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Extreme PE : Routine For Girth

Extreme PE : Routine For Girth

Warning: this routine is very dangerous. If you don’t have at least 3 years of consistent PE you shouldn’t even think to try it, the best it can do is limiting your potential of growth. If you are experienced you can give it a try, but be aware that its potential for injury is very high.

Ok, now that you are aware of the dangers, here you are a routine that has given me the most impressive girth gains in a relative short span of time. It is based on two main components, A) and B).

1) Weighed flaccid dry jelqs. Well, it sounds fancy, but it is basically hanging without wrapping. You need to use an AFB hanger; the sticks should be flat, about 1.5” wide. Wrap the sticks with soft protective material (I use inner bicycle tires, cut them and wrap around the sticks). The sticks should be attached very near the base. Then hang the weight, a pretty high weight, so heavy that you can’t stand a more than 10-15 minutes long set with that weight. As said the penis should be unwrapped, to get maximum expansion. To relief stress from the back, I rely the upper body on a table; wearing a weightlifter belt wouldn’t be a bad idea, also. One set this way is enough. Be aware the you’ll get a lot of discomfort, if not real pain. Skin stretch and discoloration will be very noticeable, too.

2) Light pumping, 5 minutes just before going to bed. The aim is just to push fresh blood inside your penis.

1) Fulcrum downward stretching on a very thick fulcrum. I use a metallic tube, with the perimeter of about my erect penis. I grab the glans with an inverted knucle grip, than grip the other hand for assistance; I do 2 light sets, about 2 minutes each, than a couple of pretty heavy sets, pulling with a lot of force.

2) Light pumping right before going to bed, as in the A) part;

3) Sleeping with a cock ring. This is another violation of one of the ‘holy rules’ of PE. I wear a metallic cock ring, measuring about 1/2” less in circumference than my EBG, 1.5” wide.


For the first weeks, do as follow:
Day 1: do what is listed under A); Day 2: do what listed under B); Day 3, REST. It is a fucking intense regimen so you’ll really need rest.

After a month or so, if everything is going fine and you think you need more, you can do like this: Day 1: A); Day 2: B); Day 3: A); Day 4: rest; then restart from Day 1.

What it gave?

First week you’ll do this routine, your penis will probably be absurdly big; this will not be permanent gain of course. How about ‘permanent’ gains? Nowadays I never measure my penis anymore, but the stable girth gains after 6 weeks have been noticeably, I guess at least half inch. I lost about half inch in lenght though.

That’s all folks. If anybody wants to try it please report back.

Last edited by marinera : 01-23-2013 at .

I used to sleep wearing my TheraP wrap with magnets. I will probably start up again because it was always loose enough that fresh blood could circulate and tight enough that night erections were fairly plump.

Short-Term Goal: 10.25" BPEL

"Take it Slow and Watch it Grow"

Long-Term Goal: To Be Decided

That is extreme marinera. That was awesome of you to post the warning as well. I will bet when starting this,
for the first couple of weeks, one will become extremely fatigued. I wish other members who will try this to be
careful as you, marinera advise. Thanks for the information, but can you post a pic of the of how you prepare
the hanger sticks and in bicycle tire? I had a hard time grasping how you prepare your unit.

Very Interesting.

Thanks TNT. I will post a picture of the sticks as soon as I can.

I’m not sacrificing length for anything.

And sleep with bolt cutters to remove that cock ring if you are like me and get several erections during the night.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Excellent details Marinera, Can you please upload your few pictures with good gains in girth.

Could you clarify what size fulcrum you use ?

Do you mean the same circumference as your erect girth or diameter ?

Roughly the same circumference as my NBPEL,

Originally Posted by marinera
Roughly the same circumference as my NBPEL,

Thanks for clearing that up.

The most interesting thing about this routine is that it’s mostly flaccid stretching, unusual for girth but people have promoted this idea before.

There must be an ideal size or shape of fulcrum to stretch over that will cause more lateral stretch ?
Maybe a grooved cylinder or even a ball shape ?.

I’d like to hear your reasoning for coming up with this routine Marinera.

I’m a bit busy lately so I’ll answer one question at time bro.

First, the shape ans size of the cylinder. The cylinder should be one with the biggest diameter, as long you can comfortably hold the grip on your penis whilst stretching. The reasons are: 1) best mechanical advantage and pressure on a greater area; if you use a cylinder with a small diameter, you’ll put a lot of pressure on the urethra and at the same time you’ll target a small area. 2) Less fatigue for your arms. You don’t have to push with your arms, just let your bodyweight do the work, thanks to gravity; once you find the best position, your elbow can be locked, without having to push much with triceps shoulders and pecs.

