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Exercising my rights to erect gains!

View Poll Results:

Only for non newbies!

I exercise, eat well and have gained well in erect length


I exercise, eat well and havent gained well in erect length


I exercise, eat like shit, but I have gained well


I exercise, eat like shit, and I haven’t gained well


I dont exercise, I don’t eat well but I have gained well


I don’t exercise, but I eat well and I have gained well in erect


I don’t exercise, dont eat well and I have gained well in erect length.


I don’t exercise, don’t eat well and I have not gained well

Total Votes: 41. You may not vote on this poll

Exercising my rights to erect gains!

So basically I am still waiting for some good solid ERECT gains.

Everything else PE has bought- Everything has been great. The girthier feel, the stronger erections, the harder cock feel- the flacid look, the fact that I never turtle at all anymore- it’s all been good.

One bitch though- and it is quiet a relevant one I believe- little to no actual erect gain has been measureable. I have been waiting to get past that 6” NBP stage for a while now, always been very close, but I just want to get past there, and from then on, anything is possible in my mind.

What is stopping them from coming? I am happy with PE- the way it has responded with my dick, and the way it has changed so much about it and the way I go towards sex now. Is it the fact that I could exercise more, and the fact that I smoke weed?

I would like to know if anyone at all can attribute gains to just being more healthier all-round, or if anyone noticed a change after they stoped smoking, or smoking weed, or perhaps done more exercise. I feel some good stories here could help motivate me too!

I am going on a break from PE also. I need it mentaly more than for my cock- they both go hand in hand anyway.


I only really want people voting who have been at PE long enough to expect some erect gains- in other words baby fresh newbies- I am not seeking your input in the poll thank you.


let me tell you-cardiovascular training won’t hurt-I too smoke a lot of weed,but as long as you don’t smoke cigarettes,it’s good.

I have noticed a better erection since I started running,and a small increase in length.

I exercise, eat well and have gained much in erection length.

You probably don’t want to hear this chicken but smoking weed if far worse than smoking tobacco.

Dvs,I gave PE a shot abot 4 years ago didnt really gain at all until I decided to get healthy. I started eating good food, exercising more and stopped smoking weed, taking xtc and drinking. I gained 0.5inch el shortly after. Now I’m into bodybuilding( don’t get me wrong I’m not a massive bloke at all, I am still quite slim. I weigh in at about 10stone but used to only 8stone). One thing I have learned is that no matter what training you do(PE, bodybuilding etc) you body finds it a stressful process having to repair and grow all the time. Reducing the total amount of stresses put on your body can make an amazing difference to any gains your after. Having a few beers, a few spliffs or whatever causes a great deal of work for your body. You can’t expect you body to divert all it attention to growing when it has a whole load of toxins to deal with first. You body will always give preference to removing toxins to non essential duties!!

Go on give it all will be the best thing you ever do. I always heard this from people when I was a saner and thought ” yeah whatever, you don’t understand”. Looking back now I feel stupid for ever smoking the stuff in the first place. Especially the money I spent on all that weed!

I do believe there is a correlation between gains and excecise/eating well, but I also wonder. Most guys want to eat well, excercise, and almost every guy wants to gain. However, a ton just don’t have the willpower or committment. Does this lack of committment translate into PE excercises? I mean, we assume that everyone doing this poll does PE with consistency. I know for a fact I didn’t when I was excercising and eating right. Now that I’m not doing either, and after taking a 2 month PE break, I started back up again. I’m seeing similar gains to my first somewhat temerous start. Just was thinking about it and wanted to tap this out before I left for dinner.

11/2/05 5'8; 180 lbs, 35 waist BPEL-7.2, NBPEL- 6.0 EG- 5.0-midshaft There is the man I am, and the man I can be. Someday, they'll meet.

Originally Posted by kruz
You probably don’t want to hear this chicken but smoking weed if far worse than smoking tobacco.
Dvs,I gave PE a shot abot 4 years ago didnt really gain at all until I decided to get healthy. I started eating good food, exercising more and stopped smoking weed, taking xtc and drinking. I gained 0.5inch el shortly after. Now I’m into bodybuilding( don’t get me wrong I’m not a massive bloke at all, I am still quite slim. I weigh in at about 10stone but used to only 8stone). One thing I have learned is that no matter what training you do(PE, bodybuilding etc) you body finds it a stressful process having to repair and grow all the time. Reducing the total amount of stresses put on your body can make an amazing difference to any gains your after. Having a few beers, a few spliffs or whatever causes a great deal of work for your body. You can’t expect you body to divert all it attention to growing when it has a whole load of toxins to deal with first. You body will always give preference to removing toxins to non essential duties!!
Go on give it all will be the best thing you ever do. I always heard this from people when I was a saner and thought ” yeah whatever, you don’t understand”. Looking back now I feel stupid for ever smoking the stuff in the first place. Especially the money I spent on all that weed!

This all makes sense. At the end of the day I fuck myself up with this shit because it has become part of my life so much, I just wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t smoke it. I literally think I would be sitting upright on the end of my bed taping my feat and biting my nails!

If you care to share here, or in a PM kruz, how long did you smoke for, how did you give up, and what was it like after you gave up? When did you start noticing the differences and what differences were they? What did you do initially to fill in the smoking time.

If I can stop smoking bongs/weed that would be great. I would feel like all my troubles would be over. Then I’d aim to quit the ciggies. But one step at a time.


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