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Formal Theories On Converting BPFSL to BPEL?

so what means if my bpfsl and bp lenght is almost the same?

my bpfsl is 2 or 3 mm larger

Originally Posted by ImNormoEquipped

So we’re all agreed that in order to bridge the gap between BPSFL and BPEL, we primarily need to work on the girth?

I have been working in both since I started in PE, and things have not gone badly for me. I think it is logical, if through stretching you lengthen the tunic, it is necessary that the cavernous bodies widen more to take advantage of that "plus" that extra you get by stretching the tunic and smooth muscle

Originally Posted by Mardell78
I have been working in both since I started in PE, and things have not gone badly for me. I think it is logical, if through stretching you lengthen the tunic, it is necessary that the cavernous bodies widen more to take advantage of that "plus" that extra you get by stretching the tunic and smooth muscle

Thanks for the feedback, Mardell!

[NEW START 2025] NBPEL need to evaluate (x") • MSEG need to evaluate (y")


Thank you Matias H., good thread, it’s interesting.

Originally Posted by Matias H.
Why BPEL < BPFSL: One idea

Originally Posted by Hillclimb89
I believe Kyrpas Volume thread here at Thunders talked about collagen realignment and the importance that girth work has on continued length gains. The current theories in the Reddit/ YouTube PE community point to girth work being complementary to length exercises as well.

I personally don’t agree with the idea that you need to separate length work from girth work and go for length first. However, even if we accept that as truth, suggesting that girth work can help convert bpsfl to bpel is not contradictory. Many of the guys that did length first / girth second continued adding to bpel during their girth focused training. In my opinion this supports the theory that girth exercises (pumping specifically) convert stretched length to erect length.

Hillclimb89 - I tried searching, but didn’t find the right thread. If you can share a link that would help.

And Hillclimb89 "I personally don’t agree with the idea that you need to separate length work from girth work and go for length first." — regarding this, I know what you mean. I’ve honestly only attempted to gain length but have gained very significant girth in the process of attempting to grow my length. Without ever focusing on girth I’ve gone from a uniform 4.88" MSEG/ BEG, to 6.5" BEG / 5.5" MSEG, so I agree it’s near impossible to grow length without growing girth. However, I believe some old timers in the past that focused on girth first felt it ultimately hindered their length goals, which I believe is why I’ve read many times "length first, girth second".

I’ve continued to be too busy / lazy to jelq, and have just been doing ADS + water pumping, and have been growing slowly, and recently had my biggest BPFSL gains of all time (but less BPEL gains recently) which is why I started this thread. For the majority of my time as a PE’er, my BPEL was longer than my BPFSL, it only switched in the last year where now my BPEL is 7.3", but BPFSL is 7.75" (so my BPFSL finally exceed BPEL only in recent times).

Has anyone else had my experience of starting with a very short BPFSL, less than your BPEL, but PE eventually changed that? Also, if anyone has links to other threads with theories on this, I’m interested in trying to understand this better.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

I’ve never shared a link to a thread in a reply here, so hopefully this is the proper way.

Gaining volume with Kyrpa

I remember seeing a lot of girth vs length theories discussed in that thread but a great example is : Gaining Volume with Kyrpa. Page 1. Post 6

Last edited by Hillclimb89 : 12-04-2024 at . Reason: Spelling error

Thanks for linking Hillclimb89 . It’s an interesting thread — looks like Kyrpa does some things I personally haven’t delved into; chemical PE and ultrasound. His speed of gains is pretty incredible.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

No problem Blink. Kyrpa’s threads have so much information in them. So many of the smartest guys from that time were a part of those discussions. Any one that has hit a plateau would benefit from reading his and other related threads.

Originally Posted by ImNormoEquipped
So we’re all agreed that in order to bridge the gap between BPSFL and BPEL, we primarily need to work on the girth?

Even for those who do agree— how much girth work do you think people actually need? I suspect just a little girth work (e.g. 10-15 minutes of jelqs) might be enough to bridge the gap… I’ve just been doing pumping (it definitely improved my EQ quite a bit by the way, so it’s having a good impact).

And I think the whole length first / girth second is more about avoiding the advanced girth exercises (like clamping) until you reach length goals… Personally, I’ve formed the belief that length first / girth second (in this context) makes sense. Something else, I’ve gained a LOT of girth just by (mostly) working on length.. around 0.6" gained mid-shaft and over 1.25" gained base shaft through my newbie routines, hanging & ADS work. I at least get the impression that girth gains are "easy" compared to length gains (at least for me they are).

