Exercising my rights to erect gains!
So basically I am still waiting for some good solid ERECT gains.
Everything else PE has bought- Everything has been great. The girthier feel, the stronger erections, the harder cock feel- the flacid look, the fact that I never turtle at all anymore- it’s all been good.
One bitch though- and it is quiet a relevant one I believe- little to no actual erect gain has been measureable. I have been waiting to get past that 6” NBP stage for a while now, always been very close, but I just want to get past there, and from then on, anything is possible in my mind.
What is stopping them from coming? I am happy with PE- the way it has responded with my dick, and the way it has changed so much about it and the way I go towards sex now. Is it the fact that I could exercise more, and the fact that I smoke weed?
I would like to know if anyone at all can attribute gains to just being more healthier all-round, or if anyone noticed a change after they stoped smoking, or smoking weed, or perhaps done more exercise. I feel some good stories here could help motivate me too!
I am going on a break from PE also. I need it mentaly more than for my cock- they both go hand in hand anyway.