Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does Sex/Masturbation Hinder Gains

Hi guys

I personaly think masturbating will never have a negative effect on growth! Like “monument” wrote, almost every guy would have the smallest dick ever if that we’re true!

Instead I believe it could have a little positive effect on growth (only a theory, but a good one I think). Here are some facts:

-Circulation in the penis tissue is low during an fully erect penis (having an erect penis for too long (matters many hours to days, happens in some ilnesses) can even damage the tissue permenantly cause of lack of oxygen)

-Lack of oxygen induces the production of VEGF (vascular endothelian growth factor) endothelia is the inner thin layer covering the blood filled space in vessels and also the corpora cavernosum (which are basically kind of a fat artery!)

-VEGF makes new blood vessels and the endothel grow quicker (this happens in a tumor once it grows too big, that the oxygen supplying the tumor cells by diffusion (passive movement) is too low, so the tumor starts to build blood vessels to make sure the oxygen can easily be supplied to all the cells)

-VEGF is also released if you spend some time higher than 4000 meters obove sealevel where oxygen is low!

Do not get the idea to strangle your penis so it wouldn’t get oxygen! Thats probably the worst idea ever! I only wanted to explain my opinion regarding the effect of masturbating after PE!

So I believe if it does have an effect, than it would be a positive one!!

Cheers guys

So, westla, you don’t think that masturbating after a full routine when your penis is exhausted would potentially overwork it and cause negative effects? I’m not trying to be a smartass with this. It is sincere. I really want to educate myself here.


Another word to wound healing in vessels:

This is very complicated, shit loads of molecules are included. Definitely there is no connection with low testosteron or any substance that is realased with ejaculation and wound healing. Healing takes place for a long time, the higher concentrations in the blood of some substances after ejaculation are only for a couple of seconds some maybe minutes!)

Some influances:

-VEGF (the endothelian cells divide faster!)
-PDGF (factor from platelets (platelets have a very important part in the clotting mechanism of the blood, they fill the hole in the wall of the tissue seconds after the damage!)
-The size of the wound
-Individual disposition on the wound healing process

Good luck

PS: I study medicine but I have to admit I don’t know facts about the penis wound healing after PE, cause I don’t believe there has been any research on this!

It’ll be okay, westLA. Everything will be alright.

No. 18 in this thread was perhaps your best among years of these. Maybe slightly hysterical, but I couldn’t have been calmer myself in replying.

I am going to give this thread 5 stars. Together you and I can keep bumping it up during 2005, passing that job on to the Most Compulsive Newbie Masturbator Who Has Also Made Gains.

I regret that I must leave this thead now and move on to another probing question I see posted: Does PE Give Permanent Gains?



westla :)

Round 1:
>> Masturbation can be bad if done after a proper workout.
Because it does inflict (somewhat smaller) damages which can cross the line between being “properly worked out ” and “really injured, thus triggering a more than hourly healing phase” (I am speaking of days without night/morning wood and all shrivelled up during the day here).

>>You know masturbation can inflict injuries on your penile tissue, too.
>In what way?
No clue I just noticed it does that for me..

>>What if your penis were ok during your workout, but you crossed the line while masturbating afterwards just because it felt so great?
>What line? Masturbation does not put the same stress on the penis that PE does.
Not the same stress, but still _stress_.. Which is all I’m on about here :)

>>For me this means I won’t take this risk, no matter how remote it may be in reality. I got there twice already so it may not be that unlikely.
>Got where twice? What did you have that you lost?
See above.. Loss of morning/night wood for two to three days straight, accompanied by “Mr. Turtle” during the day.

>>Besides if your dick stays in a bigger than before flaccid state after your workout it simply must be more healthy to it (more fresh blood.. go ahead figure) than if you caused so much injuries that it shrivelled itself in order to do some proper healing the big time inflammation way.
>Shriveling is normal after ejaculation. It’s supposed to happen. It’s not an inflammatory reaction. Gains are made with the stress applied during PE exercises. Once stretched, the tissues will repair themselves. They don’t need “fresh blood” to do that and they don’t need to be in any certain state.
It is not for me.. Unless I badly overdo the wanking (+ ejaculation) it won’t shrivel.. It will just lose the erective (?) hardness.
In any case, if the tissues wouldn’t need fresh blood we could just cut off blood circulation for days and it wouldn’t have any effect on our dicks ;) .. My reckoning is that it helps… and it surely feels way healthier than mr. shrivel.

Round 2:
>>If your dick is injured somewhat compare the things a normal nightly erection does to your injuries and compare it to a manually stimulated erection.
>What is the difference? Please explain how one erection differs from the other besides the fact that one occurs when you’re asleep.
Manual stimulation does damage.. always.. Normally none that shows up on the “shrivel” scale though.. winksmileypositive
Mental stimulation does way less and feels more healthier in the ned (thus only having an erection without any more damages than by the erection itself).