So I agreed with the "length first, girth second" concept in the sense that I don’t think it’s a good idea to do extremely intense length & girth exercises at the same time; that’s at least been the general advice I’ve seen from experienced PE’ers on forums like this. I’ve already had enough injuries as it is just working on relatively standard length gain approaches (I’ve had injuries from manual, hanging, ADS, and pumping too.. all minor injuries, but it could be worse if I had been doing really intense / advanced girth exercises).

In other words, I think basic girth exercises like jelqs or pumping aren’t so intense that they need to be avoided while working on length gains, and I agree, they probably do help bridge the gap between BPFSL & BPEL.. I think we should just qualify the statement (I don’t think people should be doing intense length work (e.g. hanging / or lots of ADS/ extender hours) & doing advanced girth work (e.g. clamping) at the same time; in my view it’s not advisable.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

My opinion, and it’s an opinion, is to just continue the efforts that got you the gains in bpfsl and they’ll convert to bpel.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

And this is valid too, because I just measured some major gains today, it was just a matter of time for my BPFSL gains to convert

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

Here’s how girth work might help (keep in mind it is just a hypothesis):

You might try soft clamping with silicone toe shields. Get a 10 pack, fold them in half, get erect, start stacking them on top of each other at the base while kegeling in blood. At some point it gets really tight and a bit uncomfortable. Once you’re happy with the expansion and the number of shields resulting in compression (I use 8-10) then set a timer for 10 minutes and stop kegeling blood in. No fresh blood is important because hypoxia is a cell-signal for growth factor release, as long as it doesn’t go on too long.

Be sure to remove them after 10 minutes to prevent fibroisis and transient nerve desensitization.

I typically do 2-3 sets most days a week, which is probably overkill. You can play around with frequency.

The idea is that the transient hypoxia leads to hypertrophy of the cavernosal structures, essentially filling in the cavernosa with more tissue. Theoretically this could lead to BPEL getting closer to BPEL.

I’ve noticed my girth has gone up with this technique, especially flaccid girth, and my penis feels much weightier. Like actually heavy. I’m way more a shower than I’ve ever been.

My BPEL and my BPFSL aren’t equalized but close. Not sure if this is why.

It could be that this filing out of CC tissue decreases overall penile stretchiness, so the equalization might be more about my BPFSL being less than it otherwise would, but my girth, erectile function overall size makes it seem worth it, whatever the case. And I’m still making gains on my elongation training.

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
Here’s how girth work might help (keep in mind it is just a hypothesis):

You might try soft clamping with silicone toe shields. Get a 10 pack, fold them in half, get erect, start stacking them on top of each other at the base while kegeling in blood. At some point it gets really tight and a bit uncomfortable. Once you’re happy with the expansion and the number of shields resulting in compression (I use 8-10) then set a timer for 10 minutes and stop kegeling blood in. No fresh blood is important because hypoxia is a cell-signal for growth factor release, as long as it doesn’t go on too long.

Are you talking about something like this?
https://www.ama … /dp/B0DDPGR4BT/

I am not PEing for long time yet but I could definitely consider clamping with something like this. I am quite familiar with vacuum pumping as of now but have been looking for some girth routine improvement to get some gains

START 10.2024 ==== 5.9 BPEL x 4.33 MEG (15 cm x 11 cm) ====

My PE journey

Originally Posted by blink2000

And this is valid too, because I just measured some major gains today, it was just a matter of time for my BPFSL gains to convert

I support this, I believe that trying to transform is a placebo and an unnecessary burden on the repairing tissues. Damn it, leave your penis alone, give it a rest, the more load - the less potential for growth and its slowness

Originally Posted by galander
Are you talking about something like this?
https://www.ama … /dp/B0DDPGR4BT/

I am not PEing for long time yet but I could definitely consider clamping with something like this. I am quite familiar with vacuum pumping as of now but have been looking for some girth routine improvement to get some gains

Yes, something like these. One thing to be aware of is that I’ve bought a couple of different brands and found some I like a bit more than others. There is a sweet spot in term of length (you want to be able to fold them over) and tensile resistance (I’ve found some a little too stretchy). You might have to shop around a little to get ones you like best. Fortunately they are inexpensive.

Also get a pack that are all the same size. Looks like the one you linked has varying lengths for different toes. I think that might end up making some less useful than others, and essentially wasted.

I got my favorite ones from, but the ones I got are not in stock, so no help in sharing the link. (I’ve also gotten the ones I least prefer from, so…)

Rock out with your cock out!


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