Thunder's Place

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Fat or Thin? Penis aspect ratio distribution

Fat or Thin? Penis aspect ratio distribution

Some dicks are thin and long, others short and fat, and if you’re lucky you’re both long and fat. But what is the average shape and what is the distribution of penis shapes?

The ratio of a things length to its width is called its aspect ratio.

I have been interested in the aspect ratio of penises since I discovered this board and realized that my own unit (before PE) was rather unusually short and fat. My initial size was 5.25 x 5.5, in other words my dick was bigger in girth than it was in length. In researching PE here at TP I came to realize that such short/fat dicks, with an aspect less than 1.0, were rather rare. But how rare? And what is a “normal” aspect ratio? And what about the other end of the spectrum, how common are long and skinny cocks?

To answer these questions I dipped into the TP measurement database and produced the following histogram showing the distribution of penis aspect ratios.

The average Len/Girth ratio is: 1.28 STD.Dev.= 0.14

Penises with aspect <1 = about 2%

To put that in perspective:
Size - Aspect Ratio
7 x 6 = 1.17 — somewhat fatter that average aspect
8 x 6 = 1.33 — somewhat longer/skinnier that average aspect
9 x 6 = 1.5 - - very much longer/skinnier that average aspect (93 percentile)
9 x 7 = 1.28 — Right on average

(8.5 KB, 416 views)

2008 Starting size: 5.25 BPEL, 5.5 girth, vol. 12.7

2009 Plateau reached 6.5 BPEL, 6.0 girth, vol. 18.6

Another job well done! Another beautiful gaussian distribution! I don’t even think any previous research has ever been done on length/width ratios. I wonder if this can explain/predict how some people either gain length or girth faster. Perhaps it has something to do with their bodies trying to conform to an average aspect ratio.

Interesting post, I’m assuming you’re taking measurements from mid shaft?

Mmm mine is 4.75 - 5.15 so it’s even stranger than yours

Tapered tool

I’m 7.8BPEL x 5.6MEG; 1.34 ratio but at the base my EG is 6.2; 1.26. So I’m skinny in the middle and fat at the base? I don’t know about that. I sure don’t feel like i have a skinny dick. What do others think?

CWCLARK; Begin_11.11.2010: BPEL=6.5; BEG=5.2

Current: BPEL=7.87(20.00cm); BEG= 6.06(15.39cm): MSEG=5.75(14.61cm). Volume=20.9 (53% increase)

GOAL: BPEL=8.0; BEG= 6.5: MSEG=6.0

Mine is a large head.

I’ve posted a lot about evening out the “taper” on this forum. Just check my signature, it’s basically all I’ve been working on for the bulk of my girth routines.

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

Originally Posted by cwclark
I’m 7.8BPEL x 5.6MEG; 1.34 ratio but at the base my EG is 6.2; 1.26. So I’m skinny in the middle and fat at the base? I don’t know about that. I sure don’t feel like i have a skinny dick. What do others think?

If you look at the aspect ratio histogram, any aspect between 1.2 and 1.4 is going to be in the center range. So both your numbers are near the center of the distribution, i.e. neither fat nor skinny. The average Len/Girth ratio is: 1.28 STD.Dev.= 0.14 so you are well within half a standard deviation.

2008 Starting size: 5.25 BPEL, 5.5 girth, vol. 12.7

2009 Plateau reached 6.5 BPEL, 6.0 girth, vol. 18.6

The volume analysis came as a pleasant surprise, but this one is motivational: working to bring down that 1.44. (I assume this is based on erect values, or else I’d come in closer to 1.pencil_dick.)

Originally Posted by WrightMan

If you look at the aspect ratio histogram, any aspect between 1.2 and 1.4 is going to be in the center range. So both your numbers are near the center of the distribution, i.e. neither fat nor skinny. The average Len/Girth ratio is: 1.28 STD.Dev.= 0.14 so you are well within half a standard deviation.

That makes since, and I know my wife is more satisfied with filling her up vs. length, so I agree that volume is the most important goal.

CWCLARK; Begin_11.11.2010: BPEL=6.5; BEG=5.2

Current: BPEL=7.87(20.00cm); BEG= 6.06(15.39cm): MSEG=5.75(14.61cm). Volume=20.9 (53% increase)

GOAL: BPEL=8.0; BEG= 6.5: MSEG=6.0

Originally Posted by WrightMan
9 x 6 = 1.5 - - very much longer/skinnier that average aspect (93 percentile)

I must be dumb as a stump.

I believe I understand what you are getting at regarding aspect ratio.

However, are you telling me a 9x6 penis is “skinny” because it is 9 inches long?

Last edited by sta-kool : 05-19-2012 at .

Originally Posted by sta-kool
I must be dumb as a stump.

I believe I understand what you are getting at regarding aspect ratio.

However, are you telling me a 9x6 penis is “skinny” because it is 9 inches long?

Pretty much this. That’s huge no matter how you look at it. O___O

that is huge i wish i had 9 but my first goal is 7 :)

05/01/2012 BPEL 6.000 EG 5.500

10/19/2012 BPEL 6.625 EG 5.500 BPSL 7.2

First Goal BPEL 7 - End of 2012 second goal BPEL 8

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