Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gaining 10+ cubic inches


Originally Posted by xenolith
Agreed on several points; in fact I said as much here:
but like training wheels, it’s important to leave it behind when one can replace it with KNOWLEDGE.


Faith is simply complete trust or confidence in something or someone.

I get where you’re coming from, as the connotations of the word are often religious and the word doesn’t necessitate proof, but you must remember it is not mutually exclusive to proof or knowledge.

Starting Stats: BPEL 5.5" EG 4.4" -- Current: BPEL 6.9" EG 4.95" -- Short Term Goal BPEL 7", EG 5.25" -- Ultimate Goal : BPEL 7.5" EG 5.75"

Originally Posted by moreme
Volume = L x (G / 2)^2 / 3.14
or for simple calculator entry: L x G x G / 12.56

I’m not quite at the 2-year mark, but here’s what I’m at so far:
7.5 x 5.5 to 8.5 x 5.6
18.1 ci to 21.2 ci
+3.1 ci (+17%)

Even if I could be guaranteed to keep gaining at the same rate, I’m sure I’d stop before the +10 ci mark.

Well, you started at pretty much my goal, haha.

So I guess where you start from is pretty important. 10 ci from where I started would barely get me to your starting point.

Starting Stats: BPEL 5.5" EG 4.4" -- Current: BPEL 6.9" EG 4.95" -- Short Term Goal BPEL 7", EG 5.25" -- Ultimate Goal : BPEL 7.5" EG 5.75"

Originally Posted by Ddiggity
10 ci from where I started would barely get me to your starting point.

That is exactly the point why I think a statistic in raw numbers does not fully get the point.

If a 7x5.5 adds 4 cubic inches, he adds 7% in volume. If a 5x4 adds 2 cubic inches, this is an additional 26% in volume. But still, the 4 cub inch gainer gets the hoorays. (all numbers mentally calculated, so they are pretty rough).

But from an “owner perspective” the 2 additional cub inches of the dick with the lower starting measurments the proportional growth is much bigger to the beholders eyes and in effective percents.

Looking at growth in % is more neutral and in my opinion less discriminating to the guys with the lower measurements. And that is something I think is worshipped at Thundersplace.

I am NOT saying that the OP is discriminating, in this I want to be very clear. I am just saying that the proportional growth is what matters to the individual, not the raw numbers.

I hope I don’t hurt feelings with this post, but it matters to me and being among the blessed in size I think that we have to make a statement about too much number fetishism because it can frighten or frustrate the ones starting at smaller stats.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Believing it’s worth it.

No matter what endeavor we’re talking about, it’s very difficult to spend thousands of hours over several years on something unless there’s an ongoing desire for it.

Everyone has their own reasons why they think PE is worth it. It’s important to hold on to them. Big gainers simply want it more. Or they want it for reasons that don’t fade away as the years go by. Long before I knew for certain I’d keep gaining, I knew I’d do everything in my power to attempt it.

For me PE has always been a no brainer, since the day I learned it was possible. I felt like I won the cock lottery with the knowledge and ability to transform my dick size. Like I won a million bucks. But it turns out the million bucks pays out over ten years and you have to work at it like it’s a part time job to get it.

Basically, from various girlfriends over the years, and just plain common sense, I know that penis size is very important. Going from small to big is the attraction equivalent of growing 6 to 8 inches taller. Or gaining 20 pounds of muscle while losing 20 pounds of fat. Or getting all your teeth back. And so it’s easy for me to do every workout. Sure, average is enough. That’s absolutely true if you want it to be. A man can live a fine life with an average cock, and enjoy sexual satisfaction to his heart’s desire. But bigger is better, that’s the plain and simple truth. And if you start telling yourself average is enough, you might stop after gaining 3 to 5 cubic inches. Believe me, no matter how fast you hit the ground running, after spending a couple thousand hours at this, any guy will begin to have his motives tested.

I also see guys stop PE short of their goals because they start doing it from a place of inadequacy. Like a personal admission of guilt and shame as a man. That not only were you born small dicked, but you’re stupid and miserable enough to spend 10 years changing it. It’s part of a larger media trend of men apologizing for being men. Fuck that.

