of surrounding tissues makes any difference when cells are being repaired.


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