Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does Sex/Masturbation Hinder Gains

Just my two cents concerning the injury aspect here.

When I first started PE, I believe I did injure myself because of masturbating after PE. I had be PE’ing for about a month, and had never masturbated immediately afterwards, but there was one time I just really felt the need and did. Just as I ejaculated, I felt a slight tinge of pain on the right side, just below the glans. It wasn’t all that serious, but I did experience a dull pain in the area for a couple days.

I cannot with 100% certainty say that the masturbation caused this or not because I wasn’t about to use myself as a guinea pig and risk further injury. But with any type of physical training, there is a point where you can go over the edge, so to speak, and when we’re dealing with PE, I think masturbation can push you beyond that point.

Westla, I would like your comment on the following. I was surfing around the forum, hoping to find an answer to my latest question: is it the best to keep the penis in the lengthened state after workout so that it may heal in a lengthened state and grow faster? And it seems that the answer is “yes”, but that is in a direct conflict with your opinion, at least so it seems to me. After ejaculating, penis shrinks. Here’s what I found (copy&paste):

“Traction Wrapping

Traction wrapping is used after a hanging or stretching session to hold the tissues in an extended state, in order for them to heal while lengthened. After the hanging/stretching session is completed, the penis is held behind the head, and stretched out. Theraband or another material is then wrapped around the shaft, starting directly behind the glans and spiralled towards the base, where it is secured with tape…

The wrap must be applied as soon after the PE session is completed, as retraction of the tissues will begin in minutes. Traction wraps can be considered an ADS method, although no actual stress is placed on the penis beyond it’s natural retraction…”

What do you (and other members with experience) say to this?

Originally Posted by ynarevith73
So, westla, you don’t think that masturbating after a full routine when your penis is exhausted would potentially overwork it and cause negative effects? I’m not trying to be a smartass with this. It is sincere. I really want to educate myself here.

I doubt many guys push themselves to that extreme limit. Perhaps you do, but most don’t and jerking off after a jelqing session wouldn’t put as much or the same kind of stress on a penis as jelqing.

As an example, there a dozens (hundreds?) of ways to masturbate. If done properly the jelq stroke only involves the shaft. Some guys get off by rotating their hand around the glans. How could glans stimulation take one “over the edge” and produce negative effects?

I don’t see how ejaculation, which is a chemical and neurological event, could cause a mechanical injury. And most methods of masturbation are not going to stress the penis to the point of failure or whatever you mean by “negative effects.” But the main reason I don’t think this could happen is that most guys do not push their penis to that kind of limit when they jelq.

Originally Posted by ys
…it [masturbation] does inflict (somewhat smaller) damages which can cross the line between being “properly worked out ” and “really injured…

…No clue [how masturbation causes stress] I just noticed it does that for me…
…Not the same stress, but still _stress_.. Which is all I’m on about here…

…Loss of morning/night wood for two to three days straight, accompanied by “Mr. Turtle” during the day…

I think you must do a more severe workout than other guys. Well, you and ynarevith73. :)

…if the tissues wouldn’t need fresh blood we could just cut off blood circulation for days and it wouldn’t have any effect on our dicks… My reckoning is that it helps… and it surely feels way healthier than mr. shrivel.

Even a flaccid penis gets fresh blood. Maintaining some kind of fullness after ejaculation is not necessary for blood to flow or healing to occur. You think it’s better because it looks better, but you’re still going to get the benefits from your workout, especially if you push it to the extreme limits that you imply.

…Manual stimulation does damage.. always.. Normally none that shows up on the “shrivel” scale though.. Mental stimulation does way less and feels more healthier in the ned (thus only having an erection without any more damages than by the erection itself).

I suppose one could say that just living causes damage. The body is constantly replacing cells and doing repairs. But I don’t think simple masturbation causes any more severe damage than normal daily living does. You are basing your argument on how you, one man, feels after he jerks off. It’s unlikely that you experience is the “norm.” Most guys wouldn’t consider masturbation and ejaculation as damaging to their bodies.

I rely on my own feelings including the ones my body returns (seems to anyhow).. If something feels good it can’t be that bad (except for the obvious exceptions to the rule of course.. no system is 100%)… And this is why I can’t point _you_ (as opposed to the “us” you wrote) to any sources stating so… On second thought, my feeling of having a less good healing rate after ejaculation (as compared to without ejaculation) isn’t based on anything scientific.. Well in any case a study of one person wouldn’t be too much of a stuy, would it?

No, it wouldn’t and thus my point. The question was asked if masturbation after jelqing would affect gains. I’m answering the question based on knowledge of healing, erection/ejaculation physiology and the experiences reported here of many members who have gotten gains while continuing masturbate of have sex. You are answering it based on one man’s experience and his personal feelings about it rather than anything scientific. Your answer also comes from someon who seems to really push himself during his PE routine. Since we’re trying to help a new guy get started, which seems the more logical way to respond?

The contraction of (any) tissue is the _NORMAL_ reaction of your body to (somewhat) bad injuries (mostly stretching related I’d guess)… As seen on lig stretching it would mean that the body contracts the injured ligs to stop them from getting hurt any more.. Inflammation successively sets in, resulting in production of new collagen, etc… Contraction of tissue is just a protective mechanism..

We’re not talking about traumatic injury to ligaments. We’re talking about jelqing and ejaculation. As I’ve said, contraction of the penis after ejaculation is supposed to happen. It is chemically induced. It’s the normal contraction of the smooth muscle in the trabecular network within the corpora cavernosa. That kind of contraction, or shriveling, is not due to injury.