However you do it and whatever your reasons, PE from a place of being proud of your penis. And believe that improving it through PE is a noble endeavor that will improve your sex life for you and everyone you’re with for the rest of your life. And that the confidence from gains will permeate out into all aspects of your life, making you a better man, and the world a better place.

I may be preaching to the choir on this topic, but I see a lot of guys stop short of big gains from getting caught in PE negativity, or losing track of the reasons why it’s worth it. It’s a long road we’re walking on this path. If we’re resolute and pure in our desire for it, we are sure to make it.

I suppose I’m beating a dead horse at this point on the belief stuff. Quite simply, keep going, don’t quit, and you’ll keep growing. If you really want it, getting it is almost that easy.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Believing it’s worth it.

No matter what endeavor we’re talking about, it’s very difficult to spend thousands of hours over several years on something unless there’s an ongoing desire for it.

As much time as I’ve put into PE, I could be a black belt in two martial arts. And it’s quite simply a test of resolve for ANYTHING that takes this level of commitment. I preach temperance because the ones who cannot meter themselves and stay motivated to persevere are going to fall short and blame PE instead of the lack of determination. The same way athletes who don’t make the grade refuse to put more time in for the goal of reaching a higher level.

I also see guys stop PE short of their goals because they start doing it from a place of inadequacy. Like a personal admission of guilt and shame as a man. That not only were you born small dicked, but you’re stupid and miserable enough to spend 10 years changing it. It’s part of a larger media trend of men apologizing for being men. Fuck that.

This I confront in PMs a lot, when a guy will first send me a message. If you feel bad about you, PE will not fix that. If you need me to reassure you that you’re smart for making this choice then this choice is not for you as you are not ready to confront it on its merits for you.

Inadequacy, in essence, is why PE came to be. To desire more and be more. In this place and context, more is better. Bar none. But more dick doesn’t fix a poor self image. It can empower you to confront that self image as you change it to suit your desires. The power to change ones fate and enjoy the choice is often the step a person takes when realizing that they are in the driver’s seat of the life they are living and begets confidence like no other. But that is not a bigger dick doing it.

That is harnessing the power to stick to and change something of your choosing and realizing your world is clay for the molding. And if you are ashamed or feel foolish for taking that step then you likely are unready for that step or any results it can give you.

PE cannot work if you aren’t willing to change how you see yourself and the hand you were dealt. Because you can deal yourself any hand you so choose. Because you have that power to change the life you’re living to reach what it is you want.

If you believe that, Penis Enlargement is inevitable. It is simply a matter of time and effort you have yet to spend.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Very well said, Dude. At least I think so. Having gained a whole bunch over the last very long time I feel I should second what the Dude has said, as it matches my experience right on. And most sincerely I will testify that bigger is better, and I’ll add that way bigger is way better. For me there is just no question.

I would be classified as one of those that has no problem going on faith for spiritual issues but that was not part of my PE experience at all.
I tried and failed and quit PE 15 years ago but wanted to give it another attempt. The main difference this time was I going to stick with it for 6 months before any evaluation. Three months in I had no gains so if this was just a faith journey I am pretty sure I woulda quit a second time and never gave it another thought.
Having a more realistic timeline for evaluation (and TG advice on not letting golf season be a hard completion date) is what made the difference. Yes I was discouraged with no gains 3 months in but I expected that knowing I am a hard gainer with working out so this would most likely be similar… and it was/is.

As to the 10 ci goal… my hope was a simple gain of 3/4 to 1” in length (and 9 months in I am ecstatic to have reached this goal). When I started, I didn’t have any idea about measuring based on volume… but along the way I have been educated and have changed my end goal to one that would net me a 7 ci increase in volume. Not quite 10 but this new goal is one I never would have imagined possible just a few months back.

To respond to the percentage based gain discussion:

In the database, there is almost zero correlation between raw volume gains and starting volume. Small guys and big guys report roughly equal overall gains, on average.

