Gaining 10+ cubic inches
Right now, I think newbies here are set on a course that will yield them about 1-3 cubic inches of gains if they are lazy, and 3-5 cubic inches of gains if they are dedicated. These are obviously generalizations, but ones that are borne out in the data. The average gain is about 3.5 cubic inches in the database.
Also from the database, we know that only 4% of members gain 10+ cubic inches. And only 1% gain 15+ cubic inches. I personally think those who post in the database, as a group, get better gains than those that don’t, because of a dedication selection bias in the data. So it’s safe to say less than 4% of guys get 10+ cubic inches. And I think most guys coming here with an average or smaller starting size, are hoping for a 10+ cubic inch gain.
I no longer think the big gainers are lucky. Some of them are… lucky to have a fast gains rate. But I’m just a normal gainer, 1 cubic inch per year ever since my newbie gains rate wore off. I’ve gained about 7 cubic inches volume, and there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that I will gain 5-7 more cubic inches over enough time.
So strongly do I believe in the physiological process of gaining, I think that anyone who can get PE to work for them at all - that is, anyone who can gain even 1 cubic inch, can also gain 10+ cubic inches, if they want to strongly enough. In the database, about 97% of members with 2 or more entries have recorded a gain. And I think those are about the right odds for somebody to gain 10+ cubic inches if they’re willing to do whatever it takes to do it.
Belief and positive mindset are key. Belief is so important. If you start PE and expect to gain 3 cubic inches and believe that anything more than that is luck, or a blessing, or out of your control - then it will be. But if you believe that the physiological process of PE makes gains a biological certainty, then your gains are potentially unlimited. In the data the upper limit seems to be around 25 cubic inches gained. The real limits to me, seem to be how much you can fit in a vagina, and how much time and effort one is willing to devote to this endeavor.
The only trick to it, is learning to gain - which has a unique and individual meaning to each member, based on their own anatomy. And that takes reading the forums, a lot. I’ve probably spent more time reading and researching than actually doing PE. If you dig around enough, the knowledge needed is all over TP. But if you don’t know that digging is worth an extra 5-7 cubic inches in your gains, or more, then you’re stuck with the 3-5 cubic inch average.
More thoughts on this to come.
Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"