And yeah, I know it sounds stupid to listen to your own body and depend your workout on the signals your body returns.
But I was driving pretty well with it as soon as I learned to _really_ listen to the signals ( which apparently was _after_ I got my funny ligs of pain).

It’s not stupid to listen to your body. But if you’re going to give advice to others based on your personal experience, you have to be able to help them understand why your advice will apply equally to them. You can’t just make generalization based on how you “feel” about it. That was my point.

In the end it’s obviously up to each man to make his decision. Every time this subject comes up we have a deep discussion like this and yet the guys on the side of “don’t do it” have yet to show WHY you shouldn’t. Almost every one says there’s no healing with shriveling, but no one has proved that. Show me the science please. I can’t help it; that’s the way I have to view things. :shrug:

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

I’m not following your train of thought are you undecided on masturbation after a routine or are you for it. And do you think it will effect gains and do you think by eating a high carbohydrate meal before PE could effect the quality of masturbating after PE.

You can’t tell? Do I have to start typing in ALL CAPS? Or larger type? :D

Originally Posted by ys
Maybe I just got somewhat unlucky with my lig injuries and thus the negative or extremely cautious view on the whole PE topic.

Hmmmm. Maybe :)

Originally Posted by xlmagnum
Besides that, quit picking on Westla for trying to help everyone. I would be annoyed too if I got asked the same question over and over again, especially if they didn’t lift a finger to find the answer on the site before asking.

Thanks for your support XL. I’ve never used the term “DAFS - Do a fucking search!” here, but I’ve been very tempted. I understand how overwhelming the amount of information here can be, but we have tried to set up the Newbie Forum with aids for the new guy so he doesn’t have to ask this type of question. If they’d just read the first (sticky) thread in that forum and follow the links, 90% of these newbie questions would disappear.

Westla, will you answer my question about wrapping?

Originally Posted by Nemanja
…my latest question: is it the best to keep the penis in the lengthened state after workout so that it may heal in a lengthened state and grow faster? And it seems that the answer is “yes”, but that is in a direct conflict with your opinion, at least so it seems to me. After ejaculating, penis shrinks. Here’s what I found (copy&paste):

“Traction Wrapping

Traction wrapping is used after a hanging or stretching session to hold the tissues in an extended state, in order for them to heal while lengthened. After the hanging/stretching session is completed, the penis is held behind the head, and stretched out. Theraband or another material is then wrapped around the shaft, starting directly behind the glans and spiralled towards the base, where it is secured with tape…

The wrap must be applied as soon after the PE session is completed, as retraction of the tissues will begin in minutes. Traction wraps can be considered an ADS method, although no actual stress is placed on the penis beyond it’s natural retraction…”

I think this is an apples and oranges thing. I’m addressing ejaculation after jelqing. This is talking about maintaining some sort of semi-traction after stretching or hanging.

Jelqing is applying repeated, short duration pressure to a tissue that normally handles pressure and which contains cells in an arrangement that allows the tissue to elongate and expand. Jelqing puts additional (i.e. “more than normal”) pressure on this tissue and it adapts to that pressure by creating new cells and thus enlarging.

Hanging and stretching, while putting stress on the tunica, are in my opinion mainly ligament stretching exercises. Ligaments are not used to the stress of traction and respond to it by tearing and breaking. New cells are created in an attempt to repair the damage and keeping the ligaments in a slightly extended state is thought to allow those new cells to be in the best position to add length.

While both “repairs” can be seen as due to damage, the jelq repair is more in line with what the tissues already experience and are more of an adaptation than a repair of damage. The repairs done to ligaments are due to damage that the tissue was not made to handle.

Finally, ejaculation causes the smooth muscle within the trabecular network of sinuses within the corpora cavernosa to contract which empties the corpora of blood. There is still a small, normal flow of blood through them, but in the flaccid state the input equals the outflow and you don’t become erect. This shrinkage is normal. It is not a response to “damage.” It occurs within the corpora. The tissue of the tunica still receives the benefit of the extra pressure and is still creating new cells and still grows larger. This happens because of the repeated pressure. The stimulus for new growth is already applied. The overall shrinking due to ejaculation will not reverse that.

So, traction wrapping is applicable to stretching and hanging and is not related to the question at hand.

{I removed your other thread asking the same question since there had been no replies.)

Thank you for a detailed answer! Now, since you already removed the other thread, can you answer me here - does this what you wrote: “Ligaments are not used to the stress of traction and respond to it by tearing and breaking. New cells are created in an attempt to repair the damage and keeping the ligaments in a slightly extended state is thought to allow those new cells to be in the best position to add length,” actually mean that traciton wrapping is being used by most guys whose PE sessions focus on stretching and hanging? Or is it something that some people do, and some don’t?

I never used it. But then I only did manual stretches. I did get a Bib and tried some hanging some months ago, but that was mainly so I could have the experience and be able to talk to hangers and make some sense. :) Everyone’s routine is different and I can’t say what “most guys” do. It does make some sense to keep a slight traction on after lig work (more so for hanging than manual stretching), but to be effective it would have to do more than just stretch the penile shaft.

This is my prejudice. While stretching exercises do also put stress on the tunica, I believe their main benefit is for ligaments. Applying a wrap as you described would only stretch the tunica and not the ligs. So in my opinion it wouldn’t really do much good.

Others will probably have a different opinion. :cool:

Does masterbation hinder gains

If I choke my chicken will it lessen the amount of gains I will get ( not in the end). I guess in a way I mean do I slow down the process of gaining by jerkin it?

I don’t think so but you might ask westla90069. :)

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6


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