The perfect shape is the perfect cylinder; the surface should be so smooth to avoid any friction. I use a steel tube (void inside, we call it ‘tubolare’ not sure if tubular is the right translation), 3” diameter, 1.3 m long.

I know the explanation could be a bit obscure since I’m not fluent in English, but if you try it I think you understand what I’m trying to say.

First time I tried fulcrum downward stretching I realized that it forced more lateral expansion than axial (lengthwise) expansion; not saying this kind of stretching couldn’t give some length gains though, they can.

Last edited by marinera : 01-24-2013 at . Reason: Mistake

That warning is well deserved, I would never to that to my penis, not even after 10 years of PE. I’m talking mainly about A)1) and B)3) steps.

Yep those are dangerous.

Second question:

Originally Posted by capernicus1
The most interesting thing about this routine is that it’s mostly flaccid stretching, unusual for girth but people have promoted this idea before.
I’d like to hear your reasoning for coming up with this routine Marinera.

Well, it’s not exactly a stretching, since the hanger is very near the base - more like a dry jelq. Why doing it while flaccid? Imagine your penis is like a balloon; suppose it is deflated and you stretch it axially (lengthwise) the most you can without breaking it, measure it and call this Maximum Stretched Length (MSL); then stretch it laterally and measure, then multiply for 2 and you have the Maximum Stretched Girth (MSG). Now inflate the balloon with air as much as you can without breaking it, and measure length and circumference of it - you’ll have respectively Maximum Inflated Lenght (MIL) and Maximum Inflated Girth (MIG). The suppositions I make is that:

1) MSL > MIL;
2) MSG > MIG

So, if you could find a way to stretch your penis girthwise while flaccid, you could achieve better gains than stretching it wile erect.

Beside that, LongVehicle made me aware of something I didn’t thought before (thanks LV) : with clamping, a good part of gains are in the CS. The CS is not covered by Tunica Albuginea, so these gains are basically just blood; add that while penetrating the CS is pressed, so probably the blood is just flushed back. I think most useful girth gains are width gains.

I hope I’m making any sense, but explaining these things in a foreign language is not easy; anyway, if anybody has not understood something feel free to ask and I’ll try to explain better.

Next I’ll explain the role of the B) component of the routine.

Originally Posted by marinera
Second question:

Well, it’s not exactly a stretching, since the hanger is very near the base - more like a dry jelq. Why doing it while flaccid? Imagine your penis is like a balloon; suppose it is deflated and you stretch it axially (lengthwise) the most you can without breaking it, measure it and call this Maximum Stretched Length (MSL); then stretch it laterally and measure, then multiply for 2 and you have the Maximum Stretched Girth (MSG). Now inflate the balloon with air as much as you can without breaking it, and measure length and circumference of it - you’ll have respectively Maximum Inflated Lenght (MIL) and Maximum Inflated Girth (MIG). The suppositions I make is that:

1) MSL > MIL;
2) MSG > MIG

So, if you could find a way to stretch your penis girthwise while flaccid, you could achieve better gains than stretching it wile erect.

Beside that, LongVehicle made me aware of something I didn’t thought before (thanks LV) : with clamping, a good part of gains are in the CS. The CS is not covered by Tunica Albuginea, so these gains are basically just blood; add that while penetrating the CS is pressed, so probably the blood is just flushed back. I think most useful girth gains are width gains.

I hope I’m making any sense, but explaining these things in a foreign language is not easy; anyway, if anybody has not understood something feel free to ask and I’ll try to explain better.

Next I’ll explain the role of the B) component of the routine.

You’re explaining it fine.

I agree on both points, first that the most useful gains are CC gains and second that an effective flaccid stretch that targets girth is probably the ultimate way to gain girth and some form of fulcrum is probably the answer.

I did some experiments a while ago where I took one of those long balloons and drew a grid on it, then tried bending and squeezing it various ways to observe what caused the most girthwise deformation.
Different fulcrum stretches were easily the most effective but varied depending on how much air was in it. would translate to how semi or flaccid you where when stretching.

I still think it’s something that can be improved on though.

Great. Let me elaborate a tiny bit more then.

As you probably know, the penis has two tunica layers; one is responsible for girth expansion, the other one for length expansion. Add that tunica has a not a linear load/strain behavior; this means that it will stretch easily at first, even with a low load; but near it’s elastic limit it will become hard to elongate. When the penis is erect, both this layers are stretched and are hard to deform; at the same time, each of this layers is fighting the expansion of the other layer. So when you pump, or clamp or jelq with high degree erection, the blood in the shaft will go where there is less resistance - in the CS. That’s why the impact on tunica albuginea (the foremost target of our efforts) is limited performing erect exercises. This could be also the (or one of the) reason(s) why girth gains are way harder to achieve than lenght gains for most of people.

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