That also means that small guys, on average, gain a higher percentage volume, and undergo a more noticeable transformation.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Wow gents, thought-provoking and inspiring thread!

From BD’s “The illusory plateau”:

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Every workout we do, every rest we take, is resulting in gains on some microscopic scale.

An illusory plateau corollary?

Being new to success with PE, BD’s statement above about “every rest we take” reminded me of something similar I’d been pondering about how newbie’s initial starts & stops may be unintended, de facto decon breaks between their repeated attempts at PE (although I had no working explanation of the mechanism). Along this line I posted the following last week:

Originally Posted by Quantum Leap
I tried PE on and off over the course of a year with little to no success. Around four months ago when I fully committed and began slightly modifying my routine as my intuition and PI’s led me (and much of this came from reading tons on this forum), I began seeing modest success and was actually shocked by it as even though I’d become convinced it was possible for some, I’d become fearful that I was just one of those guys who couldn’t gain.

Many vets have suggested that decon breaks of from weeks to months can help us when gains stop and I’ve wondered if many of us that don’t seem to see gains at first (and subsequently quit and then restart, etc.) aren’t actually conditioning our units for growth that third or fourth or fifth time we try even though the progress we may have made was undetectable at the time of the initial (apparently failed) attempts.

So in the light of BD’s statements, perhaps here is an explanation for not only what he proposed but a synergistic process to help explain why a newbie may finally have success specifically after not only trying for a long time (as BD suggests) but also the start/stop pattern itself that many successful gainers have followed:

Learn about PE. Have hope. Learn more about PE. Try hard. No (perceived) gain. Quit in frustration. Read more. Get re-energized. Repeat.

So is it probable that purposefully adding decon breaks at times when no results are apparent could be an aid to the process BD has scoped out - for all the reasons BD states but adding the catalyst that a decon break may provide (if you accept the premise they’re effective).

If so, this could help explain why many of us who persisted, while ironically giving up every so often from frustration, may have benefited from the very low level change/growth BD suggests is happening and the deconditioning we unwittingly kept giving ourselves.

So offering this to a newbie might look like:
- Try PE for six weeks.
- Didn’t seem to work? No problem - just do nothing (decon) for a week.
- Rinse & repeat (with BD’s aforementioned caveat of believing/knowing that this process will eventually bring results).

For your consideration,


Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!

Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:

Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
To respond to the percentage based gain discussion:

In the database, there is almost zero correlation between raw volume gains and starting volume. Small guys and big guys report roughly equal overall gains, on average.

That also means that small guys, on average, gain a higher percentage volume, and undergo a more noticeable transformation.

I am surprised, positively surprised! And thanks to BD for the work! It’s clear that if the growth factors are nearly independent of starting size that in proportions the smaller sizes get more percentage of growth.

This means that the correlation remains just between the gains to the individually adapted method, time, consistency and patience. And that is therefore the proof that the OP is absolutely right.

Cool to know, so let’s keep the faith and set unlimited growth as goal. Just keep training consistently and never stop. No irony - just amazed and even more motivated.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Well, yes, Richard65 - provided one has learned how to gain.

I don’t want people to think I discovered this stuff or that it’s my theory. I just read a lot, applied the knowledge, and don’t consider my penis or anatomy special in any way. All this got discovered, theorized, and posted many years ago.

So the learning how to gain part. That’s what this forum is about. The key to it is reading and understanding. Anatomy threads, theory of growth and stress application threads, and the applied knowledge of various methods and routines. Explore everything, and somewhere along the way you’ll learn how to gain for yourself. The unique combination of the factors of force, duration, frequency, and rest.

