Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does Sex/Masturbation Hinder Gains

Who’s got energy to jack off anyway? And besides, the effect masturbation has on PE is that if you do it too often you’ll go blind and not be able to see the results.


Thank you, I am having a long and crappy month of March and that was a welcome diversion.

It really is tempting to tell the new guys that PE combined with masturbation will actually cause the penis to shrink.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru

Thank you, I am having a long and crappy month of March and that was a welcome diversion.

It really is tempting to tell the new guys that PE combined with masturbation will actually cause the penis to shrink.

Lol, I came to this thread to say the exact same thing. I was about to say it will stunt your growth. Ah well, the next masturbation thread then :)

Masturbation actually might give you a better stretch, if you have trouble keeping flacid during stretches try masturbating before it.

Originally Posted by OneHungLo
This is all fun and games until Westla kicks our asses.


Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G

I have still something in the back of my mind.

If we consider penis as a cellular automata tissue where we manipulate cells with increasing fluid pressure through the veins into collapse , hoping that they rebuild in a larger number after PE sessions and therefor adding new cells and increasing the general mass of penis (which applies most to the girth issue), wouldn’t the re-flow of blood through the body of penis in an erection (increasing the fluid pressure) in someway influence this rebuild process? Because it seems that this rest period of cells rebuilding is then stopped (cells are again under stress), or is masturbation/sex/erection in general too short to have any influence on this process of cells rebuilding?

Finally, westla put that one to bed. :horse:


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So I won’t lose gains if I spank it right after my routine? :-D

Originally Posted by WoodyHarris
So I won’t lose gains if I spank it right after my routine? :-D

Classic second post Woody! :rofl:

I can see Thunder polishing the “ban” button right now! :D

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

How about this though: I masterbate and come first, and then I put on PE weights which helps with length, but also keeps me a little bit engorged. After I take them off I am more plump than ever (especially on rest days). Its kind of like never losing 100% of your erection for a few hours, and you get a stretch out of it from the weights too. This way no one can claim “its shrinking so there isn’t enough blood in your penis so it must be bad” The cool thing is that it is really easy to keep the weights on, I just slide them on using water as a lubricant, then I dry them off and they stay like a charm. I don’t notice too much discoloration or loss of heat either. Any thoughts?

Masturbating and cumming multiple times a day

Is cumming once a day after masterbating healthy, every single day? Or how about 2-5 times a day after watching some porn? Is that healthy for you? Does it effect penis growth? Does it effect PE gains? Will it effect a penis in the future years?

And I might as well add another one of my questions to the thread so I don’t have to make a new one. When having a full erection, why do I still have a bit lose spin right under my head? Does that mean that therell be more growth? Or does that mean that my erection isnt at it’s fullest and I can make it better? Or what?

I heard masturbating once a day is healthy and will improve your penis health. Loose skin or actually lose spin? If loose skin maybe it is just that way and you have to live with it ? Not too sure.


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