>>Of course the normal nightly erection is surrounded by lots of healing time, too.. May as well play to its benefits
>This sounds like you believe that nocturnal erections last longer than regular ones.
I wouldn’t think so.. Especially since dream phases last for a maximum of 20 minutes…. winksmileypositive
I don’t have any clue on the pattern of night wood and dream state (or more generally: brain state, be it alpha-theta, theta or gamma) though normalsmileypositive

>>Ejaculation isn’t too good for healing either (at least that’s the way my dick feels for hours to go.. or longer).
>I apologize if this sounds rude, but: How you feel is not proof of anything. Please back up your claims with some science. There are many threads here at Thunder’s Place about tissue injury and healing. Please point us to the one that says the chemicals released at ejaculation or the contraction of surrounding tissues makes any difference when cells are being repaired.
No offense taken really.

I rely on my own feelings including the ones my body returns (seems to anyhow).. If something feels good it can’t be that bad (except for the obvious exceptions to the rule of course.. no system is 100%).
I did never say that there are chemicals released that hinder injuries..
And this is why I can’t point _you_ (as opposed to the “us” you wrote.. winksmileypositive) to any sources stating so.
On second thought, my feeling of having a less good healing rate after ejaculation (as compared to without ejaculation) isn’t based on anything scientific.. Well in any case a study of one person wouldn’t be too much of a stuy, would it? winksmileypositive

The contraction of (any) tissue is the _NORMAL_ reaction of your body to (somewhat) bad injuries (mostly stretching related I’d guess).
As seen on lig stretching it would mean that the body contracts the injured ligs to stop them from getting hurt any more.. Inflammation successively sets in, resulting in production of new collagen, etc. pp…

Contraction of tissue is just a protective mechanism.. Don’t ask me when it “is decided” to stop and return to a less contracted, more normal state though. normalsmileypositive

And yeah, I know it sounds stupid to listen to your own body and depend your workout on the signals your body returns.
But I was driving pretty well with it as soon as I learned to _really_ listen to the signals ( which apparently was _after_ I got my funny ligs of pain winksmileypositive ).


OK, west, could you answer my question before to tear into ys please. ;)



I’m not following your train of thought are you undecided on masturbation after a routine or are you for it. And do you think it will effect gains and do you think by eating a high carbohydrate meal before PE could effect the quality of masturbating after PE.

Orderly please help us restrain Mr Westla until we can sedate him!!

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by ys
Because it [masturbation] does inflict (somewhat smaller) damages which can cross the line between being “properly worked out ” and “really injured, thus triggering a more than hourly healing phase” (I am speaking of days without night/morning wood and all shrivelled up during the day here).

If you can end a PE session with a firm erection, ys, you have not overdone your PE routine, imo, and so can move on to jerking off if you want to. The only negative of jerking off, assuming you don’t beat yourself up in the process, is that you will turtle up some after ejaculation and that turtling will persist until your “refractory” period has played itself out {ejaculation=flow of prolactin signaled by the pituitary gland=temporarily reduced tumescence}.

You will still have the benefit of your PE session; your normal nocturnal erection pattern will remain intact (unless you did beat yourself up somewhere), and you should see gains sometime down the road, in spite of having got a load off.



yeah that was what I was figuring.. The problem is that some things (eg. ligs) tend to have a fairly narrow line of “worked out” and “being beaten up” ;)
Refractory period et al is known.. But still if I don’t ejaculate / get an erection using any physical means the resulting feeling after it is way better than when done physical (daydreaming anyone? autohypnosis? ;) ).

Maybe I just got somewhat unlucky with my lig injuries and thus the negative or extremely cautious view on the whole PE topic.
But then maybe that’s just what you need.. Time will tell (or so I hope).


She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

For best results with PE, you can masturbate, but use a heat wrap or something afterwards to get the blood flowing again. That is the key. Constant blood flow to the penis is one of the most crucial parts of PE. More blood, more efficient healing.

Besides that, quit picking on Westla for trying to help everyone. I would be annoyed too if I got asked the same question over and over again, especially if they didn’t lift a finger to find the answer on the site before asking.

magnum, I never lifted a finger or asked a question.. I was just conversing the things as I experienced them (including the conclusions I got out of just my own observations).
BTW I’ll give the heating in between workout, ejaculation and my warmdown a try next time I feel I want to take the risk ;)


That last statement of mine wasn’t directed towards you ys, it was directed towards the starter of this thread whose name I won’t utter here. What you were doing was fine in my book. I’m refering to newbies that don’t use the search function and start a bunch of redundant threads.

magnum, hehe alright.. I figured so much already, but was trying to make sure :)

Guys, I’m sorry to start this then not get back to it. I do have a job and have been super busy today. Just got home (11 PM) so I’ll have to address this tomorrow.


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