I think this exploration of all the methods and ideas should be done at the beginning of one’s PE journey, if you’re going for big gains. The work on the research end should be frontloaded. Try out mechanical PE methods and devices sooner than later. Sure, manuals can take you all the way for some guys, but devices allow for a greater range of all those variables in the “combination of factors”. Maybe like me, you find everything works about the same. Or maybe you find something that significantly increased your gains rate. Or some form of PE that is more agreeable and enjoyable than other forms to you. Better to find that stuff out early on. It also gives the ability to target different tissues, and sculpt growth in the areas you want. Maybe you don’t find any special combination that leads to faster gains. But by exploring all the methods, you’ve been doing successful PE in a variety of forms for several years, you end up considerably bigger after the exploration phase, and you have the knowledge to continue gaining and adapt to whatever changes come your way.

Maybe for some guys, this exploration of everything isn’t the way. I get that. Especially if you have something that’s working for you. You find that early on, stick with it for a long time. That works. But I think some guys are left behind by the advice of “keep doing manuals for as long as possible.”

Questing after a higher gains rate. At some point you’ll settle onto something and find out roughly what your gains rate is. And you’ll be able to see PE as a rote exchange of time and effort for gains. You’ll be able to think OK, I can gain 1 cubic inch if I do this 500 hours of PE this year. Fill in your own numbers. Personally I’ve been looking for ways to increase my gains rate throughout my exploration phase. I’d rather spend 1000 hours per year and gain 2 cubic inches. But it just isn’t there for me, in any method that I’ve found and tried. I do think questing after the higher gains rate is worth it, for a time. Some guys will find something. And the guys that don’t will learn to gain along the way. At some point though, the quest for higher gains costs more time than it’s worth. If I spend 1000 hours researching, and 1000 hours on PE in a year, and still gain 1 cubic inch, when I know I could have gained that same 1 ci simply doing 500 hours of PE in that year without giving any of it a second thought, then it wasn’t very well worth it was it? Anyway, my point is there is a balance to be found in this quest for higher gains rate.

Questing for a more efficient gains rate. And so after the exploration, or at whatever point a guy finds something that works for him at a sufficient gains rate - the name of the game becomes finding ways to get that same gains rate with less time and work. Personally I think 1 ci per year is a fine gains rate. It’s worth it for me to do PE at that rate. And I think anybody who finds something that gets them that rate or higher would be wise to stick to it.

I guess what I’m trying to get at, in a long winded way, is that to gain 10+ cubic inches is going to take a lot of time, so use that time wisely. Or you might run out of patience for the journey along the way. You might be able to spend an extra 1,000 hours on exploring methods and ideas over the first couple years of PE, that will end up saving you many thousands of hours later in the journey by using a more effective and efficient routine. Conversely, you might spend an extra 5,000 hours along the journey over-analyzing a bunch of methods that end up working the same, as I probably have.

The important thing is to learn to gain. So that you know each workout is causing growth, based on trial and error, understanding, and observed results. Once you know for sure what you’re doing will work, it’s no longer faith and belief. It’s just time and effort and gains.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

This is well said BD. I have been practicing PE since July 2015 and I feel for myself that I have just touched the tip of the iceberg relative to my own exploration of me and PE. I know that I am the key variable in this process. I have had some newbie success, but just recently ran into a 200 day hard lesson of no physically measurable gains.

If just tugging and squeezing my cock was all that was required I would be far ahead of where I am, but it’s going to take much more than that.

Practice, study, analyzing data and adjusting approach based on information.

I’m personally just loving the challenge, loving the process and I am actually somewhat happy that results don’t come easy in the world of PE.

I feel your perspective.

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Well, yes, Richard65 - provided one has learned how to gain.

I don’t want people to think I discovered this stuff or that it’s my theory. I just read a lot, applied the knowledge, and don’t consider my penis or anatomy special in any way. All this got discovered, theorized, and posted many years ago.

So the learning how to gain part. That’s what this forum is about. The key to it is reading and understanding. Anatomy threads, theory of growth and stress application threads, and the applied knowledge of various methods and routines. Explore everything, and somewhere along the way you’ll learn how to gain for yourself. The unique combination of the factors of force, duration, frequency, and rest.

I think this exploration of all the methods and ideas should be done at the beginning of one’s PE journey, if you’re going for big gains. The work on the research end should be frontloaded. Try out mechanical PE methods and devices sooner than later. Sure, manuals can take you all the way for some guys, but devices allow for a greater range of all those variables in the “combination of factors”. Maybe like me, you find everything works about the same. Or maybe you find something that significantly increased your gains rate. Or some form of PE that is more agreeable and enjoyable than other forms to you. Better to find that stuff out early on. It also gives the ability to target different tissues, and sculpt growth in the areas you want. Maybe you don’t find any special combination that leads to faster gains. But by exploring all the methods, you’ve been doing successful PE in a variety of forms for several years, you end up considerably bigger after the exploration phase, and you have the knowledge to continue gaining and adapt to whatever changes come your way.

Maybe for some guys, this exploration of everything isn’t the way. I get that. Especially if you have something that’s working for you. You find that early on, stick with it for a long time. That works. But I think some guys are left behind by the advice of “keep doing manuals for as long as possible.”

Questing after a higher gains rate. At some point you’ll settle onto something and find out roughly what your gains rate is. And you’ll be able to see PE as a rote exchange of time and effort for gains. You’ll be able to think OK, I can gain 1 cubic inch if I do this 500 hours of PE this year. Fill in your own numbers. Personally I’ve been looking for ways to increase my gains rate throughout my exploration phase. I’d rather spend 1000 hours per year and gain 2 cubic inches. But it just isn’t there for me, in any method that I’ve found and tried. I do think questing after the higher gains rate is worth it, for a time. Some guys will find something. And the guys that don’t will learn to gain along the way. At some point though, the quest for higher gains costs more time than it’s worth. If I spend 1000 hours researching, and 1000 hours on PE in a year, and still gain 1 cubic inch, when I know I could have gained that same 1 ci simply doing 500 hours of PE in that year without giving any of it a second thought, then it wasn’t very well worth it was it? Anyway, my point is there is a balance to be found in this quest for higher gains rate.

Questing for a more efficient gains rate. And so after the exploration, or at whatever point a guy finds something that works for him at a sufficient gains rate - the name of the game becomes finding ways to get that same gains rate with less time and work. Personally I think 1 ci per year is a fine gains rate. It’s worth it for me to do PE at that rate. And I think anybody who finds something that gets them that rate or higher would be wise to stick to it.

I guess what I’m trying to get at, in a long winded way, is that to gain 10+ cubic inches is going to take a lot of time, so use that time wisely. Or you might run out of patience for the journey along the way. You might be able to spend an extra 1,000 hours on exploring methods and ideas over the first couple years of PE, that will end up saving you many thousands of hours later in the journey by using a more effective and efficient routine. Conversely, you might spend an extra 5,000 hours along the journey over-analyzing a bunch of methods that end up working the same, as I probably have.

The important thing is to learn to gain. So that you know each workout is causing growth, based on trial and error, understanding, and observed results. Once you know for sure what you’re doing will work, it’s no longer faith and belief. It’s just time and effort and gains.

This is among the most insightful posts that I’ve read on Thunder’sPlace; and beautifully composed as well. I particularly appreciate the ‘evolution of focus’ format and the rationale for jumping to the logical end game, i.e. efficient gains. All is revealed. Good for you. And Thank You. And this is the finest, that I’ve yet read, summary of WHAT PE practitioners…practice:

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
The important thing is to learn to gain. So that you know each workout is causing growth, based on trial and error, understanding, and observed results. Once you know for sure what you’re doing will work, it’s no longer faith and belief. It’s just time and effort and gains.



originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Very generous of you xeno. It seemed like a lot of blathering to me.

Ironically, several newbies have PM’d me asking about the magic routine I used to gain 10 cubic inches. I’m sorry but I won’t reveal it, ever. No matter how many people ask. :nerner:

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Very generous of you xeno. It seemed like a lot of blathering to me.

Ironically, several newbies have PM’d me asking about the magic routine I used to gain 10 cubic inches. I’m sorry but I won’t reveal it, ever. No matter how many people ask. :nerner:

But, you know there has to be a way to get length and girth fast. I mean, you probably know it if you’ve gained that much, right? *laughs*

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.


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